Projects STRLCPY ransomware_notes Commits c8867e4c
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     1 + 
     2 +Hello!
     3 + 
     4 + If you are reading this, it means that your system were hit by Royal ransomware.
     5 + Please contact us via :
     6 + http://royal2xthig3ou5hd7zsliqagy6yygk2cdelaxtni2fyad6dpmpxedid.onion/[snip]
     7 + 
     8 +In the meantime, let us explain this case.It may seem complicated, but it is not!
     9 +Most likely what happened was that you decided to save some money on your security infrastructure.
     10 +Alas, as a result your critical data was not only encrypted but also copied from your systems on a secure server.
     11 +From there it can be published online.Then anyone on the internet from darknet criminals, ACLU journalists, Chinese government(different names for the same thing),
     12 +and even your employees will be able to see your internal documentation: personal data, HR reviews, internal lawsuitsand complains, financial reports, accounting, intellectual property, and more!
     13 + 
     14 + Fortunately we got you covered!
     15 + 
     16 +Royal offers you a unique deal.For a modest royalty(got it; got it ? ) for our pentesting services we will not only provide you with an amazing risk mitigation service,
     17 +covering you from reputational, legal, financial, regulatory, and insurance risks, but will also provide you with a security review for your systems.
     18 +To put it simply, your files will be decrypted, your data restoredand kept confidential, and your systems will remain secure.
     19 + 
     20 + Try Royal today and enter the new era of data security!
     21 + We are looking to hearing from you soon!
     22 + 
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