Projects STRLCPY pentest-tools Commits 2202c6d9
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    skipped 26 lines
    27 27   echo " - github_ssh_key"
    28 28   echo " - github_token"
    29 29   echo " - gitlab_private_token"
     30 + echo " - gitlab_runner_registration_token"
    30 31   echo " - google_cm"
    31 32   echo " - google_maps_key"
    32 33   echo " - heroku_api_key"
    skipped 225 lines
    258 259   cmd="curl 'https://$2/api/v4/projects?private_token=$3'"
    259 260   else
    260 261   echo "Usage: $0 $1 <subdomain> <token>"
     262 + fi
     263 + ;;
     264 + 'gitlab_runner_registration_token')
     265 + if [ $# -eq 2 ] ; then
     266 + cmd="docker run --rm gitlab/gitlab-runner register \
     267 + --non-interactive \
     268 + --executor \"docker\" \
     269 + --docker-image alpine:latest \
     270 + --url \"\" \
     271 + --registration-token \"${2}\" \
     272 + --description \"keyhacks-test\" \
     273 + --maintenance-note \"Testing token with keyhacks\" \
     274 + --tag-list \"docker,aws\" \
     275 + --run-untagged=\"true\" \
     276 + --locked=\"false\" \
     277 + --access-level=\"not_protected\""
     278 + else
     279 + echo "Usage: $0 $1 <token>"
    261 280   fi
    262 281   ;;
    263 282   'google_cm')
    skipped 275 lines
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