Projects STRLCPY pentest-tools Commits 1acffad3
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    129 129   
    130 130  def testURL( url ):
    131 131   time.sleep( 0.01 )
    132  - # print(url)
     132 + t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
     133 + 
    133 134   if _verbose <= 1:
    134 135   sys.stdout.write( 'progress: %d/%d\r' % (t_multiproc['n_current'],t_multiproc['n_total']) )
    135  - t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
     136 + # t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
    136 137   
    137 138   pool = Pool( 10 )
    138 139 partial(testPayload,url), t_payloads )
    skipped 20 lines
    159 160   
    160 161   if _verbose <= 1:
    161 162   sys.stdout.write( 'progress: %d/%d\r' % (t_multiproc['n_current'],t_multiproc['n_total']) )
    162  - t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
     163 + # t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
    163 164   
    164 165   t_urlparse = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    165 166   u = t_urlparse.scheme + '_' + t_urlparse.netloc
    skipped 106 lines
    272 273   fp.close()
    273 274   else:
    274 275   t_urls.append( args.urls )
     276 +else:
     277 + while True:
     278 + try:
     279 + url = input()
     280 + except EOFError:
     281 + break
     282 + else:
     283 + t_urls.append( url )
     284 + 
    275 285  n_urls = len(t_urls)
    276 286  if _verbose < 4:
    277 287   sys.stdout.write( '%s[+] %d urls found: %s%s\n' % (fg('green'),n_urls,args.urls,attr(0)) )
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    skipped 126 lines
    127 127   
    128 128  def testURL( url ):
    129 129   time.sleep( 0.01 )
     130 + t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
    130 131   
    131 132   if _verbose <= 1:
    132 133   sys.stdout.write( 'progress: %d/%d\r' % (t_multiproc['n_current'],t_multiproc['n_total']) )
    133  - t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
     134 + # t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
    134 135   
    135 136   pool = Pool( 10 )
    136 137 partial(testPayload,url), t_payloads )
    skipped 16 lines
    153 154   
    154 155   if _verbose <= 1:
    155 156   sys.stdout.write( 'progress: %d/%d\r' % (t_multiproc['n_current'],t_multiproc['n_total']) )
    156  - t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
     157 + # t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
    157 158   
    158 159   t_urlparse = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    159 160   u = t_urlparse.scheme + '_' + t_urlparse.netloc
    skipped 106 lines
    266 267   fp.close()
    267 268   else:
    268 269   t_urls.append( args.urls )
     270 +else:
     271 + while True:
     272 + try:
     273 + url = input()
     274 + except EOFError:
     275 + break
     276 + else:
     277 + t_urls.append( url )
     278 + 
    269 279  n_urls = len(t_urls)
    270 280  if _verbose < 4:
    271 281   sys.stdout.write( '%s[+] %d urls found: %s%s\n' % (fg('green'),n_urls,args.urls,attr(0)) )
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    skipped 72 lines
    73 73   url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(t_urlparse)
    74 74   doTest( url )
    75 75   # convert get params to post
    76  - t_urlparse = t_urlparse._replace(query='')
    77  - url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(t_urlparse)
     76 + # t_urlparse = t_urlparse._replace(query='')
     77 + # url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(t_urlparse)
    78 78   # doTest( url, 'POST', new_query )
    79 79   
    80 80   
    skipped 34 lines
    115 115   
    116 116  def testURL( url ):
    117 117   time.sleep( 0.01 )
     118 + t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
    118 119   
    119 120   if _verbose <= 1:
    120 121   sys.stdout.write( 'progress: %d/%d\r' % (t_multiproc['n_current'],t_multiproc['n_total']) )
    121  - t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
     122 + # t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
    122 123   
    123 124   pool = Pool( 10 )
    124 125 partial(testPayload,url), t_payloads )
    skipped 4 lines
    129 130  def doTest( url, method='GET', post_params='' ):
    130 131   
    131 132   realDoTest( [url,method,post_params] )
     133 + 
    132 134   # t_realdotest.append( [url,method,post_params] )
    133 135   return
    134 136   
    skipped 7 lines
    142 144   
    143 145   if _verbose <= 1:
    144 146   sys.stdout.write( 'progress: %d/%d\r' % (t_multiproc['n_current'],t_multiproc['n_total']) )
    145  - t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
     147 + # t_multiproc['n_current'] = t_multiproc['n_current'] + 1
    146 148   
    147 149   t_urlparse = urllib.parse.urlparse( url )
    148 150   t_params = [ method, url, post_params, _cookies, t_urlparse.netloc ]
    skipped 95 lines
    244 246   fp.close()
    245 247   else:
    246 248   t_urls.append( args.urls )
     249 +else:
     250 + while True:
     251 + try:
     252 + url = input()
     253 + except EOFError:
     254 + break
     255 + else:
     256 + t_urls.append( url )
     257 + 
    247 258  n_urls = len(t_urls)
    248 259  if _verbose < 4:
    249 260   sys.stdout.write( '%s[+] %d urls found: %s%s\n' % (fg('green'),n_urls,args.urls,attr(0)) )
    skipped 170 lines
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