Projects STRLCPY opencti Commits 23dbfc80
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    79 79   return filterRefs;
    80 80  };
    81 81   
    82  -const isInstanceAccessible = async (context, user, instance, filterCache, filters = {}) => {
    83  - // Check if user have correct access rights.
    84  - const isUserHaveAccessToElement = await isUserCanAccessStixElement(context, user, instance);
    85  - if (!isUserHaveAccessToElement) {
    86  - return false;
    87  - }
    88  - // When apply extra filters if needed.
    89  - if (isNotEmptyField(filters)) {
    90  - // Pre-filter transformation to handle specific frontend format
    91  - const adaptedFilters = adaptFiltersFrontendFormat(filters);
    92  - // User is granted, but we still need to apply filters if needed
    93  - const filterEntries = Object.entries(adaptedFilters);
    94  - for (let index = 0; index < filterEntries.length; index += 1) {
    95  - const [type, { operator, values }] = filterEntries[index];
    96  - // Markings filtering
    97  - if (type === MARKING_FILTER) {
    98  - if (values.length === 0) {
    99  - return true;
    100  - }
    101  - const markings = instance.object_marking_refs || [];
    102  - if (values.length > 0 && markings.length === 0) {
    103  - return false;
    104  - }
    105  - const filterMarkingRefs = await filterCacheResolver(values, filterCache);
    106  - const found = filterMarkingRefs.some((r) => markings.includes(r));
    107  - if (!found) {
    108  - return false;
    109  - }
    110  - }
    111  - // Entity type filtering
    112  - if (type === TYPE_FILTER) {
    113  - const instanceType = instance.extensions[STIX_EXT_OCTI].type;
    114  - const instanceAllTypes = [instanceType, ...getParentTypes(instanceType)];
    115  - let found = false;
    116  - if (values.length === 0) {
    117  - found = true;
    118  - } else {
    119  - // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
    120  - for (const filter of values) {
    121  - if (instanceAllTypes.includes( {
    122  - found = true;
    123  - }
    124  - }
    125  - }
    126  - if (!found) {
    127  - return false;
    128  - }
    129  - }
    130  - // Workflow
    131  - if (type === WORKFLOW_FILTER) {
    132  - const workflowId = instance.extensions[STIX_EXT_OCTI].workflow_id;
    133  - const found = values.includes(workflowId);
    134  - if (!found) {
    135  - return false;
    136  - }
    137  - }
    138  - // Creator filtering
    139  - if (type === CREATOR_FILTER) {
    140  - if (values.length === 0) {
    141  - return true;
    142  - }
    143  - if (values.length > 0 && instance.created_by_ref === undefined) {
    144  - return false;
    145  - }
    146  - const filterCreationRefs = await filterCacheResolver(values, filterCache);
    147  - const found = filterCreationRefs.includes(instance.created_by_ref);
    148  - if (!found) {
    149  - return false;
    150  - }
    151  - }
    152  - // Labels filtering
    153  - if (type === LABEL_FILTER) {
    154  - const labels = [...(instance.labels ?? []), ...(instance.extensions[STIX_EXT_OCTI_SCO]?.labels ?? [])];
    155  - const found = => v.value).some((r) => labels.includes(r));
    156  - if (!found) {
    157  - return false;
    158  - }
    159  - }
    160  - // Boolean filtering
    161  - if (type === REVOKED_FILTER || type === DETECTION_FILTER) {
    162  - const { id } = R.head(values);
    163  - const found = (id === 'true') === instance.revoked;
    164  - if (!found) {
    165  - return false;
    166  - }
    167  - }
    168  - // Numeric filtering
    169  - if (type === SCORE_FILTER || type === CONFIDENCE_FILTER) {
    170  - const { id } = R.head(values);
    171  - let found = false;
    172  - const numeric = parseInt(id, 10);
    173  - switch (operator) {
    174  - case 'lt':
    175  - found = instance[type] < numeric;
    176  - break;
    177  - case 'lte':
    178  - found = instance[type] <= numeric;
    179  - break;
    180  - case 'gt':
    181  - found = instance[type] > numeric;
    182  - break;
    183  - case 'gte':
    184  - found = instance[type] >= numeric;
    185  - break;
    186  - default:
    187  - found = instance[type] === numeric;
    188  - }
    189  - if (!found) {
    190  - return false;
    191  - }
    192  - }
    193  - // String filtering
    194  - if (type === PATTERN_FILTER) {
    195  - const { id } = R.head(values);
    196  - const found = id === instance[type];
    197  - if (!found) {
    198  - return false;
    199  - }
    200  - }
    201  - }
    202  - }
    203  - return true;
    204  -};
    205  - 
    206 82  const createBroadcastClient = (channel) => {
    207 83   let lastHeartbeat;
    208 84   return {
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    363 239   return;
    364 240   }
    365 241   const { client } = createSseChannel(req, res);
    366  - const filterCache = new LRU({ max: MAX_CACHE_SIZE, ttl: MAX_CACHE_TIME });
    367 242   const processor = createStreamProcessor(sessionUser, sessionUser.user_email, false, async (elements, lastEventId) => {
    368 243   // Process the event messages
    369 244   for (let index = 0; index < elements.length; index += 1) {
    370 245   const { id: eventId, event, data } = elements[index];
    371  - const instanceAccessible = await isInstanceAccessible(context, sessionUser,, filterCache);
     246 + const instanceAccessible = await isUserCanAccessStixElement(context, sessionUser,;
    372 247   if (instanceAccessible) {
    373 248   client.sendEvent(eventId, event, data);
    374 249   }
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