Projects STRLCPY obfus.h Files
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obfus.h is a macro-only library for compile-time obfuscating C applications, designed specifically for the Tiny C (tcc). It is tailored for Windows x86 and x64 platforms and supports all versions of the compiler.

  • 🔍 Function Call Obfuscation: Confuse function calls to make your code less readable to unauthorized eyes.
  • 🛡️ Anti-Debugging Techniques: Built-in mechanisms to prevent code analysis during runtime.
  • 🔄 Control Flow Code Mutation: Turns code into spaghetti, making it difficult to parse conditions and loops.
  • 🚫 Complex Anti-Decompilation Techniques: Makes many popular decompilers useless visually breaking their output.


Integrating obfus.h into your project is a simple process. Just include the following line in your code:

#include "obfus.h"

This will automatically obfuscate your code during compilation, ensuring protection and confidentiality of your intellectual property.

Available options for protection configuring:

#define no_cflow       1  // Don't use Control-Flow obfuscation
#define no_antidebug   1  // Don't build in debugging protection
#define hide_antidebug 1  // Use dynamic calls to hide antidebugger

or use it with compiler args:

tcc "app.c" -w  -D no_cflow  -D no_antidebug

⚠️ When compiling an application with obfuscation, use the -w argument to suppress warnings. Otherwise, the console will display numerous intimidating logs that have no impact on the final result. There's no need to be alarmed by them.


// Let's obfuscate your code!

#include <stdio.h>

// #define no_cflow      1
// #define no_antidebug  1
#include "obfus.h"

void main() {
    char *out = malloc(256);

    strcpy(out, "Hello, world!");

    if (out) {
    } else {


The obfuscator was written with support for Tiny C of any version (even 0.9.24). However, for best results, you should use the latest version of the compiler. It opens up more possibilities for confusion

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