Projects STRLCPY metabigor Commits e82a72eb
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    skipped 84 lines
    85 85   var data []string
    86 86   core.BannerF(fmt.Sprintf("Search on %v for: ", options.Search.Source), input)
    87 87   if options.Search.Source == "all" {
    88  - options.Search.Source = "ony,shodan"
     88 + options.Search.Source = "ony,shodan,trails"
    89 89   }
    90 90   options.Search.Query = input
    91 91   
    skipped 5 lines
    97 97   if strings.Contains(options.Search.Source, "sho") {
    98 98   data = append(data, modules.Shodan(options.Search.Query, options)...)
    99 99   }
     100 + //
     101 + //if strings.Contains(options.Search.Source, "trail") || strings.Contains(options.Search.Source, "sec") {
     102 + // data = append(data, modules.SecurityTrails(options.Search.Query, options)...)
     103 + //}
    100 104   
    101 105   return data
    102 106  }
    skipped 1 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 26 lines
    27 27   scanCmd.Flags().BoolP("flat", "f", true, "format output like this:")
    28 28   scanCmd.Flags().BoolP("nmap", "n", false, "Use nmap instead of masscan for overview scan")
    29 29   scanCmd.Flags().BoolP("zmap", "z", false, "Only scan range with zmap")
    30  - 
    31 30   scanCmd.Flags().BoolP("skip-masscan", "s", false, "run nmap from input format like this:")
     31 + 
    32 32   scanCmd.Flags().StringP("script", "S", "", "nmap scripts")
     33 + scanCmd.Flags().String("nmap-command", "sudo nmap -sSV -p {{.ports}} {{.input}} {{.script}} -T4 --open -oA {{.output}}", "Nmap template command to run")
    33 34   scanCmd.Flags().StringP("grep", "g", "", "match string to confirm script success")
    34 35   // only parse scan
    35 36   scanCmd.Flags().StringP("result-folder", "R", "", "Result folder")
    skipped 3 lines
    39 40  }
    40 41   
    41 42  func runScan(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
     43 + options.Scan.NmapTemplate, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString("nmap-command")
    42 44   options.Scan.NmapScripts, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString("script")
    43 45   options.Scan.GrepString, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString("grep")
    44 46   options.Scan.Ports, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString("ports")
    skipped 215 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 81 lines
    82 82   
    83 83  // ErrorF print good message
    84 84  func ErrorF(format string, args ...interface{}) {
    85  - good := color.RedString("[-]")
     85 + good := color.RedString("ERROR")
    86 86   fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s %s\n", good, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
    87 87  }
    88 88   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 24 lines
    25 25  type ScanOptions struct {
    26 26   Ports string
    27 27   Rate string
     28 + NmapTemplate string
    28 29   NmapOverview bool
    29 30   ZmapOverview bool
    30 31   Detail bool
    skipped 52 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 178 lines
    179 179   return info
    180 180  }
    181 181   
     182 +// SecurityTrails get IPInfo from
     183 +func SecurityTrails(query string, options core.Options) []string {
     184 + url := fmt.Sprintf(``, query)
     185 + var result []string
     186 + core.InforF("Get data from: %v", url)
     187 + content := core.RequestWithChrome(url,"root" ,options.Timeout)
     188 + if content == "" {
     189 + core.DebugF("Error in sending to SecurityTrails")
     190 + return result
     191 + }
     192 + datas := ParseSecurityTrails(content)
     193 + for key, value := range datas {
     194 + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("[securitytrails] %v %v|%v", query, key, value))
     195 + }
     196 + return result
     197 +}
     198 + 
     199 +// ParseSecurityTrails parsing data from Onyphe
     200 +func ParseSecurityTrails(content string) []map[string]string {
     201 + var result []map[string]string
     202 + doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(content))
     203 + if err != nil {
     204 + core.DebugF("Error parsing HTML")
     205 + return result
     206 + }
     207 + 
     208 + // searching for data
     209 + doc.Find("table").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
     210 + info := make(map[string]string)
     211 + //text := s.Text()
     212 + // basic info part
     213 + s.Find("tr").Each(func(i int, tr *goquery.Selection) {
     214 + text := tr.Text()
     215 + if len(text) > 2 && !strings.Contains(text, "www") && !strings.Contains(text, "apex_domain") {
     216 + info["data"] = text[1:]
     217 + return
     218 + }
     219 + 
     220 + })
     221 + result = append(result, info)
     222 + })
     223 + 
     224 + return result
     225 +}
     226 + 
    182 227  // CertsInfo get cert info
    183 228  func CertsInfo(query string, rports string) string {
    184 229   var certs cert.Certs
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  package modules
    2 2   
    3 3  import (
     4 + "bytes"
    4 5   "fmt"
    5 6   "io/ioutil"
    6 7   "os/exec"
    7 8   "path/filepath"
    8 9   "strings"
     10 + "text/template"
    9 11   
    10 12   jsoniter ""
    11 13   
    skipped 53 lines
    65 67   return realResult
    66 68  }
    67 69   
     70 +type nmap struct {
     71 +}
     72 + 
    68 73  // RunNmap run nmap command and return list of port open
    69 74  func RunNmap(input string, ports string, options core.Options) []string {
    70 75   // use nmap as overview scan
    skipped 9 lines
    80 85   tmpFile, _ = ioutil.TempFile(nmapOutput, fmt.Sprintf("nmap-%v-*", core.StripPath(input)))
    81 86   }
    82 87   nmapOutput = tmpFile.Name()
    83  - nmapCmd := fmt.Sprintf("sudo nmap -sSV -p %v %v -T4 --open -oA %v", ports, input, nmapOutput)
     88 + 
     89 + // build nmap command
     90 + nmapCommand := make(map[string]string)
     91 + nmapCommand["output"] = nmapOutput
     92 + nmapCommand["ports"] = ports
     93 + nmapCommand["input"] = input
    84 94   if options.Scan.NmapScripts != "" {
    85  - nmapCmd = fmt.Sprintf("sudo nmap -sSV -p %v %v -T4 --open --script %v -oA %v", ports, input, options.Scan.NmapScripts, nmapOutput)
     95 + nmapCommand["script"] = fmt.Sprintf("--script %v", options.Scan.NmapScripts)
     96 + } else {
     97 + nmapCommand["script"] = ""
    86 98   }
     99 + nmapCmd := ResolveData(options.Scan.NmapTemplate, nmapCommand)
     100 + //
     101 + //nmapCmd := fmt.Sprintf("sudo nmap -sSV -p %v %v -T4 --open -oA %v", ports, input, nmapOutput)
     102 + //if options.Scan.NmapScripts != "" {
     103 + // nmapCmd = fmt.Sprintf("sudo nmap -sSV -p %v %v --script %v -T4 --open -oA %v", ports, input, options.Scan.NmapScripts, nmapOutput)
     104 + //}
     105 + 
    87 106   core.DebugF("Execute: %v", nmapCmd)
    88 107   command := []string{
    89 108   "bash",
    skipped 104 lines
    194 213   return result
    195 214  }
    196 215   
     216 +// ResolveData resolve template from signature file
     217 +func ResolveData(format string, data map[string]string) string {
     218 + t := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(format))
     219 + buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
     220 + err := t.Execute(buf, data)
     221 + if err != nil {
     222 + return format
     223 + }
     224 + return buf.String()
     225 +}
     226 + 
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