Projects STRLCPY metabigor Commits a54a7572
  • Fix sudo issue if current user is root

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  • j3ssie committed 3 years ago
    1 parent 65f0aadc
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 30 lines
    31 31   scanCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.Scan.SkipOverview, "skip-masscan", "s", false, "run nmap from input format like this:")
    32 32   // more nmap options
    33 33   scanCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Scan.NmapScripts, "script", "S", "", "nmap scripts")
    34  - scanCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Scan.NmapTemplate, "nmap-command", "sudo nmap -sSV -p {{.ports}} {{.input}} {{.script}} -T4 --open -oA {{.output}}", "Nmap template command to run")
     34 + scanCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Scan.NmapTemplate, "nmap-command", "nmap -sSV -p {{.ports}} {{.input}} {{.script}} -T4 --open -oA {{.output}}", "Nmap template command to run")
    35 35   scanCmd.Flags().StringVar(&options.Scan.GrepString, "grep", "", "match string to confirm script success")
    36 36   scanCmd.Flags().StringP("result-folder", "R", "", "Result folder")
    37 37   scanCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Scan.IPv4, "4", true, "Filter input to only get ipv4")
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 4 lines
    5 5   "fmt"
    6 6   "io/ioutil"
    7 7   "os/exec"
     8 + "os/user"
    8 9   "path/filepath"
    9 10   "strings"
    10 11   "text/template"
    skipped 3 lines
    14 15   ""
    15 16  )
    16 17   
     18 +// CurrentUser get current user
     19 +func CurrentUser() string {
     20 + u, err := user.Current()
     21 + if err != nil {
     22 + return ""
     23 + }
     24 + 
     25 + username := u.Username
     26 + return username
     27 +}
     28 + 
    17 29  // RunMasscan run masscan command and return list of port open
    18 30  func RunMasscan(input string, options core.Options) []string {
    19 31   ports := options.Scan.Ports
    skipped 9 lines
    29 41   }
    30 42   massOutput = tmpFile.Name()
    31 43   
    32  - masscanCmd := fmt.Sprintf("sudo masscan --rate %v -p %v -oG %v %v", rate, ports, massOutput, input)
     44 + masscanCmd := fmt.Sprintf("masscan --rate %v -p %v -oG %v %v", rate, ports, massOutput, input)
    33 45   if options.Scan.All {
    34  - masscanCmd = fmt.Sprintf("sudo masscan --rate %v -p %v -oG %v -iL %v", rate, ports, massOutput, input)
     46 + masscanCmd = fmt.Sprintf("masscan --rate %v -p %v -oG %v -iL %v", rate, ports, massOutput, input)
     47 + }
     48 + if CurrentUser() != "root" {
     49 + masscanCmd = "sudo " + masscanCmd
    35 50   }
    36 51   
    37 52   core.DebugF("Execute: %v", masscanCmd)
    skipped 58 lines
    96 111   
    97 112   // build nmap command
    98 113   if options.Scan.All {
    99  - options.Scan.NmapTemplate = "sudo nmap -sSV -p {{.ports}} -iL {{.input}} {{.script}} -T4 --open -oA {{.output}}"
     114 + options.Scan.NmapTemplate = "nmap -sSV -p {{.ports}} -iL {{.input}} {{.script}} -T4 --open -oA {{.output}}"
    100 115   }
    101 116   nmapCommand := make(map[string]string)
    102 117   nmapCommand["output"] = nmapOutput
    skipped 5 lines
    108 123   nmapCommand["script"] = ""
    109 124   }
    110 125   nmapCmd := ResolveData(options.Scan.NmapTemplate, nmapCommand)
    111  - 
     126 + if CurrentUser() != "root" {
     127 + nmapCmd = "sudo " + nmapCmd
     128 + }
    112 129   //
    113 130   //nmapCmd := fmt.Sprintf("sudo nmap -sSV -p %v %v -T4 --open -oA %v", ports, input, nmapOutput)
    114 131   //if options.Scan.NmapScripts != "" {
    skipped 85 lines
    200 217   tmpFile, _ = ioutil.TempFile(zmapOutput, fmt.Sprintf("out-%v-*.txt", core.StripPath(filepath.Base(inputFile))))
    201 218   }
    202 219   zmapOutput = tmpFile.Name()
    203  - zmapCmd := fmt.Sprintf("sudo zmap -p %v -w %v -f 'saddr,sport' -O csv -o %v", port, inputFile, zmapOutput)
     220 + zmapCmd := fmt.Sprintf("zmap -p %v -w %v -f 'saddr,sport' -O csv -o %v", port, inputFile, zmapOutput)
     221 + if CurrentUser() != "root" {
     222 + zmapCmd = "sudo " + zmapCmd
     223 + }
    204 224   core.DebugF("Execute: %v", zmapCmd)
    205 225   command := []string{
    206 226   "bash",
    skipped 36 lines
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