Projects STRLCPY linuxprivchecker Commits f1112f5d
  • I guess it did actually need byte strings and it just lied to me..

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  • linted committed 6 years ago
    1 parent 7129bb08
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    31 31   splitTerms = term.split(" ")
    32 32   splitTerms[-1] = splitTerms[-1][:3] #cut down on the last item which should be the version number
    33 33   proc = subprocess.Popen([_searchsploit, *splitTerms], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    34  - self.wfile.write('{}\n'.format(
     34 + self.wfile.write('{}\n'.format(
    35 35   print('[$] Closing connection from {}\n'.format(self.client_address[0]))
    36 36   except Exception as e:
    37 37   print("[-] Caught exception {}. Closing this connection.".format(e))
    38  - self.wfile.write("[-] Server caught {}. Closing Connection".format(e))
     38 + self.wfile.write("[-] Server caught {}. Closing Connection".format(e).encode())
    39 39  
    40 40   
    41 41   
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