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    skipped 1045 lines
    1046 1046   "Processes running with root permissions" \
    1047 1047   'ps -u root -f | grep -Ev "\[[[:alnum:]]"'
    1048 1048   
     1049 + #list processes running as users with shell
     1050 + lse_test "pro020" "1" \
     1051 + "Processes running by non-root users with shell" \
     1052 + 'for user in `echo -e "$lse_shell_users" | cut -d: -f1 | grep -v root`; do ps -u "$user" | grep -Eq "^ *[0-9]" && echo -e "\n\n------ $user ------\n\n" && ps -u $user -f; done' \
     1053 + "usr030"
     1054 + 
    1049 1055   #running processes
    1050 1056   lse_test "pro500" "2" \
    1051 1057   "Running processes" \
    skipped 136 lines
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