Projects STRLCPY link-lock Commits 6bb5a53b
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    23 23   }
    24 24   
    25 25   // Run when the <body> loads
    26  - function main() {
     26 + async function main() {
    27 27   if (window.location.hash) {
    28 28   // Fail if the b64 library or API was not loaded
    29 29   if (!("b64" in window)) {
    skipped 28 lines
    58 58   }
    59 59   
    60 60   const api = apiVersions[params["v"]];
     61 + 
     62 + // Get values for decryption
     63 + const encrypted = b64.base64ToBinary(params["e"]);
     64 + const salt = "s" in params ? b64.base64ToBinary(params["s"]) : null;
     65 + const iv = "i" in params ? b64.base64ToBinary(params["i"]) : null;
     66 + 
     67 + let hint, password;
     68 + if ("h" in params) {
     69 + hint = params["h"];
     70 + password = prompt(`Please enter the password\n\nHint: ${hint}`);
     71 + } else {
     72 + password = prompt("Please enter the password");
     73 + }
     74 + 
     75 + // Decrypt and redirect if possible
     76 + let url;
     77 + try {
     78 + url = await api.decrypt(encrypted, password, salt, iv);
     79 + } catch {
     80 + // Password is incorrect.
     81 + error("Password is incorrect.");
     82 + return;
     83 + }
     84 + 
     85 + try {
     86 + // Extra check to make sure the URL is valid. Probably shouldn't fail.
     87 + new URL(url);
     88 + window.location.replace(url);
     89 + } catch {
     90 + error("A corrupted URL was encrypted. Cannot redirect.");
     91 + console.log(url);
     92 + return;
     93 + }
    61 94   } else {
    62 95   // Otherwise redirect to the creator
    63 96   window.location.replace("./create");
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