Projects STRLCPY kitsec-core Files
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A few sentences describing the overall goals of the pull request's commits.


A few sentences describing the reasons behind this pull request.


  •  Your code builds clean without any errors or warnings
  •  You are using approved terminology
  •  You have added unit tests, if apply.

Emojis for categorizing pull requests:

⚡️ New feature (:zap:) 🐛 Bug fix (:bug:)
🔥 P0 fix (:fire:)
✅ Tests (:white_check_mark:)
🚀 Performance improvements (:rocket:)
🖍 CSS / Styling (:crayon:)
♿ Accessibility (:wheelchair:)
🌐 Internationalization (:globe_with_meridians:)
📖 Documentation (:book:)
🏗 Infrastructure / Tooling / Builds / CI (:building_construction:)
⏪ Reverting a previous change (:rewind:)
♻️ Refactoring (like moving around code w/o any changes) (:recycle:)
🚮 Deleting code (:put_litter_in_its_place:)

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