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Algolia for JavaScript

The perfect starting point to integrate Algolia within your JavaScript project

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✨ Features

  • Thin & minimal low-level HTTP client to interact with Algolia's API
  • Works both on the browser and node.js
  • UMD compatible, you can use it with any module loader
  • Built with TypeScript

💡 Getting Started

First, install Algolia JavaScript API Client via the npm package manager:

npm install algoliasearch

Then, create objects on your index:

const algoliasearch = require("algoliasearch");

const client = algoliasearch("YourApplicationID", "YourAdminAPIKey");
const index = client.initIndex("your_index_name");

const objects = [
    objectID: 1,
    name: "Foo"

  .then(({ objectIDs }) => {
  .catch(err => {

Finally, let's actually search using the search method:

  .then(({ hits }) => {
  .catch(err => {

For full documentation, visit the online documentation.

📄 License

Algolia JavaScript API Client is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license!!missing!!.

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