Projects STRLCPY jadx Commits 82d40995
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    skipped 279 lines
    280 280   int attributeNS = is.readInt32();
    281 281   int attributeName = is.readInt32();
    282 282   int attributeRawValue = is.readInt32();
    283  - int attrValSize = is.readInt16();
    284  - if (attrValSize != 0x08) {
    285  - die("attrValSize != 0x08 not supported");
    286  - }
    287  - if (is.readInt8() != 0) {
    288  - die("res0 is not 0");
    289  - }
     283 + is.skip(3);
    290 284   int attrValDataType = is.readInt8();
    291 285   int attrValData = is.readInt32();
    292 286   
    skipped 214 lines
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