Projects STRLCPY hiphp Commits f88fb4af
  • Add files via upload

    - Update workflows to work on python 3.7->3.9.
     - Update documents.
     - Update "Makefile" to work on any operating system.
     - Delete Android app ".apk".
     - Delete ".exe" direct play files on windows.
     - Upgrade and change the locations of some files.
     - Cancellation Release hiphp v3.0.0.
     - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
    Signed-off-by: Boudjada Yasser <[email protected]>
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  • Boudjada Yasser committed with GitHub 2 years ago
    1 parent e2a7450f
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    10 10  ❯ pip install -r hiphp-desktop/requirements-dst.txt
    11 11  ❯ pip install -r hiphp-linux/requirements-linux.txt #for linux os.
    12 12  ❯ pip install -r hiphp-win/requirements-win.txt #for windows os.
    13  -# OR
    14  -❯ bash hiphp-linux/ #for linux os.
    15  -# OR
    16  -❯ hiphp-win/install_all_requirements_win.bat #for windows os.
    17 13   
    18 14  # run with hiphp-desktop tool:
    19 15  ❯ cd hiphp-desktop
    skipped 3 lines
    23 19  ❯ make run arg="dst" url="<URL>" key="<KEY>"
    24 20   
    25 21  # For Linux:
     22 +cd hiphp-linux
    26 23  ❯ bash
    27 24   
    28 25  # For Windows:
    29 26  # Do not forget to modify the "config.ini" file or use the following command:
    30 27  # > python -c "import sys; open('config.ini','w+').write('python_default_path='+sys.executable)"
    31  -# OR Run ''.
     28 +# OR Run 'hiphp-win\'.
     29 +cd hiphp-win
    32 30  ❯ run-hiphp-desktop.bat
    33 31   
    34 32  # OR if you installed it on Ubuntu:
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