Projects STRLCPY hiphp Commits a8fb3b79
  • 0.2.27

    - Updated some CLI Errors messages.
     - Updated CLI logo.
     - Delete unused codes.
     - Upgrading php-desktop in order to avoid errors that occur with various systems.
     - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
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  • Boudjada Yasser committed with GitHub 2 years ago
    1 parent 73c81462
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -## 0.2.27-beta [xx-09-2022][In Progress]
     1 +## 0.2.27 [13-09-2022][Last Version]
    2 2   - Updated some CLI Errors messages.
    3 3   - Updated CLI logo.
     4 + - Delete unused codes.
     5 + - Upgrading php-desktop in order to avoid errors that occur with various systems.
    4 6   - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
    5 7  
    6  -## 0.2.26 [07-09-2022][Last Version]
     8 +## 0.2.26 [07-09-2022]
    7 9   - Upgraded Docker files in order to be able to work from outside the container.
    8 10   - Add download option in hiphp_desktop.
    9 11   - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
    skipped 132 lines
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    skipped 33 lines
    34 34   
    35 35  #START{
    36 36  FROM python:3.10
    37  -#FROM ubuntu
    38  -#FROM debian:jessie
    39 37   
    40 38  # start install google-chrome:
    41  -# Adding trusting keys to apt for repositories
     39 +# Download the Chrome Driver
    42 40  RUN wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
    43  - 
    44  -# Adding Google Chrome to the repositories
    45 41  RUN sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list'
    46  - 
    47  -# Updating apt to see
    48 42  RUN apt-get update -y
    49  - 
    50  -# install Google Chrome
    51 43  RUN apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable
    52 44   
    53  -# Installing Unzip
    54  -#RUN apt-get install -yqq unzip
    55  - 
    56  -# Download the Chrome Driver
    57  -#RUN wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
    58  -#RUN sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list'
    59  -#RUN apt-get update -y
    60  -#RUN apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable
    61  - 
    62 45  # install chromedriver
    63 46  RUN apt-get install -yqq unzip
    64 47  RUN wget -O /tmp/`curl -sS`/
    65 48  RUN unzip /tmp/ chromedriver -d /usr/local/bin/
    66  - 
    67  - 
    68  -#ENV CHROME_VERSION "google-chrome-stable"
    69  -#RUN sed -i -- 's&deb jessie-updates main&#deb jessie-updates main&g' /etc/apt/sources.list \
    70  -# && apt-get update && apt-get install wget -y
    71  -#ENV CHROME_VERSION "google-chrome-stable"
    72  -#RUN wget -q -O - | apt-key add - \
    73  -# && echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
    74  -# && apt-get update && apt-get -qqy install ${CHROME_VERSION:-google-chrome-stable}
    75  - 
    76  - 
    77 49  # end install google-chrome.
    78 50   
    79 51  WORKDIR /wrdir
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    skipped 369 lines
    370 370  <h2>Changelog History:</h2>
    371 371   
    372 372  ```
    373  -## 0.2.27-beta [xx-09-2022][In Progress]
     373 +## 0.2.27 [13-09-2022][Last Version]
    374 374   - Updated some CLI Errors messages.
    375 375   - Updated CLI logo.
     376 + - Delete unused codes.
     377 + - Upgrading php-desktop in order to avoid errors that occur with various systems.
    376 378   - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
    377 379   
    378  -## 0.2.26 [07-09-2022][Last Version]
     380 +## 0.2.26 [07-09-2022]
    379 381   - Upgraded Docker files in order to be able to work from outside the container.
    380 382   - Add download option in hiphp_desktop.
    381 383   - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
    skipped 156 lines
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    skipped 101 lines
    102 102   p1=hiphp(key,url,retu=True)
    103 103   return
    104 104   
    105  -host_ip=""
    106  -host_port=8080
     105 +try:
     106 + if sys.argv[1]:
     107 + host_ip=""
     108 + host_port=8080
     109 +except:
     110 + host_ip=""
     111 + host_port=8080
    107 112   
    108  -print(f"local link: {host_ip}:{host_port}")
     113 +print(f"hiphp run on local link: {host_ip}:{host_port}")
    109 114   
    110  -eel.start("index.html",host=host_ip,port=host_port,size=(850,400))
     115 +eel.start("index.html",host=host_ip,port=host_port,mode='default',size=(850,400))
    111 116  #}END.
    112 117   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 10 lines
    11 11   </head>
    12 12   <body>
    13 13   <div id="connected">
    14  - <spam id="return" class="return pointer padding_9" onclick="back()"></spam>
     14 + <spam id="return" class="return pointer padding_9" onclick="back()">back</spam>
    15 15   <spam id="save" class="save pointer padding_9" onclick="save()">💾</spam>
    16 16   <spam id="temp" style="display:none;"></spam>
    17 17   <spam id="add" class="add_new pointer" onclick="add()"><h1 style="margin-top:-11px;margin-left:-4px;">+</h1></spam>
    skipped 29 lines
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    skipped 21 lines
    22 22   DST=os.environ['DST'] if "DST" in os.environ else False
    23 23   if DST!=False:
    24 24   os.chdir("hiphp-desktop")
    25  - os.system("python")
     25 + os.system("python docker")
    26 26   docker_check=True
    27 27   except:
    28 28   pass
    skipped 26 lines
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