Projects STRLCPY hiphp Commits 3e41d3a1
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    17 17   p1.get_hole()# Copy this code into the file whose path you entered earlier. ex: https://localhost/index.php
    18 18   exit()
    19 19  else:
    20  - # connect:
    21  - p1=hiphp(key=sys.argv[1],url=sys.argv[2])#Default: retu=False.
     20 + KEY=sys.argv[1]
     21 + URL=sys.argv[2]
     22 + p2=hiphp(key=KEY,url=URL,retu=True)
     23 + p1=hiphp(key=KEY,url=URL)#Default: retu=False.
    22 24   # Command line interface:
    23  - p1.cli()
     25 + if emsg_1 not in p2.cli():
     26 + p1.cli()
     27 + else:
     28 + # Get the hole Code:
     29 + p1.get_hole()# Copy this code into the file whose path you entered earlier. ex: https://localhost/index.php
    24 30  #}END.
    25 31  
    26 32   
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