Projects STRLCPY grype Commits 0ace6b1a
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    269 269   
    270 270  **Example:** You could make Grype output data in CSV format by writing a Go template that renders CSV data and then running `grype <image> -o template -t ~/path/to/csv.tmpl`.
    271 271   
     272 +**Please note:** Templates can access information about the system they are running on, such as environment variables. You should never run untrusted templates.
     273 + 
    272 274  Here's what the `csv.tmpl` file might look like:
    273 275   
    274 276  ```gotemplate
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    77 77   
    78 78  // FuncMap is a function that returns template.FuncMap with custom functions available to template authors.
    79 79  var FuncMap = func() template.FuncMap {
    80  - f := sprig.HermeticTxtFuncMap()
     80 + f := sprig.TxtFuncMap()
    81 81   f["getLastIndex"] = func(collection interface{}) int {
    82 82   if v := reflect.ValueOf(collection); v.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
    83 83   return v.Len() - 1
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    skipped 4 lines
    5 5   "flag"
    6 6   "os"
    7 7   "path"
     8 + "regexp"
    8 9   "testing"
    9 10   
    10 11   ""
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    15 16  )
    16 17   
    17 18  var update = flag.Bool("update", false, "update the *.golden files for template presenters")
     19 +var timestampRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`Timestamp:\s*\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}`)
    18 20   
    19 21  func TestPresenter_Present(t *testing.T) {
    20 22   matches, packages, context, metadataProvider, appConfig, dbStatus := models.GenerateAnalysis(t, source.ImageScheme)
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    42 44   }
    43 45   
    44 46   actual := buffer.Bytes()
     47 + actual = mustRedact(t, actual)
     48 + 
    45 49   if *update {
    46 50   testutils.UpdateGoldenFileContents(t, actual)
    47 51   }
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    50 54   assert.Equal(t, string(expected), string(actual))
    51 55  }
    52 56   
     57 +func mustRedact(t *testing.T, content []byte) []byte {
     58 + assert.True(t, timestampRegexp.Match(content))
     59 + return timestampRegexp.ReplaceAll(content, []byte(`Timestamp:`))
     60 +}
     61 + 
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     1 +Timestamp:
    1 2  Identified distro as centos version 8.0.
    2 3   Vulnerability: CVE-1999-0001
    3 4   Severity: Low
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +Timestamp: {{ now | date "2006-01-02" }}
    1 2  Identified distro as {{.Distro.Name}} version {{.Distro.Version}}.
    2 3  {{- range .Matches}}
    3 4   Vulnerability: {{.Vulnerability.ID}}
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