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React APIs to enable a feature in specific Hasura plans. Aim to replace all the sources of truth when it comes to identify if a feature is enabled or not.


Hasura plan support status


  •  Hasura CE (not tested in production yet)
  •  Hasura EE with/without license (not tested in production yet)
  •  Hasura Cloud
  •  Self-hosted Hasura Cloud
  •  EE Classic (hybrid Hasura Cloud, with self-hosted HGE server and Hasura-hosted Lux)


  •  Server and CLI without distinction
  •  Server only
  •  CLI only

Dev APIs status

  •  React hook API
  •  React component API
  •  Storybook APIs
  •  Unit testing APIs
  •  Console wrapper to load all the async source of truths


  •  Refactor all the usages of isProConsole etc. APIs
  •  Manage also the feature flags
  •  Mark window.__env as deprecated
  •  Refactor all the usages of window.__env
  •  Document how to tun the Console in all the modes

Console Usage

Simple usage

To only render something when a feature is enabled or not:

  • Using the React component API
function Prometheus() {
  return (
    <IsFeatureEnabled feature="prometheus">
      <div>Enjoy Prometheus!</div>
  • Using the React hook API
function Prometheus() {
  const { status } = useIsFeatureEnabled('prometheus');

  if (status === 'disabled') return null;

  return <div>Enjoy Prometheus!</div>;

Advanced usage

To render something when a feature is enabled, or something different when the feature is disabled:

  • Using the React component API
function Prometheus() {
  return (
      ifDisabled={(doNotMatch, current: { hasuraPlan }) => {
        if ( {
          if (hasuraPlan.type === 'ce') {
            return <div>Try EE Lite and give all the paid feature a try for free!</div>;

          return <div>Prometheus is enabled for EE Lite only</div>;
      <div>Enjoy Prometheus!</div>
  • Using the React hook API
function Prometheus() {
  const {
    current: { hasuraPlan },
  } = useIsFeatureEnabled('prometheus');

  if (status === 'disabled') {
    if ( {
      if (hasuraPlan.type === 'ce') {
        return <div>Try EE Lite and give all the paid feature a try for free!</div>;

      return <div>Prometheus is enabled for EE Lite only</div>;

  return <div>Enjoy Prometheus!</div>;



❌ It's not possible to use the new APIs in Storybook yet. ❌


❌ It's not possible to use the new APIs in Jest yet. ❌

Adding more source of truths or Console types to the Hasura plan

No shortcuts here, look at

  1. The checkCompatibility function and its types
  2. The checkCompatibility runtime and types tests
  3. The store types

Adding new features

  1. Add a new object to the features.ts module
  2. Add is to the features object exposed by the features.ts module


As a developer, I want to be sure my component is not rendered until the Hasura plan data is available because I do not want to manage the loading state.

When a Console wrapper will be ready, it will prevent rendering the Console until the source of truths, no need to manage the loading states.

I see Rect APIs, but I do not see pure JavaScript APIs, why?

React APIs includes "reactivity" by definition. Vanilla JavaScript APIs cannot offer the same reactivity in an easy way. If you need to consume the Hasura plan data offered by useIsFeatureEnabled, read it from a React component and pass it down to your vanilla JavaScript functions.

What about getting the APIs accepting an array of features instead of just one?

We wil evaluate if the feature is really needed because the TypeScript gymnastics needed for the doMatch/doNotMatch objects returned by the APIs are not trivial, and making them working with arrays is even worse.

What about specifying only the required properties in the compatibility object?

Getting all the properties explicit enforces managing them also when we add more Console types/mode and source of info. It's a by-design choice.

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