Projects STRLCPY graphql-engine Files
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Setup tables

  1. Create table:
  id: int
  note: text

Setup AWS Lambda

Create a lambda function in AWS. This will be our webhook.

  1. Create a function.
  2. Select Java 8 as the runtime.
  3. Select "start from scratch".
  4. Add API gateway as a trigger.
  5. Add an API to API gateway.
  6. Edit the code in the handleRequest method in /src/main/java/example/

Deploy AWS Lambda

  1. In terminal go into project: cd community/boilerplates/serverless-triggers/aws-lambda/java/echo
  2. Build deployment package: mvn package
  3. Upload target/java-lambda-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar using AWS console.

Add the trigger in Hasura GraphQL

  1. In events tab, add a trigger
  2. Select all insert, update, delete operations for the trigger.
  3. Paste the API endpoint of your AWS lambda as the webhook.
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