Projects STRLCPY graphql-engine Commits b66c43b6
  • use new Postgres mutations (#438)

    <!-- Thank you for submitting this PR! :) -->
    ## Description
    Set our `ndc-postgres` connector in tests to use new mutations versions
    so we can test Boolean Expressions. Also does some house-keeping, like
    ensuring we pull the latest `ndc-postgres` in CI and exposing `8080`
    from `ndc-postgres` to fix local dev flow.
    V3_GIT_ORIGIN_REV_ID: 4c92670e9976a3f75ec31e1224079799380ef6e2
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  • Daniel Harvey committed with hasura-bot 1 month ago
    1 parent c53c581a
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    31 31   postgres_connector:
    32 32   image:
    33 33   ports:
    34  - - 8100:8080
     34 + - 8080:8080
    35 35   environment:
    36 36   CONNECTION_URI: "postgresql://postgres:password@postgres"
    37 37   volumes:
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 1845 lines
    1846 1846   },
    1847 1847   "varchar": {
    1848 1848   "max": {
    1849  - "returnType": "bpchar"
     1849 + "returnType": "text"
    1850 1850   },
    1851 1851   "min": {
    1852  - "returnType": "bpchar"
     1852 + "returnType": "text"
    1853 1853   }
    1854 1854   }
    1855 1855   },
    skipped 1126 lines
    2982 2982   "isInfix": false
    2983 2983   }
    2984 2984   }
     2985 + },
     2986 + "typeRepresentations": {
     2987 + "bool": "boolean",
     2988 + "bpchar": "string",
     2989 + "char": "string",
     2990 + "date": "string",
     2991 + "float4": "number",
     2992 + "float8": "number",
     2993 + "int2": "integer",
     2994 + "int4": "integer",
     2995 + "int8": "integer",
     2996 + "numeric": "number",
     2997 + "text": "string",
     2998 + "time": "string",
     2999 + "timestamp": "string",
     3000 + "timestamptz": "string",
     3001 + "timetz": "string",
     3002 + "uuid": "string",
     3003 + "varchar": "string"
    2985 3004   }
    2986 3005   },
    2987 3006   "introspectionOptions": {
    skipped 249 lines
    3237 3256   "xpath_exists"
    3238 3257   ]
    3239 3258   },
    3240  - "mutationsVersion": null
     3259 + "mutationsVersion": "veryExperimentalWip"
    3241 3260  }
    3242 3261   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    14 14  # run commands in a rust docker environment with source code only without starting any dependencies.
    15 15  docker_with_source_only +args:
    16 16   #!/usr/bin/env sh
    17  - DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml run --build --rm source_only "$@"
     17 + DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml run --rm source_only "$@"
    18 18   exit_code=$?
    19 19   docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml down
    20 20   exit $exit_code
    skipped 2 lines
    23 23  # while emiting the exit code of the docker command
    24 24  docker_with_test_env +args:
    25 25   #!/usr/bin/env sh
    26  - DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml run --build --rm test_setup "$@"
     26 + DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml run --rm test_setup "$@"
    27 27   exit_code=$?
    28 28   docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml down
    29 29   exit $exit_code
    skipped 22 lines
    52 52   cargo clippy --no-deps --fix --allow-no-vcs -- {{ CLIPPY_FIX_ARGS }}; cargo fmt
    53 53   
    54 54  # tests run by CI
    55  -ci-test:
     55 +ci-test: docker-refresh
    56 56   just docker_with_test_env cargo nextest run --no-fail-fast
    57 57   
    58 58  test TESTNAME='':
    skipped 11 lines
    70 70  cargo-test *args:
    71 71   just docker_with_test_env cargo test {{args}}
    72 72   
    73  -update-golden-files:
    74  - DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml run --build --rm -e REGENERATE_GOLDENFILES=1 test_setup cargo test
     73 +update-golden-files: docker-refresh
     74 + DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml run --rm -e REGENERATE_GOLDENFILES=1 test_setup cargo test
    75 75   
    76 76  # Benchmarks run by CI
    77 77  ci-bench:
    skipped 19 lines
    97 97  # start all the docker deps for running tests (not engine)
    98 98  start-docker-test-deps:
    99 99   # start connectors and wait for health
    100  - docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml up --build --wait postgres postgres_connector custom_connector
     100 + docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml up --wait postgres postgres_connector custom_connector
    101 101   
    102 102  # start all the docker run time deps for the engine
    103 103  start-docker-run-deps:
    104 104   # start auth_hook and jaeger
    105 105   docker compose up --wait auth_hook jaeger
     106 + 
     107 +# pull / build all docker deps
     108 +docker-refresh:
     109 + docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml pull postgres_connector
     110 + docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml build custom_connector
    106 111   
    107 112  # stop all the docker deps
    108 113  stop-docker:
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