Projects STRLCPY gradejs Commits ad5afcf3
  • feat: Data layer and flow rework (#53)

    * wip: Data layer and flow rework
    * wip: test coverage
    * feature: Data layer and flow rework
    * fix: drop leftover bigint column defs
  • Loading...
  • zardak committed with GitHub 2 years ago
    1 parent e4b0ad93
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 21 lines
    22 22  .idea
    23 23  .vscode
    24 24   
     25 +./docker-compose.override.yml
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    cli/ | 100644 /~icons-ver-BEF942F0F42935333EFA072090F4E956.svg#arrow3 100755
    skipped 14 lines
    15 15   
    16 16  # Save current env and values passed in CLI
    17 17  CURENV=$(declare -p -x)
    18  -# Set local development envvars
     18 +# Set local development env vars
    19 19  set -o allexport
    20 20  source cli/development.env
    21 21  set +o allexport
    skipped 13 lines
    35 35   
    36 36  echo "Starting worker package"
    37 37  AWS_REGION=test PORT=8084 DB_URL=postgres://gradejs:gradejs@localhost:5432/gradejs-public \
    38  - INTERNAL_API_ORIGIN=http://localhost:8082 SQS_WORKER_QUEUE_URL=/test/frontend-queue \
     38 + SQS_WORKER_QUEUE_URL=/test/frontend-queue \
    39 39   SQS_LOCAL_PORT=29324 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=secret AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret \
     40 + INTERNAL_API_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:8082 \
    40 42   npm run debug --prefix packages/worker 2>&1 &
    41 43  WORKER_PID=$!
    42 44   
    skipped 4 lines
    47 49   
    48 50  echo "Starting public api package"
    49 51  AWS_REGION=test PORT=8083 DB_URL=postgres://gradejs:gradejs@localhost:5432/gradejs-public \
    50  - INTERNAL_API_ORIGIN=http://localhost:8082 SQS_WORKER_QUEUE_URL=/test/frontend-queue \
     52 + SQS_WORKER_QUEUE_URL=/test/frontend-queue \
    51 53   SQS_LOCAL_PORT=29324 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=secret AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret \
    52 54   CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000 \
     55 + INTERNAL_API_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:8082 \
    53 57   npm run debug --prefix packages/public-api 2>&1 &
    54 58  API_PID=$!
    55 59   
    skipped 60 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 5 lines
    6 6   "prettier": "prettier --check ./src",
    7 7   "typecheck": "tsc --project --noEmit",
    8 8   "build": "tsc --project",
    9  - "test": "CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000 jest",
     9 + "test": "jest",
    10 10   "start": "node build/index.js",
    11 11   "debug": "node --inspect=9201 build/index.js"
    12 12   },
    skipped 29 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  import express from 'express';
    2 2  import { createExpressMiddleware } from '@trpc/server/adapters/express';
    3 3  import { endpointMissingMiddleware, errorHandlerMiddleware, cors } from './middleware/common';
    4  -import { appRouter, createContext } from './router';
     4 +import { appRouter, createContext } from './clientApiRouter';
     5 +import { verifySystemApiToken } from './middleware/verifySystemApiToken';
     6 +import systemApiRouter from './systemApiRouter';
    5 7   
    6 8  export function createApp() {
    7 9   const app = express();
    8 10   app.get('/', (_, res) => res.send('gradejs-public-api')); // healthcheck path
    9  - app.use(cors);
     11 + 
     12 + app.use('/system', verifySystemApiToken, express.json(), systemApiRouter);
    10 13   
    11 14   app.use(
    12  - '/',
     15 + '/client',
     16 + cors,
    13 17   createExpressMiddleware({
    14 18   router: appRouter,
    15 19   createContext,
    skipped 10 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { TRPC_ERROR_CODES_BY_KEY } from '@trpc/server/rpc';
     2 +import {
     3 + getDatabaseConnection,
     4 + Hostname,
     5 + internalApi,
     6 + WebPage,
     7 + WebPageScan,
     8 +} from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     9 +import {
     10 + createSupertestApi,
     11 + useDatabaseConnection,
     12 + useTransactionalTesting,
     13 +} from '@gradejs-public/test-utils';
     14 +import { getRepository } from 'typeorm';
     15 +import { createApp } from './app';
     16 +import { findOrCreateWebPage } from './website/service';
     17 + 
     18 +useDatabaseConnection();
     19 +useTransactionalTesting();
     20 + 
     21 +const api = createSupertestApi(createApp);
     22 + 
     23 +describe('routes / heathCheck', () => {
     24 + it('should return valid response for healthcheck path', async () => {
     25 + await api.get('/').send().expect(200);
     26 + });
     27 + 
     28 + it('should return not found client error', async () => {
     29 + const response = await api
     30 + .get('/client/any-invalid-route')
     31 + .set('Origin', 'http://localhost:3000')
     32 + .send()
     33 + .expect(404);
     34 + 
     35 + expect(response.body).toMatchObject({
     36 + error: {
     38 + },
     39 + });
     40 + });
     41 +});
     42 + 
     43 +describe('routes / website', () => {
     44 + it('should initiate a webpage scan', async () => {
     45 + const siteUrl = new URL('' + Math.random().toString());
     46 + 
     47 + const requestWebPageScanMock = jest.spyOn(internalApi, 'requestWebPageScan');
     48 + requestWebPageScanMock.mockImplementation(async () => ({}));
     49 + 
     50 + const response = await api
     51 + .post('/client/requestWebPageScan')
     52 + .set('Origin', 'http://localhost:3000')
     53 + .send(JSON.stringify(siteUrl))
     54 + .expect(200);
     55 + 
     56 + const hostname = await getRepository(Hostname).findOneOrFail({ hostname: siteUrl.hostname });
     57 + 
     58 + expect(hostname).toMatchObject({
     59 + hostname: siteUrl.hostname,
     60 + });
     61 + 
     62 + const webPage = await getRepository(WebPage)
     63 + .createQueryBuilder('webpage')
     64 + .where('webpage.hostname_id = :hostnameId', { hostnameId: })
     65 + .andWhere('webpage.path = :path', { path: siteUrl.pathname })
     66 + .limit(1)
     67 + .getOneOrFail();
     68 + 
     69 + expect(webPage).toMatchObject({
     70 + path: siteUrl.pathname,
     71 + });
     72 + 
     73 + const webPageScan = await getRepository(WebPageScan)
     74 + .createQueryBuilder('scan')
     75 + .where('scan.web_page_id = :webPageId', { webPageId: })
     76 + .getOneOrFail();
     77 + 
     78 + expect(webPageScan).toMatchObject({
     79 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Pending,
     80 + });
     81 + 
     82 + expect(requestWebPageScanMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
     83 + expect(requestWebPageScanMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
     84 + siteUrl.toString(),
     85 +
     86 + );
     87 + expect(response.body).toMatchObject({
     88 + result: {
     89 + data: {
     90 + id:,
     91 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Pending,
     92 + },
     93 + },
     94 + });
     95 + });
     96 + 
     97 + it('should return a cached scan if applicable', async () => {
     98 + const siteUrl = new URL(`https://${Math.random().toString()}`);
     99 + 
     100 + const requestWebPageScanMock = jest.spyOn(internalApi, 'requestWebPageScan');
     101 + requestWebPageScanMock.mockImplementation(async () => ({}));
     102 + 
     103 + const db = await getDatabaseConnection();
     104 + const em = db.createEntityManager();
     105 + 
     106 + const webPage = await findOrCreateWebPage(siteUrl, em);
     107 + const existingScan = await em.getRepository(WebPageScan).save({
     108 + webPage,
     109 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Processed,
     110 + scanResult: {
     111 + packages: [
     112 + {
     113 + name: 'react',
     114 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     115 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     116 + approximateByteSize: null,
     117 + },
     118 + ],
     119 + },
     120 + });
     121 + 
     122 + const response = await api
     123 + .post('/client/requestWebPageScan')
     124 + .set('Origin', 'http://localhost:3000')
     125 + .send(JSON.stringify(siteUrl))
     126 + .expect(200);
     127 + 
     128 + expect(requestWebPageScanMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
     129 + expect(response.body).toMatchObject({
     130 + result: {
     131 + data: {
     132 + id:,
     133 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Processed,
     134 + scanResult: {
     135 + packages: [
     136 + {
     137 + name: 'react',
     138 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     139 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     140 + approximateByteSize: null,
     141 + },
     142 + ],
     143 + },
     144 + },
     145 + },
     146 + });
     147 + });
     148 +});
     149 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import * as trpc from '@trpc/server';
     2 +// See also:
     3 +import { CreateExpressContextOptions } from '@trpc/server/adapters/express';
     4 +import { z, ZodError } from 'zod';
     5 +import { getOrRequestWebPageScan } from './website/service';
     6 +import { getAffectingVulnerabilities } from './vulnerabilities/vulnerabilities';
     7 +import {
     8 + PackageMetadata,
     9 + PackageVulnerabilityData,
     10 + SerializableEntity,
     11 + toSerializable,
     12 + WebPageScan,
     13 +} from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     14 +import { getPackageMetadataByPackageNames } from './packageMetadata/packageMetadataService';
     15 + 
     16 +// const hostnameRe =
     17 +// /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$|^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)+([A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$/;
     18 + 
     19 +// created for each request
     20 +export const createContext = (_: CreateExpressContextOptions) => ({}); // no context
     21 +type Context = trpc.inferAsyncReturnType<typeof createContext>;
     22 + 
     23 +type ScanResultPackageWithMetadata = WebPageScan.Package & { registryMetadata?: PackageMetadata };
     24 + 
     25 +export namespace ClientApi {
     26 + export type PackageVulnerabilityResponse = SerializableEntity<PackageVulnerabilityData>;
     27 + export type ScanResultPackageResponse = SerializableEntity<ScanResultPackageWithMetadata>;
     28 +}
     29 + 
     30 +function mergeRegistryMetadata(
     31 + packages: WebPageScan.Package[],
     32 + registryMetadata: Record<string, PackageMetadata>
     33 +) {
     34 + return => ({
     35 +,
     36 + registryMetadata: registryMetadata[],
     37 + }));
     38 +}
     39 + 
     40 +type RequestWebPageScanResponse = Pick<WebPageScan, 'status' | 'finishedAt'> & {
     41 + id: string;
     42 + scanResult?: {
     43 + packages: ScanResultPackageWithMetadata[];
     44 + vulnerabilities: Record<string, PackageVulnerabilityData[]>;
     45 + };
     46 +};
     47 + 
     48 +export const appRouter = trpc
     49 + .router<Context>()
     50 + .mutation('requestWebPageScan', {
     51 + input: z.string().url(),
     52 + async resolve({ input: url }) {
     53 + const scan = await getOrRequestWebPageScan(url);
     54 + 
     55 + const scanResponse: RequestWebPageScanResponse = {
     56 + id:,
     57 + status: scan.status,
     58 + finishedAt: scan.finishedAt,
     59 + scanResult: undefined,
     60 + };
     61 + 
     62 + if (scan.scanResult) {
     63 + const packageNames = =>;
     64 + 
     65 + const [metadata, vulnerabilities] = await Promise.all([
     66 + getPackageMetadataByPackageNames(packageNames),
     67 + getAffectingVulnerabilities(scan.scanResult),
     68 + ]);
     69 + 
     70 + scanResponse.scanResult = {
     71 + packages: mergeRegistryMetadata(scan.scanResult.packages, metadata),
     72 + vulnerabilities,
     73 + };
     74 + }
     75 + 
     76 + return toSerializable(scanResponse);
     77 + },
     78 + })
     79 + .formatError(({ shape, error }) => {
     80 + // TODO: proper reporting
     81 + return {
     82 + ...shape,
     83 + data: {
     84 +,
     85 + zodError:
     86 + error.code === 'BAD_REQUEST' && error.cause instanceof ZodError
     87 + ? error.cause.flatten()
     88 + : null,
     89 + },
     90 + };
     91 + });
     92 + 
     93 +// export type definition of API
     94 +export type ClientApiRouter = typeof appRouter;
     95 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 9 lines
    10 10   Env.AwsRegion,
    11 11   Env.DatabaseUrl,
    12 12   Env.SqsWorkerQueueUrl,
    13  - Env.InternalApiOrigin,
     13 + Env.InternalApiRootUrl,
     14 + Env.GradeJsApiKey,
    14 15  ]);
    15 16   
    16 17  const port = getPort(8080);
    skipped 7 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  import { ZodError } from 'zod';
    2 2  import createCorsMiddleware from 'cors';
    3 3  import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';
    4  -import { NotFoundError, respondWithError } from './response';
     4 +import { NotFoundError, respondWithError, UnauthorizedError } from './response';
    5 5  import { getCorsAllowedOrigins } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
    6 6   
    7 7  const originAllowList = getCorsAllowedOrigins();
    skipped 26 lines
    34 34   _next: NextFunction
    35 35  ) {
    36 36   // Log only useful errors
    37  - if (!(error instanceof NotFoundError) && !(error instanceof ZodError)) {
     37 + if (
     38 + !(error instanceof NotFoundError) &&
     39 + !(error instanceof UnauthorizedError) &&
     40 + !(error instanceof ZodError)
     41 + ) {
    38 42   // TODO: add logger
    39 43   console.error(error, req);
    40 44   }
    skipped 4 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 14 lines
    15 15   message = 'Not Found';
    16 16  }
    17 17   
     18 +export class UnauthorizedError extends Error {
     19 + code = 401;
     20 + message = 'Unauthorized';
     21 +}
     22 + 
    18 23  export function respond<T>(res: Response, data: T) {
    19 24   res.send({
    20 25   data,
    skipped 6 lines
    27 32   message: 'Internal server error, try again later',
    28 33   };
    29 34   
    30  - if (err instanceof NotFoundError) {
     35 + if (err instanceof NotFoundError || err instanceof UnauthorizedError) {
    31 36   error.code = err.code;
    32 37   error.message = err.message;
    33 38   }
    skipped 15 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from 'express';
     2 +import { getGradeJsApiKey } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     3 +import { UnauthorizedError } from './response';
     4 + 
     5 +const API_TOKEN_HEADER = 'X-Api-Key';
     6 + 
     7 +export function verifySystemApiToken(req: Request, _res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
     8 + if (req.headers[API_TOKEN_HEADER.toLowerCase()] !== getGradeJsApiKey()) {
     9 + next(new UnauthorizedError());
     10 + return;
     11 + }
     12 + 
     13 + next();
     14 +}
     15 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { getDatabaseConnection, PackageMetadata } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     2 + 
     3 +export async function getPackageMetadataByPackageNames(packageNames: string[]) {
     4 + if (!packageNames.length) {
     5 + return {};
     6 + }
     7 + 
     8 + const db = await getDatabaseConnection();
     9 + const packageMetadataRepo = db.getRepository(PackageMetadata);
     10 + 
     11 + const packageMetadataEntities = await packageMetadataRepo
     12 + .createQueryBuilder('pm')
     13 + .where(' IN (:...packageNames)', { packageNames })
     14 + .getMany();
     15 + 
     16 + const packageMetadataMap = packageMetadataEntities.reduce((acc, val) => {
     17 + acc[] = val;
     18 + 
     19 + return acc;
     20 + }, {} as Record<string, PackageMetadata>);
     21 + 
     22 + return packageMetadataMap;
     23 +}
     24 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { useDatabaseConnection, useTransactionalTesting } from '@gradejs-public/test-utils';
     2 +import {
     3 + getDatabaseConnection,
     4 + PackageUsageByHostnameProjection,
     5 + WebPageScan,
     6 +} from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     7 +import { findOrCreateWebPage } from '../website/service';
     8 +import { syncPackageUsageByHostname } from './syncPackageUsageByHostname';
     9 + 
     10 +useDatabaseConnection();
     11 +useTransactionalTesting();
     12 + 
     13 +describe('projections / packageUsageByHostname', () => {
     14 + it('should sync reported scans', async () => {
     15 + const db = await getDatabaseConnection();
     16 + const em = db.createEntityManager();
     17 + 
     18 + const url = new URL('');
     19 + 
     20 + const webPage = await findOrCreateWebPage(url, em);
     21 + 
     22 + const scan = await em.getRepository(WebPageScan).save({
     23 + webPage,
     24 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Processed,
     25 + scanResult: {
     26 + packages: [
     27 + {
     28 + name: 'react',
     29 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     30 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     31 + approximateByteSize: null,
     32 + },
     33 + ],
     34 + },
     35 + });
     36 + 
     37 + await syncPackageUsageByHostname(scan, em);
     38 + 
     39 + const packageUsageByHostEntries = await em
     40 + .getRepository(PackageUsageByHostnameProjection)
     41 + .find({
     42 + packageName: 'react',
     43 + });
     44 + 
     45 + expect(packageUsageByHostEntries).toMatchObject([
     46 + {
     47 + sourceScanId:,
     48 + hostnameId: scan.webPage.hostnameId,
     49 + packageName: 'react',
     50 + packageVersionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     51 + },
     52 + ]);
     53 + });
     54 + 
     55 + it('should clean up changed packages between scans', async () => {
     56 + const db = await getDatabaseConnection();
     57 + const em = db.createEntityManager();
     58 + 
     59 + const url = new URL('');
     60 + 
     61 + const webPage = await findOrCreateWebPage(url, em);
     62 + 
     63 + const firstScan = await em.getRepository(WebPageScan).save({
     64 + webPage,
     65 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Processed,
     66 + scanResult: {
     67 + packages: [
     68 + {
     69 + name: 'react',
     70 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     71 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     72 + approximateByteSize: null,
     73 + },
     74 + {
     75 + name: 'react-dom',
     76 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     77 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     78 + approximateByteSize: null,
     79 + },
     80 + ],
     81 + },
     82 + });
     83 + 
     84 + await syncPackageUsageByHostname(firstScan, em);
     85 + 
     86 + const packageUsageByHostEntries = await em
     87 + .getRepository(PackageUsageByHostnameProjection)
     88 + .createQueryBuilder('usage')
     89 + .where('usage.hostname_id = :hostnameId', { hostnameId: firstScan.webPage.hostnameId })
     90 + .getMany();
     91 + 
     92 + expect(packageUsageByHostEntries).toMatchObject([
     93 + {
     94 + sourceScanId:,
     95 + hostnameId: firstScan.webPage.hostnameId,
     96 + packageName: 'react',
     97 + packageVersionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     98 + },
     99 + {
     100 + sourceScanId:,
     101 + hostnameId: firstScan.webPage.hostnameId,
     102 + packageName: 'react-dom',
     103 + packageVersionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     104 + },
     105 + ]);
     106 + 
     107 + const secondScan = await em.getRepository(WebPageScan).save({
     108 + webPage,
     109 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Processed,
     110 + scanResult: {
     111 + packages: [
     112 + {
     113 + name: 'react',
     114 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     115 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     116 + approximateByteSize: null,
     117 + },
     118 + ],
     119 + },
     120 + });
     121 + 
     122 + await syncPackageUsageByHostname(secondScan, em);
     123 + 
     124 + const secondPackageUsageByHostEntries = await em
     125 + .getRepository(PackageUsageByHostnameProjection)
     126 + .createQueryBuilder('usage')
     127 + .where('usage.hostname_id = :hostnameId', { hostnameId: firstScan.webPage.hostnameId })
     128 + .getMany();
     129 + 
     130 + expect(secondPackageUsageByHostEntries).toMatchObject([
     131 + {
     132 + sourceScanId:,
     133 + hostnameId: firstScan.webPage.hostnameId,
     134 + packageName: 'react',
     135 + packageVersionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     136 + },
     137 + ]);
     138 + });
     139 +});
     140 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { PackageUsageByHostnameProjection, WebPage, WebPageScan } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     2 +import { EntityManager } from 'typeorm';
     3 + 
     4 +export async function syncPackageUsageByHostname(newScan: WebPageScan, em: EntityManager) {
     5 + if (!newScan.scanResult) {
     6 + throw new Error('Scan was not completed');
     7 + }
     8 + 
     9 + const packageUsageByHostRepo = em.getRepository(PackageUsageByHostnameProjection);
     10 + const webPageScanRepo = em.getRepository(WebPageScan);
     11 + const webPageRepo = em.getRepository(WebPage);
     12 + 
     13 + const previousScan = await webPageScanRepo
     14 + .createQueryBuilder('webpagescan')
     15 + .where(' < :newId', { newId: })
     16 + .andWhere('webpagescan.web_page_id = :webPageId', { webPageId: newScan.webPageId })
     17 + .orderBy('', 'DESC')
     18 + .limit(1)
     19 + .getOne();
     20 + 
     21 + if (previousScan) {
     22 + await em
     23 + .createQueryBuilder()
     24 + .delete()
     25 + .from(PackageUsageByHostnameProjection)
     26 + .where('source_scan_id = :scanId', { scanId: })
     27 + .execute();
     28 + }
     29 + 
     30 + const relatedWebPage = await webPageRepo
     31 + .createQueryBuilder('webpage')
     32 + .where(' = :id', { id: newScan.webPageId })
     33 + .leftJoinAndSelect('webpage.hostname', 'hostname')
     34 + .getOneOrFail();
     35 + 
     36 + const packageUsageEntities = =>
     37 + packageUsageByHostRepo.create({
     38 + hostname: relatedWebPage.hostname,
     39 + sourceScan: newScan,
     40 + packageName:,
     41 + packageVersionSet: sourcePackage.versionSet,
     42 + })
     43 + );
     44 + 
     45 + if (packageUsageEntities.length) {
     46 + await;
     47 + }
     48 +}
     49 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { useDatabaseConnection, useTransactionalTesting } from '@gradejs-public/test-utils';
     2 +import {
     3 + getDatabaseConnection,
     4 + PackageVulnerability,
     5 + ScansWithVulnerabilitiesProjection,
     6 + WebPageScan,
     7 +} from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     8 +import { findOrCreateWebPage } from '../website/service';
     9 +import { syncScansWithVulnerabilities } from './syncScansWithVulnerabilities';
     10 + 
     11 +useDatabaseConnection();
     12 +useTransactionalTesting();
     13 + 
     14 +describe('projections / scansWithVulnerabilities', () => {
     15 + it('should sync reported scans with vulnerabilities', async () => {
     16 + const db = await getDatabaseConnection();
     17 + const em = db.createEntityManager();
     18 + 
     19 + const url = new URL('');
     20 + 
     21 + const webPage = await findOrCreateWebPage(url, em);
     22 + 
     23 + const scan = await em.getRepository(WebPageScan).save({
     24 + webPage,
     25 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Processed,
     26 + scanResult: {
     27 + packages: [
     28 + {
     29 + name: 'react',
     30 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     31 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     32 + approximateByteSize: null,
     33 + },
     34 + ],
     35 + },
     36 + });
     37 + 
     38 + await em.getRepository(PackageVulnerability).save({
     39 + packageName: 'react',
     40 + packageVersionRange: '<=17.0.0',
     41 + osvId: 'test-osv-id',
     42 + osvData: {
     43 + schema_version: '',
     44 + modified: '',
     45 + id: 'test-osv-id',
     46 + severity: [
     47 + {
     48 + type: 'CVSS_V3',
     49 + score: 'SEVERE',
     50 + },
     51 + ],
     52 + database_specific: {
     53 + severity: 'SEVERE',
     54 + },
     55 + },
     56 + });
     57 + 
     58 + await syncScansWithVulnerabilities(scan, em);
     59 + 
     60 + const scanWithVulnerabilities = await em
     61 + .getRepository(ScansWithVulnerabilitiesProjection)
     62 + .createQueryBuilder('scans')
     63 + .where('scans.source_scan_id = :scanId', { scanId: })
     64 + .getOne();
     65 + 
     66 + expect(scanWithVulnerabilities).toMatchObject({
     67 + vulnerabilities: [
     68 + {
     69 + packageName: 'react',
     70 + severity: 'SEVERE',
     71 + },
     72 + ],
     73 + });
     74 + });
     75 +});
     76 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { ScansWithVulnerabilitiesProjection, WebPageScan } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     2 +import { EntityManager } from 'typeorm';
     3 +import { getAffectingVulnerabilities } from '../vulnerabilities/vulnerabilities';
     4 + 
     5 +export async function syncScansWithVulnerabilities(newScan: WebPageScan, em: EntityManager) {
     6 + if (!newScan.scanResult) {
     7 + throw new Error('Scan was not completed');
     8 + }
     9 + 
     10 + const affectingVulnerabilities = await getAffectingVulnerabilities(newScan.scanResult);
     11 + 
     12 + const vulnerabilityList = Object.values(affectingVulnerabilities).flat();
     13 + if (!vulnerabilityList.length) {
     14 + return;
     15 + }
     16 + 
     17 + const scansWithVulnerabilitiesRepo = em.getRepository(ScansWithVulnerabilitiesProjection);
     18 + 
     19 + await{
     20 + sourceScan: newScan,
     21 + vulnerabilities: => ({
     22 + packageName: vulnerability.affectedPackageName,
     23 + severity: vulnerability.severity,
     24 + })),
     25 + });
     26 +}
     27 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -import { TRPC_ERROR_CODES_BY_KEY } from '@trpc/server/rpc';
    2  -import {
    3  - internalApi,
    4  - PackageMetadata,
    5  - PackageVulnerability,
    6  - WebPage,
    7  - WebPagePackage,
    8  -} from '@gradejs-public/shared';
    9  -import {
    10  - createSupertestApi,
    11  - useDatabaseConnection,
    12  - useTransactionalTesting,
    13  -} from '@gradejs-public/test-utils';
    14  -import { getRepository } from 'typeorm';
    15  -import { createApp } from './app';
    16  - 
    17  -useDatabaseConnection();
    18  -useTransactionalTesting();
    19  - 
    20  -const api = createSupertestApi(createApp);
    21  - 
    22  -describe('routes / heathCheck', () => {
    23  - it('should return valid response for healthcheck path', async () => {
    24  - await api.get('/').send().expect(200);
    25  - });
    26  - 
    27  - it('should return not found error', async () => {
    28  - const response = await api
    29  - .get('/any-invalid-route')
    30  - .set('Origin', 'http://localhost:3000')
    31  - .send()
    32  - .expect(404);
    33  - 
    34  - expect(response.body).toMatchObject({
    35  - error: {
    37  - },
    38  - });
    39  - });
    40  -});
    41  - 
    42  -describe('routes / website', () => {
    43  - it('should initiate webpage parsing', async () => {
    44  - const siteUrl = '' + Math.random().toString();
    45  - 
    46  - const initiateUrlProcessingInternalMock = jest.spyOn(internalApi, 'initiateUrlProcessing');
    47  - 
    48  - initiateUrlProcessingInternalMock.mockImplementation((url) =>
    49  - Promise.resolve({
    50  - url,
    51  - status: 'in-progress',
    52  - } as internalApi.Website)
    53  - );
    54  - 
    55  - const response = await api
    56  - .post('/requestParseWebsite')
    57  - .set('Origin', 'http://localhost:3000')
    58  - .send(JSON.stringify(siteUrl))
    59  - .expect(200);
    60  - const webpage = await getRepository(WebPage).findOne({ url: siteUrl });
    61  - 
    62  - expect(initiateUrlProcessingInternalMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
    63  - expect(initiateUrlProcessingInternalMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(siteUrl);
    64  - expect(response.body).toMatchObject({
    65  - result: {
    66  - data: {
    67  - id: expect.anything(),
    68  - url: siteUrl,
    69  - hostname: '',
    70  - status: 'pending',
    71  - },
    72  - },
    73  - });
    74  - 
    75  - expect(webpage).toMatchObject({
    76  - url: siteUrl,
    77  - hostname: '',
    78  - status: 'pending',
    79  - });
    80  - });
    81  - 
    82  - it('should return cached website by a hostname', async () => {
    83  - const hostname = Math.random().toString() + '';
    84  - const url = `https://${hostname}/`;
    85  - 
    86  - const fetchUrlPackagesMock = jest.spyOn(internalApi, 'fetchUrlPackages');
    87  - 
    88  - // Populate
    89  - const webpageInsert = await getRepository(WebPage).insert({
    90  - url,
    91  - hostname,
    92  - status: WebPage.Status.Processed,
    93  - });
    94  - 
    95  - const packageInsert = await getRepository(WebPagePackage).insert({
    96  - latestUrl: url,
    97  - hostname,
    98  - packageName: 'react',
    99  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    100  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
    101  - });
    102  - 
    103  - const packageMetadataInsert = await getRepository(PackageMetadata).insert({
    104  - name: 'react',
    105  - latestVersion: '18.0.0',
    106  - monthlyDownloads: 100,
    107  - updateSeq: 5,
    108  - license: 'MIT',
    109  - });
    110  - 
    111  - await getRepository(PackageVulnerability).insert({
    112  - packageName: 'react',
    113  - packageVersionRange: '>=17.0.0 <18.0.0',
    114  - osvId: 'GRJS-test-id',
    115  - osvData: {
    116  - schema_version: '1.2.0',
    117  - id: 'GRJS-test-id',
    118  - summary: 'Test summary',
    119  - database_specific: {
    120  - severity: 'HIGH',
    121  - },
    122  - },
    123  - });
    124  - 
    125  - const response = await api
    126  - .post('/syncWebsite')
    127  - .set('Origin', 'http://localhost:3000')
    128  - .send(JSON.stringify(hostname))
    129  - .expect(200);
    130  - 
    131  - expect(fetchUrlPackagesMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
    132  - expect(response.body).toMatchObject({
    133  - result: {
    134  - data: {
    135  - webpages: webpageInsert.generatedMaps,
    136  - packages: [
    137  - {
    138  - ...packageInsert.generatedMaps[0],
    139  - registryMetadata: packageMetadataInsert.generatedMaps[0],
    140  - },
    141  - ],
    142  - vulnerabilities: {
    143  - react: [
    144  - {
    145  - affectedPackageName: 'react',
    146  - affectedVersionRange: '>=17.0.0 <18.0.0',
    147  - osvId: 'GRJS-test-id',
    148  - detailsUrl: ``,
    149  - summary: 'Test summary',
    150  - severity: 'HIGH',
    151  - },
    152  - ],
    153  - },
    154  - },
    155  - },
    156  - });
    157  - });
    158  - 
    159  - it('should sync pending webpages', async () => {
    160  - const hostname = Math.random().toString() + '';
    161  - const siteUrl = `https://${hostname}/`;
    162  - 
    163  - // Populate
    164  - const webpageInsert = await getRepository(WebPage).insert({
    165  - url: siteUrl,
    166  - hostname,
    167  - status: WebPage.Status.Pending,
    168  - });
    169  - 
    170  - const fetchUrlPackagesMock = jest.spyOn(internalApi, 'fetchUrlPackages');
    171  - 
    172  - fetchUrlPackagesMock.mockImplementation((url) =>
    173  - Promise.resolve({
    174  - id: 0,
    175  - updatedAt: '1',
    176  - createdAt: '1',
    177  - url,
    178  - status: 'ready',
    179  - detectedPackages: [
    180  - {
    181  - name: 'react',
    182  - versionRange: '17.0.2',
    183  - possibleVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    184  - approximateSize: 1337,
    185  - },
    186  - {
    187  - name: 'object-assign',
    188  - versionRange: '4.1.0 - 4.1.1',
    189  - possibleVersions: ['4.1.0', '4.1.1'],
    190  - approximateSize: 42,
    191  - },
    192  - ],
    193  - } as internalApi.Website)
    194  - );
    195  - 
    196  - const response = await api
    197  - .post('/syncWebsite')
    198  - .set('Origin', 'http://localhost:3000')
    199  - .send(JSON.stringify(hostname))
    200  - .expect(200);
    201  - expect(fetchUrlPackagesMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
    202  - expect(fetchUrlPackagesMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(siteUrl);
    203  - 
    204  - expect(response.body).toMatchObject({
    205  - result: {
    206  - data: {
    207  - webpages: [
    208  - {
    209  -,
    210  - status: WebPage.Status.Processed,
    211  - updatedAt: expect.anything(),
    212  - },
    213  - ],
    214  - packages: [
    215  - {
    216  - latestUrl: siteUrl,
    217  - hostname,
    218  - packageName: 'react',
    219  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    220  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
    221  - packageMetadata: {
    222  - approximateByteSize: 1337,
    223  - },
    224  - },
    225  - {
    226  - latestUrl: siteUrl,
    227  - hostname,
    228  - packageName: 'object-assign',
    229  - possiblePackageVersions: ['4.1.0', '4.1.1'],
    230  - packageVersionRange: '4.1.0 - 4.1.1',
    231  - packageMetadata: {
    232  - approximateByteSize: 42,
    233  - },
    234  - },
    235  - ],
    236  - vulnerabilities: {},
    237  - },
    238  - },
    239  - });
    240  - });
    241  -});
    242  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -import * as trpc from '@trpc/server';
    2  -// See also:
    3  -import { CreateExpressContextOptions } from '@trpc/server/adapters/express';
    4  -import { z, ZodError } from 'zod';
    5  -import { NotFoundError } from './middleware/response';
    6  -import {
    7  - getPackagesByHostname,
    8  - getWebPagesByHostname,
    9  - requestWebPageParse,
    10  - syncWebPage,
    11  -} from './website/service';
    12  -import { getAffectingVulnerabilities } from './vulnerabilities/vulnerabilities';
    13  -import { SerializableEntity, toSerializable } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
    14  - 
    15  -const hostnameRe =
    16  - /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$|^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)+([A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$/;
    17  - 
    18  -// created for each request
    19  -export const createContext = (_: CreateExpressContextOptions) => ({}); // no context
    20  -type Context = trpc.inferAsyncReturnType<typeof createContext>;
    21  - 
    22  -export namespace Api {
    23  - export type WebPage = SerializableEntity<
    24  - Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getWebPagesByHostname>>[number]
    25  - >;
    26  - export type WebPagePackage = SerializableEntity<
    27  - Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getPackagesByHostname>>[number]
    28  - >;
    29  - export type WebSiteParseResult = SerializableEntity<
    30  - Awaited<ReturnType<typeof requestWebPageParse>>
    31  - >;
    32  - export type Vulnerability = SerializableEntity<
    33  - Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getAffectingVulnerabilities>>[string][number]
    34  - >;
    35  -}
    36  - 
    37  -export const appRouter = trpc
    38  - .router<Context>()
    39  - .mutation('syncWebsite', {
    40  - input: z.string().regex(hostnameRe),
    41  - async resolve({ input: hostname }) {
    42  - const webpages = await getWebPagesByHostname(hostname);
    43  - 
    44  - if (webpages.length === 0) {
    45  - throw new NotFoundError();
    46  - }
    47  - 
    48  - await Promise.all(;
    49  - const packages = await getPackagesByHostname(hostname);
    50  - const vulnerabilities = await getAffectingVulnerabilities(packages);
    51  - 
    52  - return {
    53  - webpages:,
    54  - packages:,
    55  - vulnerabilities,
    56  - };
    57  - },
    58  - })
    59  - .mutation('requestParseWebsite', {
    60  - input: z.string().url(),
    61  - async resolve({ input: url }) {
    62  - return toSerializable(await requestWebPageParse(url));
    63  - },
    64  - })
    65  - .formatError(({ shape, error }) => {
    66  - // TODO: proper reporting
    67  - return {
    68  - ...shape,
    69  - data: {
    70  -,
    71  - zodError:
    72  - error.code === 'BAD_REQUEST' && error.cause instanceof ZodError
    73  - ? error.cause.flatten()
    74  - : null,
    75  - },
    76  - };
    77  - });
    78  - 
    79  -// export type definition of API
    80  -export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;
    81  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import {
     2 + createSupertestApi,
     3 + useDatabaseConnection,
     4 + useTransactionalTesting,
     5 +} from '@gradejs-public/test-utils';
     6 +import { createApp } from './app';
     7 +import { getGradeJsApiKey, internalApi, WebPageScan } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     8 +import * as WebsiteService from './website/service';
     9 +import { SystemApi } from './systemApiRouter';
     10 +import { getRepository } from 'typeorm';
     11 + 
     12 +useDatabaseConnection();
     13 +useTransactionalTesting();
     14 + 
     15 +const api = createSupertestApi(createApp);
     16 + 
     17 +describe('routes / systemApi', () => {
     18 + it('should deny requests without valid api key', async () => {
     19 + await'/system/scan').send().expect(401);
     20 + await'/system/scan').set('X-Api-Key', 'INVALID').send().expect(401);
     21 + });
     22 + 
     23 + it('should deny requests with invalid body', async () => {
     24 + await api
     25 + .post('/system/scan')
     26 + .set('X-Api-Key', getGradeJsApiKey())
     27 + .send({
     28 + id: 'test',
     29 + url: '',
     30 + status: 'invalid',
     31 + })
     32 + .expect(400);
     33 + });
     34 + 
     35 + it('should process reported scans', async () => {
     36 + const payload: SystemApi.ScanReport = {
     37 + id: 'test',
     38 + url: '',
     39 + status: internalApi.WebPageScan.Status.Ready,
     40 + scan: {
     41 + packages: [
     42 + {
     43 + name: 'react',
     44 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     45 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     46 + approximateByteSize: null,
     47 + },
     48 + ],
     49 + },
     50 + };
     51 + 
     52 + const sencWebPageScanResultMock = jest.spyOn(WebsiteService, 'syncWebPageScanResult');
     53 + sencWebPageScanResultMock.mockImplementation(async () => {
     54 + return getRepository(WebPageScan).create({
     55 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Processed,
     56 + });
     57 + });
     58 + 
     59 + await'/system/scan').set('X-Api-Key', getGradeJsApiKey()).send(payload).expect(204);
     60 + 
     61 + expect(sencWebPageScanResultMock).toBeCalledWith(payload);
     62 + });
     63 +});
     64 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { Router } from 'express';
     2 +import { internalApi } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     3 +import { z } from 'zod';
     4 +import { syncWebPageScanResult } from './website/service';
     5 + 
     6 +const apiReportedPackageSchema = z.object({
     7 + name: z.string(),
     8 + versionSet: z.array(z.string()),
     9 + versionRange: z.string(),
     10 + approximateByteSize: z.nullable(z.number()),
     11 +});
     12 + 
     13 +const apiScanReportSchema = z.object({
     14 + id: z.optional(z.string()),
     15 + url: z.string().url(),
     16 + status: z.nativeEnum(internalApi.WebPageScan.Status),
     17 + scan: z.object({
     18 + packages: z.array(apiReportedPackageSchema),
     19 + }),
     20 +});
     21 + 
     22 +export namespace SystemApi {
     23 + export type ScanReport = z.infer<typeof apiScanReportSchema>;
     24 + export type ReportedPackage = z.infer<typeof apiReportedPackageSchema>;
     25 +}
     26 + 
     27 +const systemApiRouter = Router();
     28 + 
     29'/scan', async (req, res, next) => {
     30 + try {
     31 + const scanReport = apiScanReportSchema.parse(req.body);
     32 + await syncWebPageScanResult(scanReport);
     33 + } catch (e) {
     34 + next(e);
     35 + return;
     36 + }
     37 + 
     38 + res.status(204).end();
     39 +});
     40 + 
     41 +export default systemApiRouter;
     42 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 1 lines
    2 2   GithubAdvisoryDatabaseSpecific,
    3 3   PackageVulnerabilityData,
    4 4   PackageVulnerability,
    5  - WebPagePackage,
     5 + WebPageScan,
    6 6  } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
    7 7  import { getRepository } from 'typeorm';
    8 8  import semver from 'semver';
    skipped 10 lines
    19 19   return vulnerabilitiesQuery.getMany();
    20 20  }
    21 21   
    22  -export async function getAffectingVulnerabilities(packages: WebPagePackage[]) {
     22 +export async function getAffectingVulnerabilities(scanResult: WebPageScan.Result) {
    23 23   const affectingVulnerabilitiesByPackage: Record<string, PackageVulnerabilityData[]> = {};
     24 + 
     25 + const packages = scanResult.packages;
    24 26   if (!packages.length) {
    25 27   return affectingVulnerabilitiesByPackage;
    26 28   }
    27 29   
    28 30   const packagesByNames = packages.reduce((acc, pkg) => {
    29  - acc[pkg.packageName] = pkg;
     31 + acc[] = pkg;
    30 32   return acc;
    31  - }, {} as Record<string, WebPagePackage>);
     33 + }, {} as Record<string, typeof packages[number]>);
    32 34   
    33 35   const vulnerabilitiesByPackage = await getVulnerabilitiesByPackageNames(
    34 36   Object.keys(packagesByNames)
    skipped 2 lines
    37 39   for (const vulnerability of vulnerabilitiesByPackage) {
    38 40   const relatedPackage = packagesByNames[vulnerability.packageName]!;
    39 41   const affectsReportedRange = semver.subset(
    40  - relatedPackage.packageVersionRange,
     42 + relatedPackage.versionRange,
    41 43   vulnerability.packageVersionRange,
    42 44   { loose: true }
    43 45   );
    skipped 25 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { useDatabaseConnection, useTransactionalTesting } from '@gradejs-public/test-utils';
     2 +import { findOrCreateWebPage, syncWebPageScanResult } from './service';
     3 +import { getDatabaseConnection, internalApi, WebPageScan } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     4 + 
     5 +useDatabaseConnection();
     6 +useTransactionalTesting();
     7 + 
     8 +describe('website / service', () => {
     9 + it('should persist expected scan result', async () => {
     10 + const db = await getDatabaseConnection();
     11 + const em = db.createEntityManager();
     12 + 
     13 + const url = new URL('');
     14 + 
     15 + const webPage = await findOrCreateWebPage(url, em);
     16 + 
     17 + const scan = await em.getRepository(WebPageScan).save({
     18 + webPage: webPage,
     19 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Pending,
     20 + });
     21 + 
     22 + await syncWebPageScanResult({
     23 + id:,
     24 + status: internalApi.WebPageScan.Status.Ready,
     25 + url: url.toString(),
     26 + scan: {
     27 + packages: [
     28 + {
     29 + name: 'react',
     30 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     31 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     32 + approximateByteSize: null,
     33 + },
     34 + ],
     35 + },
     36 + });
     37 + 
     38 + const updatedScan = await em.getRepository(WebPageScan).findOneOrFail({ id: });
     39 + expect(updatedScan).toMatchObject({
     40 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Processed,
     41 + scanResult: {
     42 + packages: [
     43 + {
     44 + name: 'react',
     45 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     46 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     47 + approximateByteSize: null,
     48 + },
     49 + ],
     50 + },
     51 + });
     52 + expect(updatedScan.finishedAt?.getTime()).toBeGreaterThan(updatedScan.createdAt.getTime());
     53 + });
     54 + 
     55 + it('should persist new scan result', async () => {
     56 + const url = new URL('');
     57 + 
     58 + const scan = await syncWebPageScanResult({
     59 + status: internalApi.WebPageScan.Status.Ready,
     60 + url: url.toString(),
     61 + scan: {
     62 + packages: [
     63 + {
     64 + name: 'react',
     65 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     66 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     67 + approximateByteSize: null,
     68 + },
     69 + ],
     70 + },
     71 + });
     72 + 
     73 + expect(scan).toMatchObject({
     74 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Processed,
     75 + scanResult: {
     76 + packages: [
     77 + {
     78 + name: 'react',
     79 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     80 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     81 + approximateByteSize: null,
     82 + },
     83 + ],
     84 + },
     85 + });
     86 + });
     87 + 
     88 + it('should throw upon syncing non-existing scan', async () => {
     89 + const url = new URL('');
     90 + 
     91 + const syncPromise = syncWebPageScanResult({
     92 + id: '9999999',
     93 + status: internalApi.WebPageScan.Status.Ready,
     94 + url: url.toString(),
     95 + scan: {
     96 + packages: [
     97 + {
     98 + name: 'react',
     99 + versionSet: ['17.0.0'],
     100 + versionRange: '17.0.0',
     101 + approximateByteSize: null,
     102 + },
     103 + ],
     104 + },
     105 + });
     106 + 
     107 + await expect(syncPromise).rejects.toThrow();
     108 + });
     109 +});
     110 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -import { getRepository } from 'typeorm';
    2  -import { WebPage, WebPagePackage, internalApi } from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     1 +import {
     2 + WebPageScan,
     3 + getDatabaseConnection,
     4 + internalApi,
     5 + Hostname,
     6 + WebPage,
     7 +} from '@gradejs-public/shared';
     8 +import { EntityManager } from 'typeorm';
     9 +import { syncPackageUsageByHostname } from '../projections/syncPackageUsageByHostname';
     10 +import { syncScansWithVulnerabilities } from '../projections/syncScansWithVulnerabilities';
     11 +import { SystemApi } from '../systemApiRouter';
    3 12   
    4  -export async function requestWebPageParse(url: string) {
    5  - const [cached, internal] = await Promise.all([
    6  - getRepository(WebPage).findOne({ url }),
    7  - internalApi.initiateUrlProcessing(url),
    8  - // Clear cached results
    9  - getRepository(WebPagePackage).delete({ hostname: getHostnameFromUrl(url) }),
    10  - ]);
     13 +const RESCAN_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // 1 day in ms
     14 + 
     15 +export async function findOrCreateWebPage(url: URL, em: EntityManager) {
     16 + const hostnameRepo = em.getRepository(Hostname);
     17 + const webPageRepo = em.getRepository(WebPage);
    11 18   
    12  - // Insert or update database entry
    13  - return getRepository(WebPage).save({
    14  - url: internal.url,
    15  - hostname: getHostnameFromUrl(internal.url),
    16  - status: mapInternalWebsiteStatus(internal.status),
    17  - ...(cached ? { id: } : {}),
     19 + let hostnameEntity = await hostnameRepo.findOne({
     20 + hostname: url.hostname,
    18 21   });
    19  -}
    20  - 
    21  -export async function syncWebPage(webpage: WebPage) {
    22  - // Skip sync for processed items
    23  - if (webpage.status !== WebPage.Status.Pending) {
    24  - return;
     22 + if (!hostnameEntity) {
     23 + hostnameEntity = await{
     24 + hostname: url.hostname,
     25 + });
    25 26   }
    26 27   
    27  - const internal = await internalApi.fetchUrlPackages(webpage.url);
    28  - const nextStatus = mapInternalWebsiteStatus(internal.status);
    29  - 
    30  - // Save updated status if changed
    31  - if (webpage.status !== nextStatus) {
    32  - webpage.status = nextStatus;
    33  - await;
     28 + let webPageEntity = await webPageRepo
     29 + .createQueryBuilder('web_page')
     30 + .where('web_page.hostname_id = :hostnameId', { hostnameId: })
     31 + .andWhere('web_page.path = :path', { path: url.pathname })
     32 + .limit(1)
     33 + .getOne();
     34 + if (!webPageEntity) {
     35 + webPageEntity = await{
     36 + hostname: hostnameEntity,
     37 + path: url.pathname,
     38 + });
    34 39   }
    35 40   
    36  - // Save packages if ready
    37  - if (webpage.status === WebPage.Status.Processed && internal.detectedPackages.length > 0) {
    38  - await getRepository(WebPagePackage).upsert(
    39  - => ({
    40  - latestUrl: internal.url,
    41  - hostname: getHostnameFromUrl(internal.url),
    42  - packageName:,
    43  - possiblePackageVersions: pkg.possibleVersions,
    44  - packageVersionRange: pkg.versionRange,
    45  - packageMetadata: {
    46  - approximateByteSize: pkg.approximateSize ?? undefined,
    47  - },
    48  - })),
    49  - ['hostname', 'packageName']
    50  - );
    51  - }
     41 + return webPageEntity;
    52 42  }
    53 43   
    54  -export async function getWebPagesByHostname(hostname: string) {
    55  - return getRepository(WebPage).find({ hostname });
     44 +export async function getOrRequestWebPageScan(url: string) {
     45 + const parsedUrl = new URL(url);
     46 + 
     47 + const db = await getDatabaseConnection();
     48 + 
     49 + const result = await db.transaction(async (em) => {
     50 + const webPageScanRepo = em.getRepository(WebPageScan);
     51 + 
     52 + const webPageEntity = await findOrCreateWebPage(parsedUrl, em);
     53 + 
     54 + const mostRecentScan = await webPageScanRepo
     55 + .createQueryBuilder('scan')
     56 + .where('scan.web_page_id = :webPageId', { webPageId: })
     57 + .orderBy('scan.created_at', 'DESC')
     58 + .limit(1)
     59 + .getOne();
     60 + 
     61 + if (mostRecentScan && - mostRecentScan.createdAt.getTime() < RESCAN_TIMEOUT_MS) {
     62 + return mostRecentScan;
     63 + }
     64 + 
     65 + const webPageScanEntity = await{
     66 + webPage: webPageEntity,
     67 + status: WebPageScan.Status.Pending,
     68 + });
     69 + 
     70 + await internalApi.requestWebPageScan(parsedUrl.toString(),;
     71 + 
     72 + return webPageScanEntity;
     73 + });
     74 + 
     75 + return result;
    56 76  }
    57 77   
    58  -export async function getPackagesByHostname(hostname: string) {
    59  - return getRepository(WebPagePackage).find({
    60  - relations: ['registryMetadata'],
    61  - where: { hostname },
     78 +export async function syncWebPageScanResult(scanReport: SystemApi.ScanReport) {
     79 + const db = await getDatabaseConnection();
     80 + 
     81 + return await db.transaction(async (em) => {
     82 + const webPageScanRepo = em.getRepository(WebPageScan);
     83 + 
     84 + let scanEntity: WebPageScan;
     85 + if ( {
     86 + scanEntity = await webPageScanRepo.findOneOrFail({ id: parseInt(, 10) });
     87 + } else {
     88 + const webPageEntity = await findOrCreateWebPage(new URL(scanReport.url), em);
     89 + scanEntity = webPageScanRepo.create({
     90 + webPage: webPageEntity,
     91 + });
     92 + }
     93 + 
     94 + scanEntity.status = mapInternalWebsiteStatus(scanReport.status);
     95 + scanEntity.finishedAt = new Date();
     96 + scanEntity.scanResult = scanReport.scan;
     97 + 
     98 + await;
     99 + 
     100 + await Promise.all([
     101 + syncPackageUsageByHostname(scanEntity, em),
     102 + syncScansWithVulnerabilities(scanEntity, em),
     103 + ]);
     104 + 
     105 + return scanEntity;
    62 106   });
    63 107  }
    64 108   
    65  -function mapInternalWebsiteStatus(status: internalApi.WebsiteStatus) {
     109 +function mapInternalWebsiteStatus(status: internalApi.WebPageScan.Status) {
    66 110   switch (status) {
    67  - case internalApi.WebsiteStatus.Invalid:
    68  - return WebPage.Status.Unsupported;
    69  - case internalApi.WebsiteStatus.InProgress:
    70  - return WebPage.Status.Pending;
    71  - case internalApi.WebsiteStatus.Protected:
    72  - return WebPage.Status.Protected;
     111 + case internalApi.WebPageScan.Status.Invalid:
     112 + return WebPageScan.Status.Unsupported;
     113 + case internalApi.WebPageScan.Status.InProgress:
     114 + return WebPageScan.Status.Pending;
     115 + case internalApi.WebPageScan.Status.Protected:
     116 + return WebPageScan.Status.Protected;
    73 117   default:
    74  - return WebPage.Status.Processed;
     118 + return WebPageScan.Status.Processed;
    75 119   }
    76 120  }
    77 121   
    78  -function getHostnameFromUrl(url: string) {
    79  - return new URL(url).hostname;
    80  -}
    81  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { BaseEntity, Column, Entity, Index, OneToMany, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
     2 +import { WebPage } from './webPage';
     3 + 
     4 +@Entity({ name: 'hostname' })
     5 +@Index(['hostname'], { unique: true })
     6 +export class Hostname extends BaseEntity {
     7 + @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'int' })
     8 + id!: number;
     9 + 
     10 + @Column()
     11 + hostname!: string;
     12 + 
     13 + @OneToMany(() => WebPage, (webPage) => webPage.hostname)
     14 + webPages?: WebPage[];
     15 +}
     16 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -import { Column, Entity, Index, PrimaryColumn, BaseEntity } from 'typeorm';
     1 +import { Column, Entity, Index, BaseEntity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
    2 2   
    3 3  type Maintainer = {
    4 4   name: string;
    skipped 5 lines
    10 10  @Entity({ name: 'package_metadata' })
    11 11  @Index(['name'], { unique: true })
    12 12  export class PackageMetadata extends BaseEntity {
    13  - @PrimaryColumn({ type: 'int', generated: 'increment' })
     13 + @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'int' })
    14 14   id!: number;
    15 15   
    16 16   @Column()
    skipped 39 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { BaseEntity, Column, Index, ViewEntity } from 'typeorm';
     2 + 
     3 +@ViewEntity({ name: 'package_popularity_view' })
     4 +@Index(['packageName'])
     5 +@Index(['usageByHostnameCount'])
     6 +export class PackagePopularityView extends BaseEntity {
     7 + @Column()
     8 + packageName!: string;
     9 + 
     10 + @Column()
     11 + usageByHostnameCount!: number;
     12 + 
     13 + @Column({ type: 'jsonb' })
     14 + versionPopularity!: PackageVersionPopularity;
     15 +}
     16 + 
     17 +type PackageVersionPopularity = Array<{ package_version: string; count: number }>;
     18 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import {
     2 + BaseEntity,
     3 + Column,
     4 + Entity,
     5 + Index,
     6 + ManyToOne,
     7 + PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
     8 + RelationId,
     9 +} from 'typeorm';
     10 +import { Hostname } from './hostname';
     11 +import { WebPageScan } from './webPageScan';
     12 + 
     13 +@Entity({ name: 'package_usage_by_hostname_projection' })
     14 +@Index(['packageName'])
     15 +export class PackageUsageByHostnameProjection extends BaseEntity {
     16 + @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'int' })
     17 + id!: number;
     18 + 
     19 + @ManyToOne(() => Hostname)
     20 + hostname!: Hostname;
     21 + 
     22 + @RelationId((self: PackageUsageByHostnameProjection) => self.hostname)
     23 + hostnameId!: number;
     24 + 
     25 + @ManyToOne(() => WebPageScan)
     26 + sourceScan!: WebPageScan;
     27 + 
     28 + @RelationId((self: PackageUsageByHostnameProjection) => self.sourceScan)
     29 + sourceScanId!: number;
     30 + 
     31 + @Column()
     32 + packageName!: string;
     33 + 
     34 + @Column({ type: 'jsonb' })
     35 + packageVersionSet!: string[];
     36 +}
     37 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -import { Column, Entity, Index, PrimaryColumn, BaseEntity } from 'typeorm';
     1 +import { Column, Entity, Index, BaseEntity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
    2 2   
    3 3  export enum OSVAffectedRangeType {
    4 4   GIT = 'GIT',
    skipped 81 lines
    86 86   
    87 87  export enum GithubAdvisorySeverity {
    88 88   Low = 'LOW',
    89  - Medium = 'MEDIUM',
     89 + Moderate = 'MODERATE',
    90 90   High = 'HIGH',
    91 91   Critical = 'CRITICAL',
    92 92  }
    skipped 10 lines
    103 103  @Entity({ name: 'package_vulnerability' })
    104 104  @Index(['packageName', 'osvId'], { unique: true })
    105 105  export class PackageVulnerability extends BaseEntity {
    106  - @PrimaryColumn({ type: 'int', generated: 'increment' })
     106 + @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'int' })
    107 107   id!: number; // Autogenerated PKey as one vulnerability may point to multiple packages
    108 108   
    109 109   @Column()
    skipped 12 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import {
     2 + BaseEntity,
     3 + Column,
     4 + CreateDateColumn,
     5 + Entity,
     6 + Index,
     7 + ManyToOne,
     8 + PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
     9 + RelationId,
     10 +} from 'typeorm';
     11 +import { WebPageScan } from './webPageScan';
     12 + 
     13 +@Entity({ name: 'scans_with_vulnerabilities_projection' })
     14 +@Index(['createdAt'])
     15 +export class ScansWithVulnerabilitiesProjection extends BaseEntity {
     16 + @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'int' })
     17 + id!: number;
     18 + 
     19 + @ManyToOne(() => WebPageScan)
     20 + sourceScan!: WebPageScan;
     21 + 
     22 + @RelationId((self: ScansWithVulnerabilitiesProjection) => self.sourceScan)
     23 + sourceScanId!: number;
     24 + 
     25 + @Column({ type: 'jsonb' })
     26 + vulnerabilities!: CompactVulnerabilityDescription[];
     27 + 
     28 + @CreateDateColumn()
     29 + createdAt!: Date;
     30 +}
     31 + 
     32 +export type CompactVulnerabilityDescription = {
     33 + affectedPackageName: string;
     34 + severity: string;
     35 +};
     36 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  import {
    2 2   Column,
    3 3   Entity,
    4  - Index,
    5  - PrimaryColumn,
    6 4   BaseEntity,
    7 5   CreateDateColumn,
    8  - UpdateDateColumn,
     6 + PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
     7 + ManyToOne,
     8 + JoinColumn,
     9 + OneToMany,
     10 + RelationId,
     11 + Index,
    9 12  } from 'typeorm';
     13 +import { Hostname } from './hostname';
     14 +import { WebPageScan } from './webPageScan';
    10 15   
    11 16  @Entity({ name: 'web_page' })
    12  -@Index(['url'], { unique: true })
     17 +@Index(['hostname', 'path'], { unique: true })
    13 18  export class WebPage extends BaseEntity {
    14  - @PrimaryColumn({ type: 'int', generated: 'increment' })
     19 + @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'int' })
    15 20   id!: number;
    16 21   
    17  - @Column()
    18  - hostname!: string;
     22 + @ManyToOne(() => Hostname, (hostname) => hostname.webPages)
     23 + @JoinColumn({ name: 'hostname_id', referencedColumnName: 'id' })
     24 + hostname!: Hostname;
    19 25   
    20  - @Column()
    21  - url!: string;
     26 + @RelationId((self: WebPage) => self.hostname)
     27 + hostnameId!: number;
    22 28   
    23 29   @Column()
    24  - status!: WebPage.Status;
     30 + path!: string;
    25 31   
    26  - @UpdateDateColumn()
    27  - updatedAt?: Date;
     32 + @OneToMany(() => WebPageScan, (webPageScan) => webPageScan.webPage)
     33 + scans!: WebPageScan[];
    28 34   
    29 35   @CreateDateColumn()
    30 36   createdAt!: Date;
    31 37  }
    32 38   
    33  -export namespace WebPage {
    34  - export enum Status {
    35  - Pending = 'pending',
    36  - Processed = 'processed',
    37  - Unsupported = 'unsupported',
    38  - Protected = 'protected',
    39  - }
    40  -}
    41  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -import {
    2  - Column,
    3  - Entity,
    4  - Index,
    5  - PrimaryColumn,
    6  - BaseEntity,
    7  - CreateDateColumn,
    8  - UpdateDateColumn,
    9  - ManyToOne,
    10  - JoinColumn,
    11  -} from 'typeorm';
    12  -import { PackageMetadata } from './packageMetadata';
    13  - 
    14  -export type WebPagePackageMetadata = {
    15  - approximateByteSize?: number;
    16  -};
    17  - 
    18  -@Entity({ name: 'web_page_package' })
    19  -@Index(['hostname', 'packageName'], { unique: true })
    20  -export class WebPagePackage extends BaseEntity {
    21  - @PrimaryColumn({ type: 'int', generated: 'increment' })
    22  - id!: number;
    23  - 
    24  - @Column()
    25  - hostname!: string;
    26  - 
    27  - @Column()
    28  - latestUrl!: string;
    29  - 
    30  - @Column()
    31  - packageName!: string;
    32  - 
    33  - @Column({ type: 'jsonb' })
    34  - possiblePackageVersions!: string[];
    35  - 
    36  - @Column()
    37  - packageVersionRange!: string;
    38  - 
    39  - @Column({ type: 'jsonb' })
    40  - packageMetadata?: WebPagePackageMetadata;
    41  - 
    42  - @UpdateDateColumn()
    43  - updatedAt?: Date;
    44  - 
    45  - @CreateDateColumn()
    46  - createdAt!: Date;
    47  - 
    48  - @ManyToOne(() => PackageMetadata)
    49  - @JoinColumn({ name: 'package_name', referencedColumnName: 'name' })
    50  - registryMetadata?: PackageMetadata;
    51  -}
    52  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import {
     2 + Column,
     3 + Entity,
     4 + BaseEntity,
     5 + CreateDateColumn,
     6 + ManyToOne,
     7 + JoinColumn,
     8 + RelationId,
     9 + Index,
     10 + PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
     11 +} from 'typeorm';
     12 +import { WebPage } from './webPage';
     13 +import { DetectedPackage } from '../../systemApi/api';
     14 + 
     15 +@Entity({ name: 'web_page_scan' })
     16 +@Index(['webPage', 'createdAt'])
     17 +export class WebPageScan extends BaseEntity {
     18 + @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'int' })
     19 + id!: number;
     20 + 
     21 + @ManyToOne(() => WebPage, (webPage) => webPage.scans)
     22 + @JoinColumn({ name: 'web_page_id', referencedColumnName: 'id' })
     23 + webPage!: WebPage;
     24 + 
     25 + @RelationId((self: WebPageScan) => self.webPage)
     26 + webPageId!: number;
     27 + 
     28 + @Column()
     29 + status!: WebPageScan.Status;
     30 + 
     31 + @Column({ type: 'jsonb' })
     32 + scanResult?: WebPageScan.Result;
     33 + 
     34 + @CreateDateColumn()
     35 + createdAt!: Date;
     36 + 
     37 + @Column()
     38 + finishedAt?: Date;
     39 +}
     40 + 
     41 +export namespace WebPageScan {
     42 + export enum Status {
     43 + Pending = 'pending',
     44 + Processed = 'processed',
     45 + Unsupported = 'unsupported',
     46 + Protected = 'protected',
     47 + Failed = 'failed',
     48 + }
     49 + 
     50 + export type Package = DetectedPackage;
     51 + export type Result = {
     52 + packages: Package[];
     53 + };
     54 +}
     55 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from 'typeorm';
     2 + 
     3 +export class DataLayerRework1662077882511 implements MigrationInterface {
     4 + public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
     5 + await queryRunner.query(`
     6 + DROP TABLE "web_page_package";
     7 + `);
     8 + 
     9 + await queryRunner.query(`
     10 + DROP TABLE "web_page";
     11 + `);
     12 + 
     13 + await queryRunner.query(`
     14 + CREATE TABLE "hostname" (
     15 + "id" serial primary key,
     16 + "hostname" text not null
     17 + );
     18 +
     19 + CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "hostname_hostname" ON "hostname" ("hostname");
     20 + `);
     21 + 
     22 + await queryRunner.query(`
     23 + CREATE TABLE "web_page" (
     24 + "id" serial primary key,
     25 + "hostname_id" integer not null references "hostname"("id"),
     26 + "path" text not null,
     27 + "created_at" timestamp not null default now()
     28 + );
     29 +
     30 + CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "web_page_hostname_id_path" ON "web_page" ("hostname_id", "path");
     31 + `);
     32 + 
     33 + await queryRunner.query(`
     34 + CREATE TABLE "web_page_scan" (
     35 + "id" serial primary key,
     36 + "web_page_id" integer not null references "web_page"("id"),
     37 + "status" text not null,
     38 + "scan_result" jsonb default null,
     39 + "created_at" timestamp not null default now(),
     40 + "finished_at" timestamp
     41 + );
     42 +
     43 + CREATE INDEX "web_page_scan_web_page_id_created_at" ON "web_page_scan" ("web_page_id", "created_at" DESC);
     44 + `);
     45 + 
     46 + await queryRunner.query(`
     47 + CREATE TABLE "package_usage_by_hostname_projection" (
     48 + "id" serial primary key,
     49 + "hostname_id" integer not null references "hostname"("id"),
     50 + "source_scan_id" integer not null references "web_page_scan"("id"),
     51 + "package_name" text not null,
     52 + "package_version_set" jsonb not null default '[]'
     53 + );
     54 +
     55 + CREATE INDEX "package_usage_by_hostname_projection_package_name" ON "package_usage_by_hostname_projection" ("package_name");
     56 + `);
     57 + 
     58 + await queryRunner.query(`
     59 + CREATE TABLE "scans_with_vulnerabilities_projection" (
     60 + "id" serial primary key,
     61 + "source_scan_id" integer not null references "web_page_scan"("id"),
     62 + "vulnerabilities" jsonb not null,
     63 + "created_at" timestamp not null default now()
     64 + );
     65 +
     66 + CREATE INDEX "scans_with_vulnerabilities_projection_created_at" ON "scans_with_vulnerabilities_projection" ("created_at" DESC);
     67 + `);
     68 + 
     69 + await queryRunner.query(`
     70 + CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW "package_popularity_view" AS
     71 + SELECT
     72 + "package_usage"."package_name" AS "package_name",
     73 + count(DISTINCT "package_usage"."hostname_id") as "usage_by_hostname_count",
     74 + (SELECT jsonb_agg(r)
     75 + FROM (
     76 + SELECT "package_version", count("package_version")
     77 + FROM
     78 + "package_usage_by_hostname_projection" as "package_usage_subquery",
     79 + jsonb_array_elements_text("package_usage_subquery"."package_version_set") AS "package_version"
     80 + WHERE "package_usage_subquery"."package_name" = "package_usage"."package_name"
     81 + GROUP BY "package_version"
     82 + ) as r
     83 + ) as version_popularity
     84 + FROM
     85 + "package_usage_by_hostname_projection" as "package_usage"
     86 + GROUP BY "package_usage"."package_name";
     87 +
     88 + CREATE INDEX "package_popularity_view_usage_by_hostname_count" ON "package_popularity_view" ("usage_by_hostname_count" DESC);
     89 + CREATE INDEX "package_popularity_view_package_name" ON "package_popularity_view" ("package_name" DESC);
     90 + `);
     91 + }
     92 + 
     93 + public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
     94 + await queryRunner.query(`
     95 + DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW "package_popularity_view";
     96 + `);
     97 + 
     98 + await queryRunner.query(`
     99 + DROP TABLE "hostname", "web_page", "web_page_scan", "package_usage_by_hostname_projection", "scans_with_vulnerabilities_projection" cascade;
     100 + `);
     101 + 
     102 + await queryRunner.query(`
     103 + CREATE TABLE "web_page" (
     104 + "id" serial primary key,
     105 + "hostname" text not null,
     106 + "url" text not null,
     107 + "status" text not null,
     108 + "updated_at" timestamp not null default now(),
     109 + "created_at" timestamp not null default now()
     110 + );
     111 + 
     112 + CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "web_page_url_index" ON "web_page" ("url");
     113 + `);
     114 + 
     115 + await queryRunner.query(`
     116 + create table "web_page_package" (
     117 + "id" serial primary key,
     118 + "hostname" text not null,
     119 + "latest_url" text not null,
     120 + "package_name" text not null,
     121 + "possible_package_versions" jsonb not null default '[]',
     122 + "package_version_range" text not null,
     123 + "package_metadata" jsonb,
     124 + "updated_at" timestamp not null default now(),
     125 + "created_at" timestamp not null default now()
     126 + );
     127 + 
     128 + CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "web_page_package_hostname_package_name_index" ON "web_page_package" ("hostname", "package_name");
     129 + `);
     130 + }
     131 +}
     132 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  export * from './database/connection';
     2 +export * from './database/entities/hostname';
    2 3  export * from './database/entities/webPage';
    3  -export * from './database/entities/webPagePackage';
     4 +export * from './database/entities/webPageScan';
    4 5  export * from './database/entities/packageMetadata';
    5 6  export * from './database/entities/packageVulnerability';
     7 +export * from './database/entities/packageUsageByHostnameProjection';
     8 +export * from './database/entities/scansWithVulnerabilitiesProjection';
    6 9   
    7 10  export * from './utils/aws';
    8 11  export * from './utils/env';
    9 12  export * from './utils/types';
    10 13   
    11  -export * as internalApi from './internalApi/api';
     14 +export * as internalApi from './systemApi/api';
    12 15   
    13 16  export * from './worker/types';
    14 17   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -import fetch from 'node-fetch';
    2  -import { initiateUrlProcessing, fetchUrlPackages } from './api';
    3  - 
    4  -jest.mock('node-fetch');
    5  -process.env.INTERNAL_API_ORIGIN = '';
    6  - 
    7  -const fetchMode = fetch as any as jest.Mock;
    8  -const { Response } = jest.requireActual('node-fetch');
    9  - 
    10  -beforeEach(() => {
    11  - fetchMode.mockClear();
    12  -});
    13  - 
    14  -describe('internalApi', () => {
    15  - it('initiateUrlProcessingInternal', async () => {
    16  - const url = '' + Math.random().toString();
    17  - const response = {
    18  - data: {
    19  - id: 1,
    20  - url,
    21  - status: 'in-progress',
    22  - packages: [],
    23  - updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
    24  - createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
    25  - },
    26  - };
    27  - 
    28  - fetchMode.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(new Response(JSON.stringify(response))));
    29  - 
    30  - const result = await initiateUrlProcessing(url);
    31  - 
    32  - expect(fetchMode).toBeCalledWith('', {
    33  - method: 'POST',
    34  - body: `{"url":"${url}"}`,
    35  - headers: {
    36  - 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    37  - },
    38  - });
    39  - 
    40  - expect(fetchMode).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
    41  - expect(result).toMatchObject(;
    42  - });
    43  - 
    44  - it('fetchUrlPackages', async () => {
    45  - const url = '';
    46  - const response = {
    47  - data: {
    48  - id: 1,
    49  - url,
    50  - status: 'ready',
    51  - detectedPackages: [
    52  - {
    53  - name: 'react',
    54  - possibleVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    55  - versionRange: '17.0.2',
    56  - approximateSize: 1337,
    57  - },
    58  - ],
    59  - updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
    60  - createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
    61  - },
    62  - };
    63  - 
    64  - fetchMode.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(new Response(JSON.stringify(response))));
    65  - 
    66  - const result = await fetchUrlPackages(url);
    67  - 
    68  - expect(fetchMode).toBeCalledWith(
    69  - '',
    70  - {
    71  - method: 'GET',
    72  - }
    73  - );
    74  - 
    75  - expect(fetchMode).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
    76  - expect(result).toMatchObject(;
    77  - });
    78  -});
    79  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import fetch from 'node-fetch';
     2 +import { requestWebPageScan } from './api';
     3 + 
     4 +jest.mock('node-fetch');
     5 +process.env.INTERNAL_API_ORIGIN = '';
     6 + 
     7 +const fetchMode = fetch as any as jest.Mock;
     8 +const { Response } = jest.requireActual('node-fetch');
     9 + 
     10 +beforeEach(() => {
     11 + fetchMode.mockClear();
     12 +});
     13 + 
     14 +describe('systemApi', () => {
     15 + it('initiateUrlProcessingInternal', async () => {
     16 + const url = '' + Math.random().toString();
     17 + const requestId = 'test-req-id';
     18 + 
     19 + fetchMode.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(new Response('', { status: 204 })));
     20 + 
     21 + const result = await requestWebPageScan(url, requestId);
     22 + 
     23 + expect(fetchMode).toBeCalledWith('', {
     24 + method: 'POST',
     25 + body: `{"url":"${url}","requestId":"${requestId}"}`,
     26 + headers: {
     27 + 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
     28 + 'X-Api-Key': 'TEST_API_KEY',
     29 + },
     30 + });
     31 + 
     32 + expect(fetchMode).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
     33 + expect(result).toMatchObject({});
     34 + });
     35 +});
     36 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    packages/shared/src/internalApi/api.ts packages/shared/src/systemApi/api.ts
    1 1  import fetch, { RequestInit } from 'node-fetch';
    2  -import { getInternalApiOrigin } from '../utils/env';
     2 +import { getGradeJsApiKey, getInternalApiRootUrl } from '../utils/env';
    3 3   
    4 4  export type DetectedPackage = {
    5 5   name: string;
    6  - possibleVersions: string[];
     6 + versionSet: string[];
    7 7   versionRange: string;
    8  - approximateSize: number | null;
     8 + approximateByteSize: number | null;
    9 9  };
    10 10   
    11  -export interface Website {
    12  - id: number;
    13  - url: string;
    14  - status: WebsiteStatus;
    15  - detectedPackages: DetectedPackage[];
    16  - updatedAt: string;
    17  - createdAt: string;
    18  -}
    19  - 
    20  -export enum WebsiteStatus {
    21  - Created = 'created',
    22  - InProgress = 'in-progress',
    23  - Ready = 'ready',
    24  - Failed = 'failed',
    25  - Invalid = 'invalid',
    26  - Protected = 'protected',
     11 +export namespace WebPageScan {
     12 + export enum Status {
     13 + Created = 'created',
     14 + InProgress = 'in-progress',
     15 + Ready = 'ready',
     16 + Failed = 'failed',
     17 + Invalid = 'invalid',
     18 + Protected = 'protected',
     19 + }
    27 20  }
    28 21   
    29 22  export interface Package {
    skipped 13 lines
    43 36   total: number;
    44 37  };
    45 38   
    46  -export async function initiateUrlProcessing(url: string) {
    47  - return fetchEndpoint<Website>('POST', '/website/parse', { url });
    48  -}
    49  - 
    50  -export async function fetchUrlPackages(url: string) {
    51  - return fetchEndpoint<Website>('GET', '/website', { url });
     39 +export async function requestWebPageScan(url: string, requestId: string) {
     40 + return fetchEndpoint<{}>('POST', '/website/scan', { url, requestId });
    52 41  }
    53 42   
    54 43  export async function fetchPackageIndex(offset = 0, limit = 0) {
    skipped 12 lines
    67 56   endpoint: string,
    68 57   data?: Record<string, unknown>
    69 58  ) {
    70  - const requestUrl = new URL(endpoint, getInternalApiOrigin());
     59 + const requestUrl = new URL(endpoint, getInternalApiRootUrl());
    71 60   const requestInit: RequestInit = { method };
    72 61   
    73 62   if (method === 'POST' || method === 'PATCH') {
    74  - requestInit.headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' };
     63 + requestInit.headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Api-Key': getGradeJsApiKey() };
    75 64   requestInit.body = JSON.stringify(data);
    76 65   } else if (method === 'GET' && data) {
    77 66   for (const key of Object.keys(data)) {
    skipped 1 lines
    79 68   }
    80 69   }
    81 70   
    82  - // console.log('Request to internal API: ', requestUrl.toString(), requestInit);
     71 + return fetch(requestUrl.toString(), requestInit)
     72 + .then((response) => {
     73 + if (response.status !== 204) {
     74 + return response.json();
     75 + }
    83 76   
    84  - return fetch(requestUrl.toString(), requestInit)
    85  - .then((response) => response.json())
     77 + return { data: {} };
     78 + })
    86 79   .then((json: any) => {
    87 80   if (! {
    88 81   throw new Error('Invalid response format');
    skipped 9 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 20 lines
    21 21   GitHubAccessToken = 'GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN',
    22 22   
    23 23   // Internal
    24  - InternalApiOrigin = 'INTERNAL_API_ORIGIN',
     24 + InternalApiRootUrl = 'INTERNAL_API_ROOT_URL',
     25 + GradeJsApiKey = 'GRADEJS_API_KEY',
    25 26   
    26 27   CorsAllowedOrigin = 'CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN',
    27 28  }
    skipped 12 lines
    40 41  export const isDevelopment = () => getNodeEnv() === 'development';
    41 42  export const isTest = () => getNodeEnv() === 'test';
    42 43   
    43  -export const getInternalApiOrigin = () => getEnv(Env.InternalApiOrigin);
     44 +export const getInternalApiRootUrl = () => {
     45 + if (isTest()) {
     46 + return getEnvUnsafe(Env.InternalApiRootUrl) ?? '';
     47 + }
     48 + 
     49 + return getEnv(Env.InternalApiRootUrl);
     50 +};
     51 +export const getGradeJsApiKey = () => {
     52 + if (isTest()) {
     53 + return getEnvUnsafe(Env.GradeJsApiKey) ?? 'TEST_API_KEY';
     54 + }
     55 + 
     56 + return getEnv(Env.GradeJsApiKey);
     57 +};
     58 + 
    44 59  export const getSqsLocalPort = () => Number(getEnv(Env.SqsLocalPort, '0'));
    45 60   
    46 61  export const getGitHubAccessToken = () => getEnv(Env.GitHubAccessToken);
    skipped 44 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -import * as internalApi from '../internalApi/api';
     1 +import * as internalApi from '../systemApi/api';
    2 2   
    3 3  export type WorkerTask = {
    4 4   [Key in WorkerTaskType]: {
    skipped 13 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 51 lines
    52 52   async (runInTransaction: (entityManager: EntityManager) => Promise<unknown>) => {
    53 53   const em = connection.createEntityManager();
    54 54   if (connection.createQueryRunner().isTransactionActive) {
    55  - await runInTransaction(em);
     55 + return await runInTransaction(em);
    56 56   } else {
    57  - await connection.transaction(runInTransaction);
     57 + return await connection.transaction(runInTransaction);
    58 58   }
    59 59   }
    60 60   );
    skipped 28 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 11 lines
    12 12  export const Ready = (args: Props) => <Website {...args} />;
    13 13  Ready.args = {
    14 14   host: '',
    15  - webpages: [],
    16 15   packages: [
    17 16   {
    18  - packageName: 'react',
    19  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    20  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     17 + name: 'react',
     18 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     19 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    21 20   registryMetadata: {
    22 21   latestVersion: '18.0.0',
    23 22   description: 'Test description',
    skipped 3 lines
    27 26   },
    28 27   },
    29 28   {
    30  - packageName: 'react-dom',
    31  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    32  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     29 + name: 'react-dom',
     30 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     31 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    33 32   },
    34 33   {
    35  - packageName: 'react',
    36  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    37  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     34 + name: 'react',
     35 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     36 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    38 37   },
    39 38   {
    40  - packageName: 'react-dom',
    41  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    42  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     39 + name: 'react-dom',
     40 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     41 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    43 42   },
    44 43   {
    45  - packageName: 'react',
    46  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    47  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     44 + name: 'react',
     45 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     46 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    48 47   },
    49 48   {
    50  - packageName: 'react-dom',
    51  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    52  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     49 + name: 'react-dom',
     50 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     51 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    53 52   },
    54 53   {
    55  - packageName: 'react',
    56  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    57  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     54 + name: 'react',
     55 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     56 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    58 57   },
    59 58   {
    60  - packageName: 'react-dom',
    61  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    62  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     59 + name: 'react-dom',
     60 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     61 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    63 62   },
    64 63   {
    65  - packageName: 'react',
    66  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    67  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     64 + name: 'react',
     65 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     66 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    68 67   },
    69 68   {
    70  - packageName: 'react-dom',
    71  - possiblePackageVersions: ['17.0.2'],
    72  - packageVersionRange: '17.0.2',
     69 + name: 'react-dom',
     70 + versionSet: ['17.0.2'],
     71 + versionRange: '17.0.2',
    73 72   },
    74 73   ],
    75 74   vulnerabilities: {
    skipped 21 lines
    97 96  export const Pending = (args: Props) => <Website {...args} />;
    98 97  Pending.args = {
    99 98   host: '',
    100  - webpages: [
    101  - {
    102  - status: 'pending',
    103  - },
    104  - ],
    105 99   packages: [],
     100 + isLoading: false,
     101 + isPending: true,
    106 102  };
    107 103   
    108 104  export const Loading = (args: Props) => <Website {...args} />;
    109 105  Loading.args = {
    110 106   host: '',
    111  - webpages: [],
    112 107   packages: [],
     108 + isLoading: true,
     109 + isPending: false,
    113 110  };
    114 111   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 6 lines
    7 7  import Filters, { FiltersState } from '../Filters/Filters';
    8 8  import TagBadge from '../../ui/TagBadge/TagBadge';
    9 9  import { trackCustomEvent } from '../../../services/analytics';
    10  -import { Api } from '../../../services/apiClient';
     10 +import { ClientApi } from '../../../services/apiClient';
    11 11  import { Icon } from '../../ui/Icon/Icon';
    12 12   
    13 13  // TODO: Add plashechka
    skipped 6 lines
    20 20   // }>;
    21 21   isLoading: boolean;
    22 22   isPending: boolean;
    23  - packages: Api.WebPagePackage[];
    24  - vulnerabilities: Record<string, Api.Vulnerability[]>;
    25  - webpages: Api.WebPage[];
     23 + packages: ClientApi.ScanResultPackageResponse[];
     24 + vulnerabilities: Record<string, ClientApi.PackageVulnerabilityResponse[]>;
    26 25   onFiltersApply: SubmitHandler<FiltersState>;
    27 26  };
    28 27   
    skipped 2 lines
    31 30   isLoading,
    32 31   isPending,
    33 32   packages,
    34  - webpages,
    35 33   vulnerabilities,
    36 34   onFiltersApply,
    37 35  }: Props) {
    skipped 11 lines
    49 47   It may take a few minutes and depends on the number of JavaScript files and their size.
    50 48   </div>
    51 49   ) : (
    52  - webpages.length > 0 && (
     50 + packages.length > 0 && (
    53 51   <div className={styles.disclaimer}>
    54 52   The <strong>beta</strong> version of GradeJS is able to detect only 1,826 popular
    55 53   packages with up to 85% accuracy.
    skipped 64 lines
    120 118   variant={view}
    121 119   className={styles.package}
    122 120   pkg={data}
    123  - vulnerabilities={vulnerabilities[data.packageName] || []}
     121 + vulnerabilities={vulnerabilities[] || []}
    124 122   />
    125 123   ))}
    126 124   {isLoading && (
    skipped 21 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 15 lines
    16 16   const { hostname } = useParams();
    17 17   const navigate = useNavigate();
    18 18   const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
    19  - const { webpages, vulnerabilities } = useAppSelector(selectors.default);
     19 + const { vulnerabilities } = useAppSelector(selectors.default);
    20 20   const packagesFiltered = useAppSelector(selectors.packagesSortedAndFiltered);
    21 21   const packagesStats = useAppSelector(selectors.packagesStats);
    22 22   const { isProtected, isPending, isLoading, isFailed, isInvalid } = useAppSelector(
    skipped 8 lines
    31 31   }
    32 32   
    33 33   useEffect(() => {
    34  - if (hostname && !isLoading && isPending) {
     34 + if (hostname && isPending && !isFailed) {
    35 35   const promise = dispatch(getWebsite({ hostname }));
    36 36   return function cleanup() {
    37 37   promise.abort();
    38 38   };
    39 39   }
    40 40   return () => {};
    41  - }, [hostname]);
     41 + }, [hostname, isPending, isFailed]);
    42 42   
    43 43   // TODO: properly handle history/routing
    44 44   useEffect(() => {
    skipped 59 lines
    104 104   <Website
    105 105   isLoading={isLoading}
    106 106   isPending={isPending}
    107  - webpages={webpages}
    108  - packages={packagesFiltered}
    109  - host={hostname ?? ''}
    110  - vulnerabilities={vulnerabilities}
     107 + packages={packagesFiltered ?? []}
     108 + host={hostname ?? ''}
     109 + vulnerabilities={vulnerabilities ?? {}}
    111 110   onFiltersApply={setFilters}
    112 111   />
    113 112   </>
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 6 lines
    7 7  import Vulnerability from '../Vulnerability/Vulnerability';
    8 8  import TagBadge from '../TagBadge/TagBadge';
    9 9  import { trackCustomEvent } from '../../../services/analytics';
    10  -import { Api } from '../../../services/apiClient';
     10 +import { ClientApi } from '../../../services/apiClient';
    11 11  import { Icon } from '../Icon/Icon';
    12 12   
    13 13  export type Props = {
    14 14   className?: string;
    15 15   variant?: 'grid' | 'lines';
    16  - pkg: Api.WebPagePackage;
    17  - vulnerabilities: Api.Vulnerability[];
     16 + pkg: ClientApi.ScanResultPackageResponse;
     17 + vulnerabilities: ClientApi.PackageVulnerabilityResponse[];
    18 18  };
    19 19   
    20 20  export default function Package({ className, variant = 'grid', pkg, vulnerabilities }: Props) {
    21 21   const repositoryUrl = pkg.registryMetadata?.repositoryUrl;
    22 22   const homepageUrl = pkg.registryMetadata?.homepageUrl;
    23 23   const isOutdated =
    24  - pkg.registryMetadata && semver.gtr(pkg.registryMetadata.latestVersion, pkg.packageVersionRange);
     24 + pkg.registryMetadata && semver.gtr(pkg.registryMetadata.latestVersion, pkg.versionRange);
    25 25   const isVulnerable = !!vulnerabilities?.length;
    26 26   
    27 27   return (
    skipped 53 lines
    81 81   </div>
    82 82   <a
    83 83   className={}
    84  - href={`${pkg.packageName}`}
     84 + href={`${}`}
    85 85   target='_blank'
    86 86   rel='noopener noreferrer'
    87  - aria-label={pkg.packageName}
     87 + aria-label={}
    88 88   // Browser won't break a line for '/' symbol, so we add the <wbr> specificaly
    89 89   // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-danger
    90  - dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pkg.packageName.replace('/', '/<wbr>') }}
     90 + dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html:'/', '/<wbr>') }}
    91 91   onClick={() => trackCustomEvent('Package', 'ClickPackageUrl')}
    92 92   />
    93 93   <div className={styles.meta}>
    94  - <div className={styles.version}>{toReadableVersion(pkg.packageVersionRange)}</div>
    95  - {!!pkg.packageMetadata?.approximateByteSize && (
    96  - <span className={styles.size}>
    97  - {toReadableSize(pkg.packageMetadata.approximateByteSize)}
    98  - </span>
     94 + <div className={styles.version}>{toReadableVersion(pkg.versionRange)}</div>
     95 + {!!pkg.approximateByteSize && (
     96 + <span className={styles.size}>{toReadableSize(pkg.approximateByteSize)}</span>
    99 97   )}
    100 98   </div>
    101 99   </div>
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 1 lines
    2 2  import clsx from 'clsx';
    3 3  import TagBadge from '../TagBadge/TagBadge';
    4 4  import styles from './Vulnerability.module.scss';
    5  -import { Api } from '../../../services/apiClient';
     5 +import { ClientApi } from '../../../services/apiClient';
    6 6  import { Icon } from '../Icon/Icon';
    7 7   
    8 8  export type Props = {
    9  - vulnerability: Api.Vulnerability;
     9 + vulnerability: ClientApi.PackageVulnerabilityResponse;
    10 10  };
    11 11   
    12 12  export default function Vulnerability({ vulnerability }: Props) {
    skipped 55 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  import { createTRPCClient } from '@trpc/client';
    2 2  import type { inferProcedureOutput } from '@trpc/server';
    3  -import type { AppRouter, Api } from '../../../public-api/src/router';
     3 +import type { ClientApiRouter, ClientApi } from '@gradejs-public/public-api/src/clientApiRouter';
    4 4   
    5 5  // polyfill fetch, trpc needs it
    6 6  import f from 'node-fetch';
    7 7   
    8 8  // Helper types
    9  -export type TQuery = keyof AppRouter['_def']['queries'];
    10  -export type TMutation = keyof AppRouter['_def']['mutations'];
     9 +export type TQuery = keyof ClientApiRouter['_def']['queries'];
     10 +export type TMutation = keyof ClientApiRouter['_def']['mutations'];
    11 11  export type InferMutationOutput<TRouteKey extends TMutation> = inferProcedureOutput<
    12  - AppRouter['_def']['mutations'][TRouteKey]
     12 + ClientApiRouter['_def']['mutations'][TRouteKey]
    13 13  >;
    14 14  export type InferQueryOutput<TRouteKey extends TQuery> = inferProcedureOutput<
    15  - AppRouter['_def']['queries'][TRouteKey]
     15 + ClientApiRouter['_def']['queries'][TRouteKey]
    16 16  >;
    17 17   
    18 18  if (!process.env.API_ORIGIN) {
    19 19   throw new Error('API_ORIGIN must be defined');
    20 20  }
    21 21   
    22  -export const client = createTRPCClient<AppRouter>({
    23  - url: process.env.API_ORIGIN,
     22 +export const client = createTRPCClient<ClientApiRouter>({
     23 + url: new URL('/client', process.env.API_ORIGIN).toString(),
    24 24   fetch: typeof window === 'undefined' ? (f as any) : window.fetch.bind(window),
    25 25   headers: {
    26 26   Origin: process.env.CORS_ORIGIN,
    27 27   },
    28 28  });
    29 29   
    30  -export type SyncWebsiteOutput = InferMutationOutput<'syncWebsite'>;
    31  -export type RequestParseWebsiteOutput = InferMutationOutput<'requestParseWebsite'>;
    32  -export type { Api };
     30 +export type RequestWebPageScanOutput = InferMutationOutput<'requestWebPageScan'>;
     31 +export type { ClientApi };
    33 32  export type ApiClient = typeof client;
    34 33   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 4 lines
    5 5  import { RootState } from '../';
    6 6  import { FiltersState } from '../../components/layouts/Filters/Filters';
    7 7  import { SeverityWeightMap } from '../../components/ui/Vulnerability/Vulnerability';
    8  -import type { Api } from '../../services/apiClient';
     8 +import type { ClientApi } from '../../services/apiClient';
    9 9   
    10 10  const getFlags = (state: RootState) => ({
    11 11   isLoading: state.webpageResults.isLoading,
    12 12   isFailed: state.webpageResults.isFailed,
    13 13  });
    14  -const getPackages = (state: RootState) => state.webpageResults.detectionResult.packages;
    15  -const getWebpages = (state: RootState) => state.webpageResults.detectionResult.webpages;
     14 +const getScanStatus = (state: RootState) => state.webpageResults.detectionResult?.status;
     15 +const getPackages = (state: RootState) =>
     16 + state.webpageResults.detectionResult?.scanResult?.packages;
    16 17  const getVulnerabilities = (state: RootState) =>
    17  - state.webpageResults.detectionResult.vulnerabilities;
     18 + state.webpageResults.detectionResult?.scanResult?.vulnerabilities;
    18 19  const getSorting = (state: RootState) => state.webpageResults.filters.sort;
    19 20  const getFilter = (state: RootState) => state.webpageResults.filters.filter;
    20 21  const getPackageNameFilter = (state: RootState) => state.webpageResults.filters.filterPackageName;
    21 22   
    22  -const compareByPopularity = (left: Api.WebPagePackage, right: Api.WebPagePackage) =>
     23 +const compareByPopularity = (
     24 + left: ClientApi.ScanResultPackageResponse,
     25 + right: ClientApi.ScanResultPackageResponse
     26 +) =>
    23 27   (right.registryMetadata?.monthlyDownloads ?? 0) - (left.registryMetadata?.monthlyDownloads ?? 0);
    24 28   
    25 29  const pickHighestSeverity = memoize(
    26  - (packageName: string, vulnerabilities: Record<string, Api.Vulnerability[]>) =>
     30 + (
     31 + packageName: string,
     32 + vulnerabilities: Record<string, ClientApi.PackageVulnerabilityResponse[]>
     33 + ) =>
    27 34   (vulnerabilities[packageName] ?? [])
    28 35   .map((it) => it.severity)
    29 36   .filter((it): it is GithubAdvisorySeverity => !!it)
    skipped 6 lines
    36 43  const sortingModes: Record<
    37 44   FiltersState['sort'],
    38 45   (
    39  - packages: Api.WebPagePackage[],
    40  - vulnerabilities: Record<string, Api.Vulnerability[]>
    41  - ) => Api.WebPagePackage[]
     46 + packages: ClientApi.ScanResultPackageResponse[],
     47 + vulnerabilities: Record<string, ClientApi.PackageVulnerabilityResponse[]>
     48 + ) => ClientApi.ScanResultPackageResponse[]
    42 49  > = {
    43 50   // TODO
    44 51   confidenceScore: (packages) => packages,
    skipped 1 lines
    46 53   importDepth: (packages) => packages,
    47 54   severity: (packages, vulnerabilities) =>
    48 55   [...packages].sort((left, right) => {
    49  - const leftSeverity = pickHighestSeverity(left.packageName, vulnerabilities);
    50  - const rightSeverity = pickHighestSeverity(right.packageName, vulnerabilities);
     56 + const leftSeverity = pickHighestSeverity(, vulnerabilities);
     57 + const rightSeverity = pickHighestSeverity(, vulnerabilities);
    51 58   
    52 59   if (leftSeverity !== rightSeverity) {
    53 60   return SeverityWeightMap[rightSeverity] - SeverityWeightMap[leftSeverity];
    skipped 3 lines
    57 64   }),
    58 65   size: (packages) =>
    59 66   [...packages].sort(
    60  - (left, right) =>
    61  - (right.packageMetadata?.approximateByteSize ?? 0) -
    62  - (left.packageMetadata?.approximateByteSize ?? 0)
     67 + (left, right) => (right.approximateByteSize ?? 0) - (left.approximateByteSize ?? 0)
    63 68   ),
    64  - name: (packages) =>
    65  - [...packages].sort((left, right) => left.packageName.localeCompare(right.packageName)),
     69 + name: (packages) => [...packages].sort((left, right) =>,
    66 70   packagePopularity: (packages) => [...packages].sort(compareByPopularity),
    67 71  };
    68 72   
    69 73  const filterModes: Record<
    70 74   FiltersState['filter'],
    71 75   (
    72  - packages: Api.WebPagePackage[],
    73  - vulnerabilities: Record<string, Api.Vulnerability[]>,
     76 + packages: ClientApi.ScanResultPackageResponse[],
     77 + vulnerabilities: Record<string, ClientApi.PackageVulnerabilityResponse[]>,
    74 78   packageName?: string
    75  - ) => Api.WebPagePackage[]
     79 + ) => ClientApi.ScanResultPackageResponse[]
    76 80  > = {
    77 81   name: (packages, vulnerabilities, packageName) => {
    78 82   if (!packageName) {
    79 83   return packages;
    80 84   }
    81  - return packages.filter((pkg) => pkg.packageName.includes(packageName));
     85 + return packages.filter((pkg) =>;
    82 86   },
    83 87   outdated: (packages) =>
    84 88   packages.filter(
    85 89   (pkg) =>
    86  - pkg.registryMetadata &&
    87  - semver.gtr(pkg.registryMetadata.latestVersion, pkg.packageVersionRange)
     90 + pkg.registryMetadata && semver.gtr(pkg.registryMetadata.latestVersion, pkg.versionRange)
    88 91   ),
    89  - vulnerable: (packages, vulnerabilities) =>
    90  - packages.filter((pkg) => !!vulnerabilities[pkg.packageName]),
     92 + vulnerable: (packages, vulnerabilities) => packages.filter((pkg) => !!vulnerabilities[]),
    91 93   all: (packages) => packages,
    92 94  };
    93 95   
    94 96  export const selectors = {
    95  - default: createSelector([getWebpages, getVulnerabilities], (webpages, vulnerabilities) => ({
    96  - webpages,
     97 + default: createSelector([getScanStatus, getVulnerabilities], (scanStatus, vulnerabilities) => ({
     98 + status: scanStatus,
    97 99   vulnerabilities,
    98 100   })),
    99  - stateFlags: createSelector([getWebpages, getPackages, getFlags], (webpages, packages, flags) => ({
    100  - ...flags,
    101  - isInvalid:
    102  - packages.length === 0 &&
    103  - webpages.length > 0 &&
    104  - webpages.some((item) => item.status === 'pending'),
    105  - isPending: webpages.length === 0 || webpages.some((item) => item.status === 'pending'),
    106  - isProtected: webpages.some((item) => item.status === 'protected'),
    107  - })),
    108  - packagesStats: createSelector([getPackages, getVulnerabilities], (packages, vulnerabilities) => ({
     101 + stateFlags: createSelector(
     102 + [getScanStatus, getPackages, getFlags],
     103 + (scanStatus, packages, flags) => ({
     104 + ...flags,
     105 + isInvalid: packages && packages.length === 0,
     106 + isPending: !scanStatus || scanStatus === 'pending',
     107 + isProtected: scanStatus === 'protected',
     108 + })
     109 + ),
     110 + packagesStats: createSelector([getPackages, getVulnerabilities], (packages = [], vulnerabilities = {}) => ({
    109 111   total: packages.length,
    110  - vulnerable: packages.filter((pkg) => (vulnerabilities[pkg.packageName]?.length ?? 0) > 0)
     112 + vulnerable: packages.filter((pkg) => (vulnerabilities[]?.length ?? 0) > 0)
    111 113   .length,
    112 114   outdated: packages.filter(
    113 115   (pkg) =>
    114 116   pkg.registryMetadata &&
    115  - semver.gtr(pkg.registryMetadata.latestVersion, pkg.packageVersionRange)
     117 + semver.gtr(pkg.registryMetadata.latestVersion, pkg.versionRange)
    116 118   ).length,
    117 119   })),
    118 120   packagesSortedAndFiltered: createSelector(
    119 121   [getPackages, getVulnerabilities, getSorting, getFilter, getPackageNameFilter],
    120 122   (packages, vulnerabilities, sorting, filter, packageNameFilter) =>
     123 + packages &&
     124 + vulnerabilities &&
    121 125   filterModes[filter](
    122 126   sortingModes[sorting](packages, vulnerabilities),
    123 127   vulnerabilities,
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 2 lines
    3 3  import { RootState } from '../';
    4 4   
    5 5  const parseWebsite = createAsyncThunk('home/submitWebsite', async (url: string) => {
    6  - await client.mutation('requestParseWebsite', url);
     6 + if (!url.startsWith('http://') && !url.startsWith('https://')) {
     7 + url = `https://${url}`;
     8 + }
     9 + 
     10 + await client.mutation('requestWebPageScan', url);
    7 11  });
    8 12   
    9 13  const home = createSlice({
    skipped 34 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
    2 2  import { DefaultFiltersAndSorters, FiltersState } from '../../components/layouts/Filters/Filters';
    3  -import { client, SyncWebsiteOutput } from '../../services/apiClient';
     3 +import { client, RequestWebPageScanOutput } from '../../services/apiClient';
    4 4  import { trackCustomEvent } from '../../services/analytics';
    5 5   
    6  -const defaultDetectionResult: SyncWebsiteOutput = {
    7  - packages: [],
    8  - vulnerabilities: {},
    9  - webpages: [],
     6 +type WebsiteResultsState = {
     7 + filters: typeof DefaultFiltersAndSorters;
     8 + isFailed: boolean;
     9 + isLoading: boolean;
     10 + detectionResult?: RequestWebPageScanOutput;
    10 11  };
    11 12   
    12  -const initialState = {
     13 +const initialState: WebsiteResultsState = {
    13 14   filters: { ...DefaultFiltersAndSorters },
    14 15   isFailed: false,
    15 16   isLoading: false,
    16  - detectionResult: defaultDetectionResult,
     17 + detectionResult: undefined,
    17 18  };
    18 19   
    19 20  const sleep = (ms: number | undefined) =>
    skipped 1 lines
    21 22   setTimeout(r, ms);
    22 23   });
    23 24   
    24  -const hasPendingPages = (result: DetectionResult) =>
    25  - !!result.webpages.find((item) => item.status === 'pending');
     25 +const isScanPending = (result: DetectionResult) => result && result.status === 'pending';
    26 26   
    27 27  const getWebsite = createAsyncThunk(
    28 28   'websiteResults/getWebsite',
    29 29   async ({ hostname, useRetry = true }: { hostname: string; useRetry?: boolean }) => {
     30 + if (!hostname.startsWith('http://') && !hostname.startsWith('https://')) {
     31 + hostname = `https://${hostname}`;
     32 + }
     33 + 
    30 34   const loadStartTime =;
    31  - let results = await client.mutation('syncWebsite', hostname);
     35 + let results = await client.mutation('requestWebPageScan', hostname);
    32 36   if (useRetry) {
    33  - while (hasPendingPages(results)) {
     37 + while (isScanPending(results)) {
    34 38   await sleep(5000);
    35  - results = await client.mutation('syncWebsite', hostname);
     39 + results = await client.mutation('requestWebPageScan', hostname);
    36 40   }
    37 41   }
    38 42   // TODO: move to tracking middleware?
    skipped 20 lines
    59 63   .addCase(getWebsite.pending, (state) => {
    60 64   state.isLoading = true;
    61 65   state.isFailed = false;
     66 + state.detectionResult = undefined;
    62 67   })
    63 68   .addCase(getWebsite.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
    64 69   state.isLoading = false;
    skipped 6 lines
    71 76   },
    72 77  });
    73 78   
    74  -export type DetectionResult = typeof defaultDetectionResult;
     79 +export type DetectionResult = RequestWebPageScanOutput | undefined;
    75 80  export const { resetFilters, applyFilters } = websiteResults.actions;
    76 81  export { getWebsite };
    77 82  export const websiteResultsReducer = websiteResults.reducer;
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 8 lines
    9 9  checkRequiredEnvironmentVariables([
    10 10   Env.AwsRegion,
    11 11   Env.DatabaseUrl,
    12  - Env.InternalApiOrigin,
     12 + Env.InternalApiRootUrl,
    13 13   Env.SqsWorkerQueueUrl,
    14 14  ]);
    15 15   
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