Projects STRLCPY got-your-back Commits eb4975e9
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    685 685   
    686 686  GYB_PROJECT_APIS = ''
    687 687  def enableProjectAPIs(project_name, checkEnabled):
     688 + global httpc
    688 689   global anonhttpc
    689  - s, c = httpc.request(GYB_PROJECT_APIS, 'GET')
     690 + s, c = anonhttpc.request(GYB_PROJECT_APIS, 'GET')
    690 691   if s.status < 200 or s.status > 299:
    691 692   print('ERROR: tried to retrieve %s but got %s' % (GYB_PROJECT_APIS, s.status))
    692 693   sys.exit(0)
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