Projects STRLCPY got-your-back Commits 3525b30e
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    skipped 205 lines
    206 206   
    207 207   - name: Live API tests push only
    208 208   if: github.event_name == 'push' || github.event_name == 'schedule'
    209  - env: # Or as an environment variable
     209 + env:
    210 210   PASSCODE: ${{ secrets.PASSCODE }}
    211 211   run: |
    212 212   export gyb_user="gyb-gha-${JID}"
    skipped 25 lines
    238 238   
    239 239   - name: Upload to Google Drive, build only.
    240 240   if: github.event_name == 'push' && matrix.goal != 'test'
     241 + env:
     242 + GHCLIENT: ${{ secrets.GHCLIENTt }}
    241 243   run: |
    242 244   # Use GAM to upload archive to Drive
    243 245   bash <(curl -s -S -L -l
    skipped 8 lines
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