Projects STRLCPY gophish Commits b9824f6a
  • Added logic to unescape template variables in Word documents for remote images

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  • Glenn Wilkinson committed 2 years ago
    1 parent 51cb65a4
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    6 6   "encoding/base64"
    7 7   "io"
    8 8   "io/ioutil"
     9 + "net/url"
    9 10   "path/filepath"
     11 + "regexp"
    10 12   "strings"
    11 13  )
    12 14   
    skipped 82 lines
    95 97   subFileExtension := filepath.Ext(zipFile.Name)
    96 98   var tFile string
    97 99   if subFileExtension == ".xml" || subFileExtension == ".rels" { // Ignore other files, e.g binary ones and images
     100 + // First we look for instances where Word has URL escaped our template variables. This seems to happen when inserting a remote image, converting {{.Foo}} to
     101 + // See
     102 + rx, _ := regexp.Compile("%7b%7b.([a-zA-Z]+)%7d%7d")
     103 + contents := rx.ReplaceAllFunc(contents, func(m []byte) []byte {
     104 + d, err := url.QueryUnescape(string(m))
     105 + if err != nil {
     106 + return m
     107 + }
     108 + return []byte(d)
     109 + })
     110 + 
    98 111   // For each file apply the template.
    99 112   tFile, err = ExecuteTemplate(string(contents), ptx)
    100 113   if err != nil {
    skipped 44 lines
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