Projects STRLCPY git-open Files
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Type git open to open the repo website (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket) in your browser.

git open2015-01-24 13_51_18


git open [remote-name] [branch-name]
git open issue

(git open works with these hosted repo providers, git open issue currently only works with GitHub)


$ git open
# opens

$ git open upstream
# opens

$ git open upstream master
# opens

$ git open issue
# If branches use naming convention of issues/#123,
# opens


Without using a framework

The preferred way of installation is to simply add the git-open script somewhere into your path (e.g. add the directory to your PATH environment or copy git-open into an existing included path like /usr/local/bin).

You can use also npm to install this package:

npm install --global git-open

Using Windows Powershell

Save git-open anywhere, say as ~/Documents/Scripts/ and define a function in your Powershell profile (see ~/Documents/WindowsPowerShell/profile.ps1) like this:

function git-open { cmd /c "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe" "~/Documents/Scripts/" }
Set-Alias -Name gop -Value git-open

Using a ZSH Framework


Add antigen bundle paulirish/git-open to your .zshrc with your other bundle commands.

Antigen will handle cloning the plugin for you automatically the next time you start zsh, and periodically checking for updates to the git repository. You can also add the plugin to a running zsh with antigen bundle paulirish/git-open for testing before adding it to your .zshrc.

  1. cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
  2. git clone [email protected]:paulirish/git-open.git
  3. Add git-open to your plugin list - edit ~/.zshrc and change plugins=(...) to plugins=(... git-open)

Add zgen load paulirish/git-open to your .zshrc file in the same function you're doing your other zgen load calls in. ZGen will take care of cloning the repository the next time you run zgen save, and will also periodically check for updates to the git repository.


zplug "paulirish/git-open", as:command

Supported remote repositories

git-open can automatically guess the corresponding repository page for remotes (default looks for origin) on the following hosts:

  • GitLab custom hosted (see below)
  • Atlassian Bitbucket Server (formerly Atlassian Stash)

GitLab support

To configure GitLab support you need to set some options.

option namedescriptionexample
gitopen.gitlab.domainThe (web)domain name that will work for most of the
gitopen.gitlab.ssh.domainA specific ssh domain name, if
gitopen.gitlab.ssh.portA specific ssh port, if needed10022
# use --global to set across all repos, instead of just the local one
git config [--global] gitopen.gitlab.domain [value]
git config [--global] gitopen.gitlab.ssh.domain [value]
git config [--global] gitopen.gitlab.ssh.port [value]

See hub for complete GitHub opening support. It's the official GitHub project and provides hub browse.

Homebrew has an alternate git-open that only works with GitHub but can open user profile pages, too.

@gerep has an alternate git-open that works with a few providers. Of note, it opens the default view for BitBucket instead of the source view.

And, of course, jasonmccreary's original gh from which this plugin was forked.


jasonmccreary did the initial hard work. Since then, many contributors have submitted great PRs.


Please provide examples of the URLs you are parsing with each PR.


Copyright Jason McCreary & Paul Irish. Licensed under MIT.


  • 2016-07-23 - readme -- fix oh-my-zsh install instructions
  • 2016-07-22 - 1.1.0, update and add linters for package.json, readme. Re-publish to NPM.
  • 2016-07-11 - Changelog started (readme formatting and installation instructions updated)
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