Projects STRLCPY git-open Commits b526edce
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    skipped 191 lines
    192 192   
    193 193  ## Changelog
    194 194   
    195  -- **2017-06-17** - test suite added
     195 +- **2017-12-01** - Configuration for custom remote added
     196 +- **2017-11-30** - Support for VSTS Added
     197 +- **2017-10-31** - `--issue` and `-h` added
     198 +- **2017-10-30** - Configuration for custom domains added
     199 +- **2017-10-30** - WSL support added
     200 +- **2017-06-16** - Introduced a test suite in BATS
     201 +- **2017-06-15** - Entire script rewritten and simplified by @dermagia
    196 202  - **2016-07-23** - readme -- fix oh-my-zsh install instructions
    197  -- **2016-07-22** - 1.1.0, update and add linters for package.json, readme.
    198  - Re-publish to NPM.
    199  -- **2016-07-11** - Changelog started (readme formatting and installation
    200  - instructions updated)
     203 +- **2016-07-22** - 1.1.0, update and add linters for package.json, readme. Re-publish to NPM.
     204 +- **2016-07-11** - Changelog started (readme formatting and installation instructions updated)
    201 205   
    202 206   
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