Projects STRLCPY git-open Commits 8b909f81
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
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    skipped 31 lines
    32 32   
    33 33  $ git open --print
    34 34  # prints
     35 + 
     36 +$ git open --suffix pulls
     37 +# opens
    35 38  ```
    36 39   
    37 40  ## Installation
    skipped 140 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 17 lines
    18 18   Available options are
    19 19  c,commit! open current commit
    20 20  i,issue! open issues page
     21 +s,suffix= append this suffix
    21 22  p,print! just print the url
    22 23  "
    23 24   
    skipped 6 lines
    30 31  is_issue=0
    31 32  protocol="https"
    32 33  print_only=0
     34 +suffix_flag=""
    33 35   
    34 36  while test $# != 0; do
    35 37   case "$1" in
    36 38   --commit) is_commit=1;;
    37 39   --issue) is_issue=1;;
     40 + --suffix=*) suffix_flag="$1";;
    38 41   --print) print_only=1;;
    39 42   --) shift; break ;;
    40 43   esac
    41 44   shift
    42 45  done
     46 + 
     47 +# parse suffix from suffix=value
     48 +IFS='=' read -ra suffix_flag <<< "$suffix_flag"
     49 +suffix=${suffix_flag[1]}
    43 50   
    44 51  # are we in a git repo?
    45 52  if ! git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &>/dev/null; then
    skipped 190 lines
    236 243  elif [[ $remote_ref != "master" ]]; then
    237 244   # simplify URL for master
    238 245   openurl="$openurl$providerBranchRef"
     246 +fi
     247 + 
     248 +if [ "$suffix" ]; then
     249 + openurl="$openurl/$suffix"
    239 250  fi
    240 251   
    241 252  # get current open browser command
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    skipped 2 lines
    3 3   
    4 4  ## SYNOPSIS
    5 5   
    6  -`git open` [--issue] [--commit] [remote-name] [branch-name]
     6 +`git open` [--issue] [--commit] [--suffix some_suffix] [remote-name] [branch-name]
    7 7   
    8 8   
    9 9  ## DESCRIPTION
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    22 22   Open the current issue. When the name of the current branch matches the right pattern,
    23 23   it will open the webpage with that issue. See `EXAMPLES` for more information.
    24 24   This only works on GitHub, GitLab, Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server at the moment.
     25 + 
     26 +`-s`, `--suffix` some_suffix
     27 + Append the given suffix to the url
    25 28   
    26 29  `-p`, `--print`
    27 30   Just print the URL. Do not open it in browser.
    skipped 27 lines
    55 58   
    56 59  If branches use naming convention of `issues/#123`, it opens
    57 60
     61 + 
     62 +```sh
     63 +git open --suffix pulls
     64 +```
     65 + 
     66 +It opens the URL
    58 67   
    59 68  ```sh
    60 69  git open --print
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    skipped 166 lines
    167 167   assert_output "${sha}"
    168 168  }
    169 169   
     170 +@test "gh: git open --suffix anySuffix" {
     171 + run ../git-open "--suffix" "anySuffix"
     172 + assert_output ""
     173 +}
     174 + 
    170 175  @test "gh: gist" {
    171 176   git remote set-url origin "[email protected]:2d84a6db1b41b4020685.git"
    172 177   run ../git-open
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