Projects STRLCPY git-open Commits 7eeee771
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    skipped 41 lines
    42 42  fi
    43 43   
    44 44  # choose remote. priority to: provided argument, default in config, detected tracked remote, 'origin'
    45  -branch_name=$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>/dev/null)
    46  -tracked_remote=$(git config "branch.$branch_name.remote")
     45 +branch=${2:-$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)}
     46 +upstream_branch_full_name=$(git config "branch.$branch.merge")
     47 +upstream_branch=${upstream_branch_full_name#"refs/heads/"}
     48 +tracked_remote=$(git config "branch.$branch.remote")
    47 49  default_remote=$(git config open.default.remote)
    48 50  remote=${1:-$default_remote}
    49 51  remote=${remote:-$tracked_remote}
    skipped 103 lines
    153 155  domain=$(getConfig "domain")
    154 156  protocol=$(getConfig "protocol")
    155 157   
    156  -# Get current branch / tag / commit
    157  -branch=${2:-$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD || git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse HEAD)}
     158 +# Remote ref to open
     159 +remote_ref=${upstream_branch:-${branch:-$(git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse HEAD)}}
    158 160   
    159 161  # Split arguments on '/'
    160 162  IFS='/' read -r -a pathargs <<<"$urlpath"
    161 163   
    162 164  if (( is_issue )); then
    163 165   # For issues, take the numbers and preprend 'issues/'
    164  - providerBranchRef="/issues/${branch//[^0-9]/}"
     166 + providerBranchRef="/issues/${remote_ref//[^0-9]/}"
    165 167  else
    166 168   # Make # and % characters url friendly
    167 169   #
    168  - branch=${branch//%/%25} branch=${branch//#/%23}
    169  - providerBranchRef="/tree/$branch"
     170 + remote_ref=${remote_ref//%/%25} remote_ref=${remote_ref//#/%23}
     171 + providerBranchRef="/tree/$remote_ref"
    170 172  fi
    171 173   
    172 174  if [[ "$domain" == '' ]]; then
    173 175   # Bitbucket, see for why ?at is needed.
    174  - providerBranchRef="/src?at=$branch"
     176 + providerBranchRef="/src?at=$remote_ref"
    175 177  elif [[ "${#pathargs[@]}" -ge 3 && ${pathargs[${#pathargs[@]} - 3]} == 'scm' ]]; then
    176 178   # Bitbucket server always has /scm/ as the third to last segment in the url path, e.g. /scm/ppp/test-repo.git
    177 179   # Anything before the 'scm' is part of the server's root context
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    183 185   # shellcheck disable=SC2206
    184 186   pathargs=(${pathPref[@]} 'projects' ${pathargs[${#pathargs[@]} - 2]} 'repos' "${pathargs[@]:${#pathargs[@]} - 1}")
    185 187   IFS='/' urlpath="${pathargs[*]}"
    186  - providerBranchRef="/browse?at=$branch"
     188 + providerBranchRef="/browse?at=$remote_ref"
    187 189  elif [[ "${#pathargs[@]}" -ge '2' && ${pathargs[${#pathargs[@]} - 2]} == '_git' ]]; then
    188 190   # Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server always have /_git/ as the second to last segment in the url path
    189 191   if (( is_issue )); then
    skipped 1 lines
    191 193   urlpath="${urlpath%%/_git/*}/_workitems"
    192 194   # Handle case for the default repository url
    193 195   urlpath="${urlpath#_git\/*}"
    194  - providerBranchRef="?id=${branch//[^0-9]/}"
     196 + providerBranchRef="?id=${remote_ref//[^0-9]/}"
    195 197   else
    196 198   # Keep project and repository name, append branch selector.
    197  - providerBranchRef="?version=GB$branch"
     199 + providerBranchRef="?version=GB$remote_ref"
    198 200   fi
    199 201  elif [[ "$domain" =~ amazonaws\.com$ ]]; then
    200 202   # AWS Code Commit
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    223 225  openurl="$protocol://$domain/$urlpath"
    224 226   
    225 227  # simplify URL for master
    226  -if [[ $branch != "master" ]]; then
     228 +if [[ $remote_ref != "master" ]]; then
    227 229   openurl="$openurl$providerBranchRef"
    228 230  fi
    229 231   
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    65 65   assert_output ""
    66 66  }
    67 67   
     68 +@test "gh: upstream branch" {
     69 + git remote set-url origin "[email protected]:user/repo.git"
     70 + git remote add upstreamRemote "[email protected]:user/upstream-repo.git"
     71 + git checkout -B "mybranch"
     72 + git config --local "branch.mybranch.merge" "refs/heads/myupstream/mybranch"
     73 + git config --local "branch.mybranch.remote" "upstreamRemote"
     74 + run ../git-open
     75 + assert_output ""
     76 +}
     77 + 
     78 +@test "gh: upstream branch from param" {
     79 + git remote set-url origin "[email protected]:user/repo.git"
     80 + git remote add upstreamRemote "[email protected]:user/upstream-repo.git"
     81 + git checkout -B "mybranch"
     82 + git config --local "branch.mybranch.merge" "refs/heads/upstreamBranch"
     83 + git config --local "branch.mybranch.remote" "upstreamRemote"
     84 + git checkout master
     85 + run ../git-open upstreamRemote mybranch
     86 + assert_output ""
     87 +}
     88 + 
    68 89  @test "gh: tag" {
    69 90   git remote set-url origin "[email protected]:user/repo.git"
    70 91   git tag mytag
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