Projects STRLCPY git-open Commits 7ac4f71f
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
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    92 92  else
    93 93   # custom GitLab
    94 94   gitlab_domain=$(git config --get gitopen.gitlab.domain)
    95  - gitlab_ssh_domain=$(git config --get gitopen.gitlab.ssh-domain)
     95 + gitlab_ssh_domain=$(git config --get gitopen.gitlab.ssh.domain)
    96 96   gitlab_ssh_domain=${gitlab_ssh_domain:-$gitlab_domain}
    97  - gitlab_port=$(git config --get gitopen.gitlab.port)
     97 + gitlab_ssh_port=$(git config --get gitopen.gitlab.ssh.port)
    98 98   if [ -n "$gitlab_domain" ]; then
    99 99   if egrep -q "${gitlab_domain}|${gitlab_ssh_domain}" <<<$giturl; then
    100 100   
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    108 108   giturl=${giturl/git\@${gitlab_ssh_domain}/${gitlab_domain}/}
    109 109   
    110 110   # remove SSH port
    111  - if [ -n "$gitlab_port" ]; then
    112  - giturl=${giturl/\/:${gitlab_port}\///}
     111 + if [ -n "$gitlab_ssh_port" ]; then
     112 + giturl=${giturl/\/:${gitlab_ssh_port}\///}
    113 113   fi
    114 114   providerUrlDifference=tree
    115 115   fi
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