Projects STRLCPY git-open Commits 421888c0
  • Convert ssh:// link to a https:// one

    The script was failing on a Bitbucket repo using ssh instead of https. Now it should be fixed.
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  • Lilian Besson committed with GitHub 8 years ago
    1 parent f73d3e6a
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    skipped 30 lines
    31 31   exit 1
    32 32  fi
    33 33   
     34 +# Convert ssh:// link to a https:// one
     35 +giturl=$( echo $giturl | sed s_'ssh://git@'_'https://'_ )
     36 + 
    34 37  # get current branch
    35 38  if [ -z "$2" ]; then
    36 39   branch=$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)
    skipped 77 lines
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