Projects STRLCPY git-open Commits 0189caeb
  • Open bitbucket with the right branch

    replace from `?at` to `/` for `providerBranchRef`
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  • Heechul Ryu committed 4 years ago
    1 parent 3e8c908d
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
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    187 187   
    188 188  if [[ "$domain" == '' ]]; then
    189 189   # Bitbucket, see for why ?at is needed.
    190  - providerBranchRef="/src?at=$remote_ref"
     190 + providerBranchRef="/src/$remote_ref"
    191 191  elif [[ "${#pathargs[@]}" -ge 3 && ${pathargs[${#pathargs[@]} - 3]} == 'scm' ]]; then
    192 192   # Bitbucket server always has /scm/ as the third to last segment in the url path, e.g. /scm/ppp/test-repo.git
    193 193   # Anything before the 'scm' is part of the server's root context
    skipped 85 lines
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