Projects STRLCPY ghauri Commits ebd8c81c
  • updated code quality to increase maximum of 10 threads for data retrieval in case of boolean based injection.

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  • r0oth3x49 committed 1 year ago
    1 parent 5da33a63
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    83 83   self.continue_on_http_error = continue_on_http_error
    84 84   self.follow_redirects = follow_redirects
    85 85   self.threads = threads
    86  - self._max_threads = 4
     86 + self._max_threads = 10
    87 87   self._thread_chars_query = {}
    88 88   self.lock = Lock()
    89 89   self.thread_warning = False
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    95 95   self.params_count = 0
    96 96   self.confirm_payloads = False
    97 97   self.safe_chars = None
     98 + self.rto_warning = False
     99 + self.rtom_warning = False
    98 100   
    99 101   @property
    100 102   def session_filepath(self):
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    761 761   # if choice == "c":
    762 762   # retry_on_error = 0
    763 763   if conf._readtimout_counter >= 3:
    764  - logger.warning(
    765  - f"Ghauri detected readtimout '{conf._readtimout_counter}' time(s), increasing --timeout to 120 seconds, default was 30 seconds.."
    766  - )
    767  - conf.timeout += 90
    768  - conf._readtimout_counter = 0
     764 + if conf.rto_warning:
     765 + if not conf.rtom_warning:
     766 + choice = logger.read_input(
     767 + "Ghauri detected read timeout multiple time(s). Do you want to continue? [y/N] "
     768 + )
     769 + if choice == "n":
     770 + logger.end("ending")
     771 + exit(0)
     772 + conf.rtom_warning = True
     773 + if not conf.rto_warning:
     774 + msgrto = ""
     775 + if vector_type == "time_vector":
     776 + msgrto = ", It is recommended to set high value of option(s) '--time-sec', increase delay between request(s) with an option '--delay'"
     777 + if vector_type == "boolean_vector":
     778 + msgrto = ", It is recommended to set high value of option(s) '--timeout' and also increase delay between each http request with an option '--delay'"
     779 + logger.warning(
     780 + f"Ghauri detected read timout '{conf._readtimout_counter}' time(s){msgrto}."
     781 + )
     782 + conf.rto_warning = True
     783 + conf._readtimout_counter = 0
    769 784   if delay > 0:
    770 785   time.sleep(delay)
    771 786   ascii_char = int((minimum + maximum) / 2)
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    1739 1754   pos = start_pos
    1740 1755   total_length = length + 1
    1741 1756   if conf.threads and not binary_search and not in_based_search:
    1742  - logger.warning(
    1743  - "ghauri will use a fallback leaner search to guess character(s), adjusting threads to 1"
     1757 + logger.debug(
     1758 + "Ghauri will use a fallback leaner search to guess character(s), adjusting threads to 1"
    1744 1759   )
    1745 1760   conf.threads = None
    1746 1761   if conf.threads and vector_type == "boolean_vector":
    1747 1762   if not conf.thread_warning:
    1748  - logger.warning(
     1763 + logger.debug(
    1749 1764   "it is recommended not to use threads for data exfiltration, it could cause harm to backend DBMS or result in incorrect character(s) guessing."
    1750 1765   )
    1751 1766   conf.thread_warning = True
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    1762 1777   sorted(conf._thread_chars_query.items())
    1763 1778   )
    1764 1779   if conf.threads > conf._max_threads:
    1765  - conf.threads = 4
     1780 + conf.threads = conf._max_threads
    1766 1781   if not conf.max_threads_warning:
    1767 1782   logger.warning(
    1768  - "ghauri recommends using threads upto 4. adjusting total number of threads to 4."
     1783 + f"Ghauri recommends using threads upto {conf._max_threads}. adjusting '--threads=\"{conf._max_threads}\"'."
    1769 1784   )
    1770 1785   conf.max_threads_warning = True
    1771 1786   with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
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