Projects STRLCPY ghauri Commits 5aed9854
  • updated code quality, minor updates to time/stacked based technique, fixed an issue in exception handling when during data extraction user aborts, bumped version 1.0.8

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  • r0oth3x49 committed 2 years ago
    1 parent 6c587217
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    24 24   
    25 25  """
    26 26   
    27  -__version__ = "1.0.7"
     27 +__version__ = "1.0.8"
    28 28  __author__ = "Nasir Khan (r0ot h3x49)"
    29 29  __license__ = "MIT"
    30 30  __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016-2025 Nasir Khan (r0ot h3x49)"
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    1661 1661   __temp.append(_p)
    1662 1662   _r = Response(
    1663 1663   dbms=backend,
    1664  - type="error-based",
     1664 + type="stacked-queries",
    1665 1665   title=title,
    1666 1666   payloads=__temp,
    1667 1667   vector=vector,
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    skipped 362 lines
    363 363   position=offset,
    364 364   char=ord(identified_character),
    365 365   )
     366 + if vector_type == "time_vector":
     367 + condition = replace_with(
     368 + string=condition, character="=", replace_with="!="
     369 + )
    366 370   expression = vector.replace("[INFERENCE]", f"{condition}").replace(
    367 371   "[SLEEPTIME]", f"{timesec}"
    368 372   )
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    409 413   logger.debug("character is valid.")
    410 414   if vector_type == "time_vector":
    411 415   response_time = attack.response_time
    412  - if response_time >= sleep_time:
     416 + vulnerable = bool(response_time >= sleep_time)
     417 + if not vulnerable:
    413 418   logger.debug("character is valid.")
    414 419   is_valid = True
    415 420   break
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    1490 1495   resumed=retval_error.resumed,
    1491 1496   )
    1492 1497   return _temp_error
    1493  - if other_vectors:
    1494  - logger.debug(
    1495  - "ghauri is going to use other injected vectors payloads if any."
    1496  - )
     1498 + # if other_vectors:
     1499 + # logger.debug(
     1500 + # "ghauri is going to use other injected vectors payloads if any."
     1501 + # )
    1497 1502   if not list_of_chars:
    1498 1503   list_of_chars = "._-1234567890aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ@+!#$%^&*()+"
    1499 1504   data_extraction_payloads = DATA_EXTRACTION_PAYLOADS.get(backend)
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    1530 1535   last_row_id = retval_session.get("id")
    1531 1536   if len(_v) == length:
    1532 1537   _temp = PayloadResponse(
    1533  - ok=True, error="", result=_v, payload="", resumed=True
     1538 + ok=True, error="", result=_v, payload="", resumed=is_resumed
    1534 1539   )
    1535 1540   return _temp
    1536 1541   for vector_type, vector in conf.vectors.items():
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    1623 1628   total_length = length + 1
    1624 1629   # for pos in range(1, length + 1):
    1625 1630   while pos < total_length:
     1631 + start_pos = pos
    1626 1632   if attack01 and vector_type == "boolean_vector":
    1627 1633   # extract characters using binary search algorithm
    1628 1634   try:
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    1823 1829   try:
    1824 1830   if bool_invalid_character_counter >= 3:
    1825 1831   logger.debug(
    1826  - "boolean based technique(s) is not usable to data extraction switching to other if any.."
     1832 + "it seems the current payload is filtered out by some sort of WAF/IDS."
    1827 1833   )
    1828 1834   break
    1829 1835   if dump_type and chars:
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    1843 1849   is_char_found = True
    1844 1850   is_extracted = True
    1845 1851   is_done_with_vector = True
     1852 + if chars and len(chars) > 0:
     1853 +"retrieved: '{chars}'")
    1846 1854   _temp = PayloadResponse(
    1847 1855   ok=False,
    1848 1856   error="user_ended",
    skipped 177 lines
    2026 2034   try:
    2027 2035   if invalid_character_detection_counter >= 3:
    2028 2036   logger.debug(
    2029  - "time based technique(s) is not usable to data extraction switching to other if any.."
     2037 + "it seems the current payload is filtered out by some sort of WAF/IDS."
    2030 2038   )
    2031 2039   break
    2032 2040   if dump_type and chars:
    skipped 20 lines
    2053 2061   error="user_ended",
    2054 2062   result=chars,
    2055 2063   payload=entry,
     2064 + resumed=is_resumed,
    2056 2065   )
    2057 2066   break
    2058 2067   if len(chars) == length:
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    817 817   if delay > 0:
    818 818   time.sleep(delay)
    819 819   sleep_time = sleep_times.pop()
     820 + # in case of very slow internet users we will consider timesec value for testing and it should be >= 10 otherwise with good internet we are good to consider random sleep value
     821 + if timesec >= 10:
     822 + sleep_time += timesec
    820 823   string = payload_detected.string
    821 824   expression = string.replace("[SLEEPTIME]", "%s" % (sleep_time))
    822 825   decoded_expression = urldecode(expression)
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    933 936   payloads_response_delay = [stack_queries_payloads, time_based_payloads]
    934 937   param_key = parameter.get("key")
    935 938   param_value = parameter.get("value")
    936  - sleep_time = random.randint(5, 9)
     939 + # in case of very slow internet users we will consider timesec value for testing and it should be >= 10 otherwise with good internet we are good to consider random sleep value
     940 + sleep_time = timesec if timesec >= 10 else random.randint(5, 9)
    937 941   injection_type = injection_type.upper()
    938 942   is_injected = False
    939 943   requests_counter = 1
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    943 947   terminate_on_web_firewall = False
    944 948   http_firewall_code_counter = 0
    945 949   error_msg = None
     950 + _out = []
    946 951   for payloads_delay in payloads_response_delay:
    947 952   for entry in payloads_delay:
    948 953   backend = entry.dbms
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    1109 1114   continue
    1110 1115   logger.notice(message)
    1111 1116   _url = attack.request_url if injection_type == "GET" else attack.url
     1117 + payload_type = f"{entry.type}"
     1118 + if payload_type == "time-based":
     1119 + payload_type += " blind"
    1112 1120   _temp = Response(
    1113 1121   url=_url,
    1114 1122,
    skipped 13 lines
    1128 1136   prepared_vector=f"{_payload.prefix}{entry.vector}{_payload.suffix}",
    1129 1137   number_of_requests=requests_counter,
    1130 1138   backend=backend,
    1131  - payload_type="time-based blind",
     1139 + payload_type=payload_type,
    1132 1140   payload_raw=_payload,
    1133 1141   with_status_code=with_status_code,
    1134 1142   is_different_status_code_injectable=is_different_status_code_injectable,
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    5 5   
    6 6  setup(
    7 7   name="ghauri",
    8  - version="1.0.7",
     8 + version="1.0.8",
    9 9   description="An advanced SQL injection detection & exploitation tool.",
    10 10   classifiers=["Programming Language :: Python3"],
    11 11   author="Nasir Khan",
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