Projects STRLCPY ebpfguard Files
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kernel capabilities

First, you need to have a Linux kernel:

  • with BTF support
  • with BPF LSM support (kernels >= 5.7)

You can check if your kernel has BTF support by checking whether file /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux exists. You can also check the kernel configuration:

$ zgrep CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF /proc/config.gz

Next, you need to check if your kernel has BPF LSM support:

$ cat /sys/kernel/security/lsm

If the output doesn't contain bpf, you need to enable BPF LSM by adding lsm=[...],bpf to your kernel config parameters. That can be achieved by executing the script.

This script will print modified contents of /etc/default/grub file to stdout. Either pipe it back directly to /etc/default/grub or save it somewhere and compare contents before swapping to a new version.

Whole command with direct pipe:

$ ./ | sudo tee /etc/default/grub 1>/dev/null

This file is used by grub2 to assemble final grub.cfg. To trigger reconfiguration use grub's mkconfig command with -o <path to grub.cfg> switch.

Both command name and path to grub.cfg are distribution dependent.

On ubuntu:

$ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

On fedora:

$ sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

After that's done reboot your system.

rust toolchain and packages

You need the Rust stable and nightly toolchains installed on your system, bpf-linker and bpftool binary.

Install rust from Further commands assume availabilty of rustup command.

Install nightly toolchain:

$ rustup toolchain install nightly --component rust-src

Optionally add miri:

$ rustup component add miri --toolchain nightly

Finally install bpf-linker:

$ cargo install bpf-linker

This bpf-linker installation method works on linux x86_64 systems. For others refer to aya-rs documentation.

To install bpftool either use distro provided package or build it from source.

On ubuntu it is a part of linux-tools:

$ sudo apt install linux-tools-$(uname -r)
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