Projects STRLCPY ebpfguard Commits 84bf7032
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 69 lines
    70 70  ```
    71 71   
    72 72  Imports and cargo file are available in [example source code](examples/readme_mount).
    73  -For more check out [examples doc](doc/
     73 +For more check out [examples doc](docs/gh/
    74 74   
    75 75  ## Supported LSM hooks
    76 76   
    skipped 10 lines
    87 87   
    88 88  ## Prerequisites
    89 89   
    90  -Check [prerequisites doc](doc/ to set up your environment.
     90 +Check [prerequisites doc](docs/gh/ to set up your environment.
    91 91   
    92 92  ## Development
    93 93   
    94  -Check [development doc](doc/ for compillation and testing commands.
     94 +Check [development doc](docs/gh/ for compillation and testing commands.
    95 95   
    96 96  ## Get in touch
    97 97   
    98  -Thank you for using Ebpfguard. Please feel welcome to participate in the [Deepfence community](doc/
     98 +Thank you for using Ebpfguard. Please feel welcome to participate in the [Deepfence community](docs/gh/
    99 99   
    100 100  * [Deepfence Community Website](
    101 101  * [<img src="[email protected]?logo=slack">]( Got a question, need some help? Find the Deepfence team on Slack
    102 102  * [![GitHub issues](]( Got a feature request or found a bug? Raise an issue
    103  -<!-- * [![Documentation](]( Read the documentation in the [Deepfence Ebpfguard Documentation]( -->
     103 +<!-- * [![Documentation](]( Read the documentation in the [Deepfence Ebpfguard Documentation]( -->
    104 104  <!-- * [productsecurity at deepfence dot io]( Found a security issue? Share it in confidence -->
    105 105  * Find out more at [](
    106 106   
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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     2 +title: Introduction to Ebpfguard
     3 +---
     4 + 
     5 +# Ebpfguard
     6 + 
     7 +Docs under construction. Refer to [github page]( for now.
     8 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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  • doc/ docs/gh/
    Content is identical
  • doc/ docs/gh/
    Content is identical
  • doc/ docs/gh/
    Content is identical
  • doc/ docs/gh/
    Content is identical
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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  • docs/static/img/deepfence-logo-black.svg
  • docs/static/img/deepfence-logo-white.svg
  • docs/static/img/deepfence.png
  • docs/yarn.lock
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