Projects STRLCPY dolt Files
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remotesrv is a dolt compatible remote server which implements the grpc remote chunkstore api, and a simple file storage server over http.


Currently only installation from source is supported. To install run

go install .

from the remotesrv directory



remotesrv [--dir <directory>] [--http-port <PORT>] [--grpc-port <PORT>]


-dir string
	root directory where files will be stored to and served from

	port on which the grpc server is running in order to serve the grpc remote chunkstore api (Default 50051)

	port on which the http file server is running (Default 80)

Using with dolt

In order to point the dolt cli to use this server you will need to add a remote that uses this server, or clone from this server

add remote

dolt remote add <remote> http://localhost:<PORT>/<ORG>/<REPO>


dolt clone http://localhost:<PORT>/<ORG>/<REPO>
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