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Import Benchmarking

Benchmark different import workflows expressed as yaml files.

Unit tests in import_test.go are not suitable for reporting performance comparisons.



go build \ \
  -test testdata/shuffle.yaml


Tests that use dolt require a dolt binary in PATH for performance comparisons.

Tests with an external-server configuration are expected to be available from the host machine on startup.

Example mysqld server on the host OS, assuming an initialized datadir and pre-existing database:

mysqld --port 3308 --local-infile=1 --socket=/tmp/mysqld2.sock

Example mysql server docker-compose.yml config:

  image: mysql/mysql-server:8.0
  container_name: mysql-import-perf
      - "3308:3306"
  command: --local-infile=1 --socket=/tmp/mysqld2.sock
      - ./mysql:/var/lib/mysql
  restart: always # always restart unless stopped manually
      MYSQL_USER: root
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: password
      MYSQL_DATABASE: test

Note the --local-infile parameter, which permits LOAD DATA, and the --socket parameter, which specifies a non-default socket that will not conflict with any dolt sql-server instances. All other parameters, including the database name, are configurable in the test file yaml.


Specify imports for different servers and workloads along several dimensions:

  • repo

    • dolt server (server field)
    • dolt cli (omit server field)
    • mysql server (external server field)
  • table spec

    • fmt (string): file format for importing
      • csv: comma separated lines
      • sql: dump file of insert statements
    • rows (int): number of rows to import
    • schema (string): CREATE_TABLE statement for table to import
    • shuffle (bool): by default generated rows are sorted; indicate true to shuffle
    • batch (bool): whether to batch insert statements (only applies to fmt=sql)

For an examples of the specific yaml input syntax, see the example files below, or refer to the tests in testdata/.

Server Details:

  • For dolt sql-server tests, a new sql-server will be constructed individually for each test run.
  • External servers are provided outside of the lifecycle of the import_benchmarker command. The same database instance is used for every table import test.
  • Import files are cached on the schema, row number, and format in between tests.


The output format is a .sql file with the following schema:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS import_perf_results (
  test_name varchar(64),
  server varchar(64),
  detail varchar(64),
  row_cnt int,
  time double,
  file_format varchar(8),
  sorted bool,
  primary key (test_name, server, detail)

A sample import file:

insert into import_perf_results values
    ('primary key types', 'mysql', 'int', 400000, 2.20, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('primary key types', 'mysql', 'float', 400000, 1.98, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('primary key types', 'mysql', 'varchar', 400000, 3.46, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('config width', 'mysql', '2 cols', 400000, 1.71, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('config width', 'mysql', '4 cols', 400000, 1.78, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('config width', 'mysql', '8 cols', 400000, 2.10, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('pk type', 'mysql', 'int', 400000, 1.70, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('pk type', 'mysql', 'float', 400000, 1.95, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('pk type', 'mysql', 'varchar', 400000, 3.86, 'csv', 1);

insert into import_perf_results values
    ('primary key types', 'dolt', 'int', 400000, 2.10, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('primary key types', 'dolt', 'float', 400000, 2.83, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('primary key types', 'dolt', 'varchar', 400000, 5.01, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('config width', 'dolt', '2 cols', 400000, 2.12, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('config width', 'dolt', '4 cols', 400000, 2.47, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('config width', 'dolt', '8 cols', 400000, 2.84, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('pk type', 'dolt', 'int', 400000, 2.06, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('pk type', 'dolt', 'float', 400000, 2.27, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
    ('pk type', 'dolt', 'varchar', 400000, 5.34, 'csv', 1);

insert into import_perf_results values
('primary key types', 'dolt_cli', 'int', 400000, 2.40, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
('primary key types', 'dolt_cli', 'float', 400000, 2.44, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
('primary key types', 'dolt_cli', 'varchar', 400000, 5.58, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
('config width', 'dolt_cli', '2 cols', 400000, 2.40, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
('config width', 'dolt_cli', '4 cols', 400000, 2.77, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
('config width', 'dolt_cli', '8 cols', 400000, 3.23, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
('pk type', 'dolt_cli', 'int', 400000, 2.37, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
('pk type', 'dolt_cli', 'float', 400000, 2.43, 'csv', 1);
insert into import_perf_results values
('pk type', 'dolt_cli', 'varchar', 400000, 5.52, 'csv', 1);

Ingest the result file and run queries like the ones below to compare import runtimes:

-- compare two servers
> select
    a.test_name as test_name,
    a.detail as detail,
    a.row_cnt as row_cnt,
    a.sorted as sorted,
    a.time as dolt_time,
    b.time as mysql_time,
    round((a.time / b.time),2) as multiple
from import_perf_results a
    join import_perf_results b
    a.test_name = b.test_name and
    a.detail = b.detail
    a.server = 'dolt' and
    b.server = 'mysql'
order by 1,2;

| test_name         | detail       | row_cnt | sorted | dolt_time | mysql_time | multiple |
| blobs             | 1 blob       | 400000  | 1      | 34.94     | 2.16       | 16.18    |
| blobs             | 2 blobs      | 400000  | 1      | 62.23     | 2.08       | 29.92    |
| blobs             | no blob      | 400000  | 1      | 2.91      | 2.09       | 1.39     |
| config width      | 2 cols       | 400000  | 1      | 2.12      | 1.71       | 1.24     |
| config width      | 4 cols       | 400000  | 1      | 2.47      | 1.78       | 1.39     |
| config width      | 8 cols       | 400000  | 1      | 2.84      | 2.1        | 1.35     |
| pk type           | float        | 400000  | 1      | 2.27      | 1.95       | 1.16     |
| pk type           | int          | 400000  | 1      | 2.06      | 1.7        | 1.21     |
| pk type           | varchar      | 400000  | 1      | 5.34      | 3.86       | 1.38     |

-- compare three servers
> select
  o.test_name as test_name,
  o.sorted as sorted,
  o.time as mysql_time,
  select round((a.time / b.time),2) m
  from import_perf_results a
  join import_perf_results b
    a.test_name = b.test_name and
    a.detail = b.detail
    a.server = 'dolt' and
    b.server = 'mysql' and
    a.test_name = o.test_name and
    a.detail = o.detail
  ) as sql_mult,
  select round((a.time / b.time),2) m
  from import_perf_results a
  join import_perf_results b
    a.test_name = b.test_name and
    a.detail = b.detail
    a.server = 'dolt_cli' and
    b.server = 'mysql' and
    a.test_name = o.test_name and
    a.detail = o.detail
  ) as cli_mult
from import_perf_results as o
where o.server = 'mysql'
order by 1,2;

| test_name         | detail       | row_cnt | sorted | mysql_time | sql_mult | cli_mult |
| blobs             | 1 blob       | 400000  | 1      | 2.16       | 16.18    | 13.43    |
| blobs             | 2 blobs      | 400000  | 1      | 2.08       | 29.92    | 26.71    |
| blobs             | no blob      | 400000  | 1      | 2.09       | 1.39     | 1.33     |
| config width      | 2 cols       | 400000  | 1      | 1.71       | 1.24     | 1.4      |
| config width      | 4 cols       | 400000  | 1      | 1.78       | 1.39     | 1.56     |
| config width      | 8 cols       | 400000  | 1      | 2.1        | 1.35     | 1.54     |
| pk type           | float        | 400000  | 1      | 1.95       | 1.16     | 1.25     |
| pk type           | int          | 400000  | 1      | 1.7        | 1.21     | 1.39     |
| pk type           | varchar      | 400000  | 1      | 3.86       | 1.38     | 1.43     |

Example tests

Example test spec 1:

- name: "sorting"
  - name: repo1
      port: 3308
  - name: "shuffle"
    shuffle: true
    rows: 100000
    schema: |
      create table xy (
        x int primary key,
        y varchar(30)
  - name: "sorted"
    shuffle: false
    rows: 100000
    schema: |
      create table xy (
        x int primary key,
        y varchar(30)

We will import two tables with a dolt sql-server on port 3308. Both tables have 100,000 rows, and a schema with two columns. The "sorted" test imports the default sorted rows, while the "shuffle" imports unsorted rows.

Example import spec 2:

- name: "row count"
   - name: mysql
       name: test
       user: root
       password: password
       port: 4306
  - name: "400k"
    fmt: "csv"
    rows: 40000
    schema: |
      create table xy (
        x int primary key,
        y varchar(30)

We will connect to a database server named test on port 4306 with the credentials above to run a 40,000 row import of a table with two columns.

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