Projects STRLCPY dolt Commits d63ab697
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    1149 1149   return datas.ChunkStoreFromDatabase(ddb.db).Rebase(ctx)
    1150 1150  }
    1151 1151   
    1152  -// GC performs garbage collection on this ddb. Values passed in |uncommitedVals| will be temporarily saved during gc.
    1153  -func (ddb *DoltDB) GC(ctx context.Context, uncommitedVals ...hash.Hash) error {
     1152 +// GC performs garbage collection on this ddb. Values passed in |uncommittedVals| will be temporarily saved during gc.
     1153 +func (ddb *DoltDB) GC(ctx context.Context, uncommittedVals ...hash.Hash) error {
    1154 1154   collector, ok := ddb.db.Database.(datas.GarbageCollector)
    1155 1155   if !ok {
    1156 1156   return fmt.Errorf("this database does not support garbage collection")
    skipped 8 lines
    1165 1165   if err != nil {
    1166 1166   return err
    1167 1167   }
    1168  - newGen := hash.NewHashSet(uncommitedVals...)
     1168 + newGen := hash.NewHashSet(uncommittedVals...)
    1169 1169   oldGen := make(hash.HashSet)
    1170 1170   err = datasets.IterAll(ctx, func(keyStr string, h hash.Hash) error {
    1171 1171   var isOldGen bool
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    1129 1129   return absPath, nil
    1130 1130  }
    1131 1131   
    1132  -// GetGCKeepers returns the hashes of all the objects in the environment provided that should be perserved during GC.
     1132 +// GetGCKeepers returns the hashes of all the objects in the environment provided that should be preserved during GC.
    1133 1133  // TODO: this should be unnecessary since we now store the working set in a noms dataset, remove it
    1134 1134  func GetGCKeepers(ctx context.Context, env *DoltEnv) ([]hash.Hash, error) {
    1135 1135   workingRoot, err := env.WorkingRoot(ctx)
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     1 +// Copyright 2022 Dolthub, Inc.
     2 +//
     3 +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4 +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5 +// You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6 +//
     7 +//
     8 +//
     9 +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 +// limitations under the License.
     14 + 
     15 +package dprocedures
     16 + 
     17 +import (
     18 + "fmt"
     19 + 
     20 + ""
     21 + ""
     22 + ""
     23 +)
     24 + 
     25 +const (
     26 + cmdFailure = 0
     27 + cmdSuccess = 1
     28 +)
     29 + 
     30 +// doltGC is the stored procedure version of the functions `gc` and `dolt_gc`.
     31 +func doltGC(ctx *sql.Context, args ...string) (sql.RowIter, error) {
     32 + res, err := doDoltGC(ctx, args)
     33 + if err != nil {
     34 + return nil, err
     35 + }
     36 + return rowToIter(int64(res)), nil
     37 +}
     38 + 
     39 +func doDoltGC(ctx *sql.Context, args []string) (int, error) {
     40 + dbName := ctx.GetCurrentDatabase()
     41 + 
     42 + if len(dbName) == 0 {
     43 + return cmdFailure, fmt.Errorf("Empty database name.")
     44 + }
     45 + if err := branch_control.CheckAccess(ctx, branch_control.Permissions_Write); err != nil {
     46 + return cmdFailure, err
     47 + }
     48 + 
     49 + dSess := dsess.DSessFromSess(ctx.Session)
     50 + ddb, ok := dSess.GetDoltDB(ctx, dbName)
     51 + if !ok {
     52 + return cmdFailure, fmt.Errorf("Could not load database %s", dbName)
     53 + }
     54 + 
     55 + err := ddb.ShallowGC(ctx)
     56 + if err != nil {
     57 + return cmdFailure, err
     58 + }
     59 + 
     60 + return cmdSuccess, nil
     61 +}
     62 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 25 lines
    26 26   {Name: "dolt_commit", Schema: stringSchema("hash"), Function: doltCommit},
    27 27   {Name: "dolt_conflicts_resolve", Schema: int64Schema("status"), Function: doltConflictsResolve},
    28 28   {Name: "dolt_fetch", Schema: int64Schema("success"), Function: doltFetch},
     29 + {Name: "dolt_gc", Schema: int64Schema("success"), Function: doltGC},
    29 30   {Name: "dolt_merge", Schema: int64Schema("fast_forward", "conflicts"), Function: doltMerge},
    30 31   {Name: "dolt_pull", Schema: int64Schema("fast_forward", "conflicts"), Function: doltPull},
    31 32   {Name: "dolt_push", Schema: int64Schema("success"), Function: doltPush},
    skipped 11 lines
    43 44   {Name: "dclone", Schema: int64Schema("status"), Function: doltClone},
    44 45   {Name: "dcommit", Schema: stringSchema("hash"), Function: doltCommit},
    45 46   {Name: "dfetch", Schema: int64Schema("success"), Function: doltFetch},
     47 + {Name: "dgc", Schema: int64Schema("status"), Function: doltGC},
    46 48   {Name: "dmerge", Schema: int64Schema("fast_forward", "conflicts"), Function: doltMerge},
    47 49   {Name: "dpull", Schema: int64Schema("fast_forward", "conflicts"), Function: doltPull},
    48 50   {Name: "dpush", Schema: int64Schema("success"), Function: doltPush},
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    3892 3892   },
    3893 3893  }
    3894 3894   
     3895 +func gcSetup() []string {
     3896 + queries := []string{
     3897 + "create table t (pk int primary key);",
     3898 + "call dolt_commit('-Am', 'create table');",
     3899 + }
     3900 + for i := 0; i < 250; i++ {
     3901 + queries = append(
     3902 + queries,
     3903 + fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO t VALUES (%d);", i),
     3904 + fmt.Sprintf("CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-am', 'added pk %d')", i),
     3905 + )
     3906 + }
     3907 + return queries
     3908 +}
     3909 + 
     3910 +var DoltGC = []queries.ScriptTest{
     3911 + {
     3912 + Name: "base case: shallow gc",
     3913 + SetUpScript: gcSetup(),
     3914 + Assertions: []queries.ScriptTestAssertion{
     3915 + {
     3916 + Query: "CALL DOLT_GC();",
     3917 + Expected: []sql.Row{{0}},
     3918 + },
     3919 + },
     3920 + },
     3921 +}
     3922 + 
    3895 3923  var DiffSystemTableScriptTests = []queries.ScriptTest{
    3896 3924   {
    3897 3925   Name: "base case: added rows",
    skipped 4451 lines
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    269 269   [[ "${lines[1]}" =~ "9,99" ]] || false
    270 270  }
    271 271   
     272 +create_many_commits() {
     273 + dolt sql <<SQL
     274 +CREATE TABLE test (pk int PRIMARY KEY);
     275 +CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-Am', 'Create test table');
     276 +SQL
     277 +
     278 + # Create a lot of commits to create some conjoin garbage
     279 + NUM_COMMITS=250
     280 + 
     281 + for i in $(eval echo "{1..$NUM_COMMITS}")
     282 + do
     283 + dolt sql <<SQL
     284 +INSERT INTO test VALUES ($i);
     285 +CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-am', 'Add new val $i');
     286 +SQL
     287 + done
     288 + 
     289 + run dolt sql -q "select count(*) from test"
     290 + [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
     291 + [[ "$output" =~ "$NUM_COMMITS" ]] || false
     292 +}
     293 + 
     294 +@test "garbage_collection: shallow gc" {
     295 + create_many_commits
     296 + 
     297 + # leave data in the working set
     298 + dolt sql -q "INSERT INTO test VALUES ($(($NUM_COMMITS+1))),($(($NUM_COMMITS+2))),($(($NUM_COMMITS+3)));"
     299 + 
     300 + BEFORE=$(du -c .dolt/noms/ | grep total | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
     301 + run dolt gc --shallow
     302 + [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
     303 + 
     304 + run dolt sql -q "select count(*) from test"
     305 + [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
     306 + [[ "$output" =~ "$(($NUM_COMMITS+3))" ]] || false
     307 + 
     308 + AFTER=$(du -c .dolt/noms/ | grep total | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
     309 + 
     310 + # assert space was reclaimed
     311 + echo "$BEFORE"
     312 + echo "$AFTER"
     313 + [ "$BEFORE" -gt "$AFTER" ]
     314 +}
     315 + 
     316 +@test "garbage_collection: online shallow gc" {
     317 + create_many_commits
     318 + 
     319 + # leave data in the working set
     320 + dolt sql -q "INSERT INTO test VALUES ($(($NUM_COMMITS+1))),($(($NUM_COMMITS+2))),($(($NUM_COMMITS+3)));"
     321 + 
     322 + BEFORE=$(du -c .dolt/noms/ | grep total | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
     323 + run dolt sql -q "call dolt_gc();"
     324 + [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
     325 + 
     326 + run dolt sql -q "select count(*) from test"
     327 + [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
     328 + [[ "$output" =~ "$(($NUM_COMMITS+3))" ]] || false
     329 + 
     330 + AFTER=$(du -c .dolt/noms/ | grep total | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
     331 + 
     332 + # assert space was reclaimed
     333 + echo "$BEFORE"
     334 + echo "$AFTER"
     335 + [ "$BEFORE" -gt "$AFTER" ]
     336 +}
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