Projects STRLCPY deduplicator Commits 6e412fc5
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    8 8   
    9 9  use crate::database::File;
    10 10  use crate::params::Params;
    11  -use prettytable::{row, Cell, Row, Table};
     11 +use prettytable::{row, Cell, Row, format, Table};
    12 12   
    13 13  fn format_path(path: &str, opts: &Params) -> Result<String> {
    14 14   let display_path = path.replace(&opts.get_directory()?, "");
    skipped 7 lines
    22 22   display_path
    23 23   };
    24 24   
    25  - Ok(format!("...{}", display_range))
     25 + Ok(format!("...{:<32}", display_range))
    26 26  }
    27 27   
    28 28  fn file_size(path: &String) -> Result<String> {
    29 29   let mdata = fs::metadata(path)?;
    30  - let formatted_size = format_size(mdata.len(), DECIMAL);
     30 + let formatted_size = format!("{:>12}", format_size(mdata.len(), DECIMAL));
    31 31   Ok(formatted_size)
    32 32  }
    33 33   
    skipped 4 lines
    38 38   Ok(modified_time.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").to_string())
    39 39  }
    40 40   
    41  -pub fn print(duplicates: Vec<File>, opts: &Params) {
    42  - let mut output_table = Table::new();
    43  - let mut dup_index: HashMap<String, Vec<File>> = HashMap::new();
    44  - output_table.add_row(row!["hash", "duplicates"]);
     41 +fn group_duplicates(duplicates: Vec<File>) -> HashMap<String, Vec<File>> {
     42 + let mut duplicate_mapper: HashMap<String, Vec<File>> = HashMap::new();
    45 43   duplicates.into_iter().for_each(|file| {
    46  - dup_index
     44 + duplicate_mapper
    47 45   .entry(file.hash.clone())
    48 46   .and_modify(|value| value.push(file.clone()))
    49 47   .or_insert_with(|| vec![file]);
    50 48   });
    51 49   
    52  - dup_index.iter().for_each(|(hash, group)| {
     50 + duplicate_mapper
     51 +}
     52 + 
     53 +pub fn print(duplicates: Vec<File>, opts: &Params) {
     54 + let mut output_table = Table::new();
     55 + let grouped_duplicates: HashMap<String, Vec<File>> = group_duplicates(duplicates);
     56 + 
     57 + output_table.set_titles(row!["hash", "duplicates"]);
     58 + grouped_duplicates.iter().for_each(|(hash, group)| {
    53 59   let mut inner_table = Table::new();
    54  - inner_table.add_row(row!["filename", "size", "updated_at"]);
     60 + // inner_table.set_format(inner_table_format);
     61 + inner_table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_BORDER_LINE_SEPARATOR);
     62 + //inner_table.set_titles(row!["filename", "size", "updated_at"]);
    55 63   group.iter().for_each(|file| {
    56 64   inner_table.add_row(row![
    57 65   format_path(&file.path, opts).unwrap_or_default().blue(),
    skipped 1 lines
    59 67   modified_time(&file.path).unwrap_or_default().yellow()
    60 68   ]);
    61 69   });
    62  - output_table.add_row(row![hash, inner_table]);
     70 + output_table.add_row(row![, inner_table]);
    63 71   });
    64 72   
    65 73   output_table.printstd();
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