Projects STRLCPY cupp Commits af773eaa
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  • Mebus committed 6 years ago
    1 parent 856a8381
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -#!/usr/bin/env python3
    2  -#
    3  -# Muris Kurgas aka j0rgan
    4  -# j0rgan [at] remote-exploit [dot] org
    5  -#
    6  -#
    7  -#
    8  -# See 'docs/LICENSE' and 'docs/README' for more information.
    9  -"""Common User Passwords Profiler"""
    10  -__author__ = 'Muris Kurgas'
    11  -__license__ = 'GPL'
    12  -__version__ = '3.1.0-alpha'
    13  - 
    14  -import argparse
    15  -import configparser
    16  -import csv
    17  -import ftplib
    18  -import functools
    19  -import gzip
    20  -import os
    21  -import sys
    22  -from urllib.request import urlopen
    23  - 
    24  -try:
    25  - import readline
    26  -except ImportError:
    27  - pass
    28  - 
    29  -COW_BANNER = """ ___________
    30  - \033[07m! \033[27m # Common
    31  - \\ # User
    32  - \\ \033[1;31m,__,\033[1;m # Passwords
    33  - \\ \033[1;31m(\033[1;moo\033[1;31m)____\033[1;m # Profiler
    34  - \033[1;31m(__) )\\ \033[1;m
    35  - \033[1;31m ||--|| \033[1;m\033[05m*\033[25m\033[1;m Muris Kurgas <[email protected]>
    36  - 
    37  - 
    38  -"""
    39  -CONFIG = {}
    40  -FTP_CONFIG = {}
    41  -LEET_CONFIG = {}
    42  - 
    43  -def main():
    44  - """Command-line interface to the cupp utility"""
    45  - 
    46  - args = get_parser().parse_args()
    47  - 
    48  - read_config()
    49  - if not args.quiet:
    50  - print(COW_BANNER)
    51  - 
    52  - if args.version:
    53  - version()
    54  - elif args.interactive:
    55  - interactive()
    56  - elif args.download_wordlist:
    57  - download_wordlist()
    58  - elif args.alecto:
    59  - alectodb_download()
    60  - elif args.improve:
    61  - improve_dictionary(args.improve)
    62  - 
    63  - 
    64  -# Separate into a function for testing purposes
    65  -def get_parser():
    66  - """Create and return a parser (argparse.ArgumentParser instance) for main()
    67  - to use"""
    68  - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Common User Passwords Profiler')
    69  - group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    70  - group.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true',
    71  - help='Interactive questions for user password profiling')
    72  - group.add_argument('-w', dest='improve', metavar='FILENAME',
    73  - help='Use this option to improve existing dictionary,'
    74  - ' or output to make some pwnsauce')
    75  - group.add_argument('-l', dest='download_wordlist', action='store_true',
    76  - help='Download huge wordlists from repository')
    77  - group.add_argument('-a', dest='alecto', action='store_true',
    78  - help='Parse default usernames and passwords directly'
    79  - ' from Alecto DB. Project Alecto uses purified'
    80  - ' databases of Phenoelit and CIRT which were merged'
    81  - ' and enhanced')
    82  - group.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true',
    83  - help='version of this program')
    84  - parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
    85  - help="Quiet mode (don't print banner)")
    86  - 
    87  - return parser
    88  - 
    89  - 
    90  -def version():
    91  - """Display version and exit."""
    92  - print("\n \033[1;31m[ ] v3.1.0-alpha\033[1;m\n")
    93  - print(" * Hacked up by j0rgan - [email protected]")
    94  - print(" *\n")
    95  - print(" Take a look ./ file for more info about the program\n")
    96  - sys.exit()
    97  - 
    98  - 
    99  -def read_config(filename='cupp.cfg'):
    100  - """Read the given configuration file and update global variables to reflect
    101  - changes (CONFIG, FTP_CONFIG, LEET_CONFIG)."""
    102  - #global CONFIG, FTP_CONFIG, LEET_CONFIG
    103  - 
    104  - # Reading configuration file
    105  - config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    106  -
    107  - 
    108  - CONFIG.update({
    109  - 'years': config.get('years', 'years').split(','),
    110  - 'chars': config.get('specialchars', 'chars').split(','),
    111  - 
    112  - 'numfrom': config.getint('nums', 'from'),
    113  - 'numto': config.getint('nums', 'to'),
    114  - 
    115  - 'wcfrom': config.getint('nums', 'wcfrom'),
    116  - 'wcto': config.getint('nums', 'wcto'),
    117  - 
    118  - 'threshold': config.getint('nums', 'threshold'),
    119  - 'alectourl': config.get('alecto', 'alectourl')
    120  - })
    121  - 
    122  - # 1337 mode configs, well you can add more lines if you add it to the
    123  - # config file too.
    124  - leet = functools.partial(config.get, 'leet')
    125  - LEET_CONFIG.update(dict(a=leet('a'), e=leet('e'), g=leet('g'), i=leet('i'),
    126  - o=leet('o'), s=leet('s'), t=leet('t'), z=leet('z')))
    127  - 
    128  - ftp_config = functools.partial(config.get, 'downloader')
    129  - FTP_CONFIG.update(dict(name=ftp_config('ftpname'),
    130  - url=ftp_config('ftpurl'),
    131  - path=ftp_config('ftppath'),
    132  - user=ftp_config('ftpuser'),
    133  - password=ftp_config('ftppass')))
    134  - 
    135  - 
    136  -def interactive():
    137  - """Implementation of the -i switch. Interactively question the user and
    138  - create a password dictionary file based on the answer."""
    139  - print()
    140  - print("[+] Insert the information about the victim to make a dictionary")
    141  - print("[+] If you don't know all the info, just hit enter when asked! ;)\n")
    142  - 
    143  - # We need some information first!
    144  - 
    145  - name = input("First Name: ").lower().strip()
    146  - while not name:
    147  - print("\n[-] You must enter a name at least!", file=sys.stderr)
    148  - name = input("Name: ").lower().strip()
    149  - 
    150  - surname = input("Surname: ").lower()
    151  - nick = input("Nickname: ").lower()
    152  - birthdate = input("Birthdate (DDMMYYYY): ").strip()
    153  - while len(birthdate) not in (0, 8):
    154  - print("\n[-] You must enter 8 digits for birthday!", file=sys.stderr)
    155  - birthdate = input("Birthdate (DDMMYYYY): ").strip()
    156  - 
    157  - print("\n")
    158  - 
    159  - wife = input("Partner's name: ").lower()
    160  - wifen = input("Partner's nickname: ").lower()
    161  - wifeb = input("Partner's birthdate (DDMMYYYY): ").strip()
    162  - while len(wifeb) not in (0, 8):
    163  - print("\n[-] You must enter 8 digits for birthday!", file=sys.stderr)
    164  - wifeb = input("Partner's birthdate (DDMMYYYY): ").strip()
    165  - 
    166  - print("\n")
    167  - 
    168  - kid = input("Child's name: ").lower()
    169  - kidn = input("Child's nickname: ").lower()
    170  - kidb = input("Child's birthdate (DDMMYYYY): ").strip()
    171  - while len(kidb) not in (0, 8):
    172  - print("\n[-] You must enter 8 digits for birthday!", file=sys.stderr)
    173  - kidb = input("Child's birthdate (DDMMYYYY): ").strip()
    174  - 
    175  - print("\n")
    176  - 
    177  - pet = input("Pet's name: ").lower().strip()
    178  - company = input("Company name: ").lower().strip()
    179  - print("\n")
    180  - 
    181  - prompt = "Do you want to add some key words about the victim? Y/[N]: "
    182  - words1 = input(prompt).lower().strip()
    183  - words2 = ''
    184  - if words1 == 'y':
    185  - prompt = ("Please enter the words, comma-separated."
    186  - " [i.e. hacker,juice,black], spaces will be removed: ")
    187  - words2 = input(prompt).replace(' ', '')
    188  - words = words2.split(',')
    189  - 
    190  - spechars = []
    191  - prompt = "Do you want to add special characters at the end of words? Y/[N]: "
    192  - spechars1 = input(prompt).lower()
    193  - if spechars1 == "y":
    194  - for spec1 in CONFIG['chars']:
    195  - spechars.append(spec1)
    196  - for spec2 in CONFIG['chars']:
    197  - spechars.append(spec1+spec2)
    198  - for spec3 in CONFIG['chars']:
    199  - spechars.append(spec1+spec2+spec3)
    200  - 
    201  - randnum = input("Do you want to add some random numbers at the end of words? Y/[N]: ").lower()
    202  - leetmode = input("Leet mode? (i.e. leet = 1337) Y/[N]: ").lower().strip()
    203  - 
    204  - 
    205  - print("\n[+] Now making a dictionary...")
    206  - 
    207  - # Now me must do some string modifications
    208  - 
    209  - # Birthdays first
    210  - 
    211  - birthdate_yy, birthdate_yyy = birthdate[-2:], birthdate[-3:]
    212  - birthdate_yyyy = birthdate[-4:]
    213  - birthdate_xd, birthdate_xm = birthdate[1:2], birthdate[3:4]
    214  - birthdate_dd, birthdate_mm = birthdate[:2], birthdate[2:4]
    215  - 
    216  - wifeb_yy = wifeb[-2:]
    217  - wifeb_yyy = wifeb[-3:]
    218  - wifeb_yyyy = wifeb[-4:]
    219  - wifeb_xd = wifeb[1:2]
    220  - wifeb_xm = wifeb[3:4]
    221  - wifeb_dd = wifeb[:2]
    222  - wifeb_mm = wifeb[2:4]
    223  - 
    224  - kidb_yy = kidb[-2:]
    225  - kidb_yyy = kidb[-3:]
    226  - kidb_yyyy = kidb[-4:]
    227  - kidb_xd = kidb[1:2]
    228  - kidb_xm = kidb[3:4]
    229  - kidb_dd = kidb[:2]
    230  - kidb_mm = kidb[2:4]
    231  - 
    232  - 
    233  - # Convert first letters to uppercase...
    234  - nameup = name.title()
    235  - surnameup = surname.title()
    236  - nickup = nick.title()
    237  - wifeup = wife.title()
    238  - wifenup = wifen.title()
    239  - kidup = kid.title()
    240  - kidnup = kidn.title()
    241  - petup = pet.title()
    242  - companyup = company.title()
    243  - wordsup = [words1.title() for words1 in words]
    244  - word = words+wordsup
    245  - 
    246  - # reverse a name
    247  - 
    248  - rev_name = name[::-1]
    249  - rev_nameup = nameup[::-1]
    250  - rev_nick = nick[::-1]
    251  - rev_nickup = nickup[::-1]
    252  - rev_wife = wife[::-1]
    253  - rev_wifeup = wifeup[::-1]
    254  - rev_kid = kid[::-1]
    255  - rev_kidup = kidup[::-1]
    256  - 
    257  - reverse = [rev_name, rev_nameup, rev_nick, rev_nickup, rev_wife,
    258  - rev_wifeup, rev_kid, rev_kidup]
    259  - rev_n = [rev_name, rev_nameup, rev_nick, rev_nickup]
    260  - rev_w = [rev_wife, rev_wifeup]
    261  - rev_k = [rev_kid, rev_kidup]
    262  - # Let's do some serious work! This will be a mess of code, but who cares? :)
    263  - 
    264  - # Birthdays combinations
    265  - bds = [birthdate_yy, birthdate_yyy, birthdate_yyyy, birthdate_xd,
    266  - birthdate_xm, birthdate_dd, birthdate_mm]
    267  - bdss = []
    268  - 
    269  - for bds1 in bds:
    270  - bdss.append(bds1)
    271  - for bds2 in bds:
    272  - if bds.index(bds1) != bds.index(bds2):
    273  - bdss.append(bds1 + bds2)
    274  - for bds3 in bds:
    275  - condition = (bds.index(bds1) != bds.index(bds2) and
    276  - bds.index(bds2) != bds.index(bds3) and
    277  - bds.index(bds1) != bds.index(bds3))
    278  - if condition:
    279  - bdss.append(bds1+bds2+bds3)
    280  - 
    281  - 
    282  - # For a woman...
    283  - wbds = [wifeb_yy, wifeb_yyy, wifeb_yyyy, wifeb_xd, wifeb_xm, wifeb_dd, wifeb_mm]
    284  - wbdss = []
    285  - 
    286  - for wbds1 in wbds:
    287  - wbdss.append(wbds1)
    288  - for wbds2 in wbds:
    289  - if wbds.index(wbds1) != wbds.index(wbds2):
    290  - wbdss.append(wbds1+wbds2)
    291  - for wbds3 in wbds:
    292  - condition = (wbds.index(wbds1) != wbds.index(wbds2) and
    293  - wbds.index(wbds2) != wbds.index(wbds3) and
    294  - wbds.index(wbds1) != wbds.index(wbds3))
    295  - if condition:
    296  - wbdss.append(wbds1+wbds2+wbds3)
    297  - 
    298  - 
    299  - # and a child...
    300  - kbds = [kidb_yy, kidb_yyy, kidb_yyyy, kidb_xd, kidb_xm, kidb_dd, kidb_mm]
    301  - kbdss = []
    302  - 
    303  - for kbds1 in kbds:
    304  - kbdss.append(kbds1)
    305  - for kbds2 in kbds:
    306  - if kbds.index(kbds1) != kbds.index(kbds2):
    307  - kbdss.append(kbds1+kbds2)
    308  - for kbds3 in kbds:
    309  - condition = (kbds.index(kbds1) != kbds.index(kbds2) and
    310  - kbds.index(kbds2) != kbds.index(kbds3) and
    311  - kbds.index(kbds1) != kbds.index(kbds3))
    312  - if condition:
    313  - kbdss.append(kbds1+kbds2+kbds3)
    314  - 
    315  - # string combinations
    316  - kombinaac = [pet, petup, company, companyup]
    317  - kombina = [name, surname, nick, nameup, surnameup, nickup]
    318  - kombinaw = [wife, wifen, wifeup, wifenup, surname, surnameup]
    319  - kombinak = [kid, kidn, kidup, kidnup, surname, surnameup]
    320  - 
    321  - kombinaa = []
    322  - for kombina1 in kombina:
    323  - kombinaa.append(kombina1)
    324  - for kombina2 in kombina:
    325  - condition = (kombina.index(kombina1) != kombina.index(kombina2) and
    326  - kombina.index(kombina1.title()) != kombina.index(kombina2.title()))
    327  - if condition:
    328  - kombinaa.append(kombina1+kombina2)
    329  - 
    330  - kombinaaw = []
    331  - for kombina1 in kombinaw:
    332  - kombinaaw.append(kombina1)
    333  - for kombina2 in kombinaw:
    334  - condition = (kombinaw.index(kombina1) != kombinaw.index(kombina2) and
    335  - kombinaw.index(kombina1.title()) != kombinaw.index(kombina2.title()))
    336  - if condition:
    337  - kombinaaw.append(kombina1+kombina2)
    338  - 
    339  - kombinaak = []
    340  - for kombina1 in kombinak:
    341  - kombinaak.append(kombina1)
    342  - for kombina2 in kombinak:
    343  - condition = (kombinak.index(kombina1) != kombinak.index(kombina2) and
    344  - kombinak.index(kombina1.title()) != kombinak.index(kombina2.title()))
    345  - if condition:
    346  - kombinaak.append(kombina1+kombina2)
    347  - 
    348  - 
    349  - komb1 = list(komb(kombinaa, bdss))
    350  - komb2 = list(komb(kombinaaw, wbdss))
    351  - komb3 = list(komb(kombinaak, kbdss))
    352  - komb4 = list(komb(kombinaa, CONFIG['years']))
    353  - komb5 = list(komb(kombinaac, CONFIG['years']))
    354  - komb6 = list(komb(kombinaaw, CONFIG['years']))
    355  - komb7 = list(komb(kombinaak, CONFIG['years']))
    356  - komb8 = list(komb(word, bdss))
    357  - komb9 = list(komb(word, wbdss))
    358  - komb10 = list(komb(word, kbdss))
    359  - komb11 = list(komb(word, CONFIG['years']))
    360  - komb12 = komb13 = komb14 = komb15 = komb16 = komb21 = []
    361  - if randnum == "y":
    362  - komb12 = list(concats(word, CONFIG['numfrom'], CONFIG['numto']))
    363  - komb13 = list(concats(kombinaa, CONFIG['numfrom'], CONFIG['numto']))
    364  - komb14 = list(concats(kombinaac, CONFIG['numfrom'], CONFIG['numto']))
    365  - komb15 = list(concats(kombinaaw, CONFIG['numfrom'], CONFIG['numto']))
    366  - komb16 = list(concats(kombinaak, CONFIG['numfrom'], CONFIG['numto']))
    367  - komb21 = list(concats(reverse, CONFIG['numfrom'], CONFIG['numto']))
    368  - komb17 = list(komb(reverse, CONFIG['years']))
    369  - komb18 = list(komb(rev_w, wbdss))
    370  - komb19 = list(komb(rev_k, kbdss))
    371  - komb20 = list(komb(rev_n, bdss))
    372  - komb001 = komb002 = komb003 = komb004 = komb005 = komb006 = []
    373  - if spechars1 == "y":
    374  - komb001 = list(komb(kombinaa, spechars))
    375  - komb002 = list(komb(kombinaac, spechars))
    376  - komb003 = list(komb(kombinaaw, spechars))
    377  - komb004 = list(komb(kombinaak, spechars))
    378  - komb005 = list(komb(word, spechars))
    379  - komb006 = list(komb(reverse, spechars))
    380  - 
    381  - print("[+] Sorting list and removing duplicates...")
    382  - 
    383  - sets = [set(komb1), set(komb2), set(komb3), set(komb4), set(komb5),
    384  - set(komb6), set(komb7), set(komb8), set(komb9), set(komb10),
    385  - set(komb11), set(komb12), set(komb13), set(komb14), set(komb15),
    386  - set(komb16), set(komb17), set(komb18), set(komb19), set(komb20),
    387  - set(komb21), set(kombinaa), set(kombinaac), set(kombinaaw),
    388  - set(kombinaak), set(word), set(komb001), set(komb002), set(komb003),
    389  - set(komb004), set(komb005), set(komb006)]
    390  - 
    391  - uniqset = set()
    392  - for s in sets:
    393  - uniqset.update(s)
    394  - 
    395  - uniqlist = bdss + wbdss + kbdss + reverse + list(uniqset)
    396  - 
    397  - unique_lista = sorted(set(uniqlist))
    398  - unique_leet = []
    399  - if leetmode == "y":
    400  - for x in unique_lista:
    401  - unique_leet.append(leet_replace(x))
    402  - 
    403  - unique_list = unique_lista + unique_leet
    404  - 
    405  - unique_list_finished = [x for x in unique_list if CONFIG['wcfrom'] < len(x) < CONFIG['wcto']]
    406  - unique_list_finished.sort()
    407  - 
    408  - with open(name + '.txt', 'w') as f:
    409  - f.write(os.linesep.join(unique_list_finished))
    410  - with open(name + '.txt') as f:
    411  - lines = len(list(f)) # shorter, but possibly more memory expensive
    412  - 
    413  - message = ("[+] Saving dictionary to \033[1;31m%s.txt\033[1;m, counting"
    414  - " \033[1;31m%i\033[1;m words.")
    415  - print(message % (name, lines))
    416  - message = ("[+] Now load your pistolero with \033[1;31m%s.txt\033[1;m and"
    417  - " shoot! Good luck!")
    418  - print(message % name)
    419  - sys.exit()
    420  - 
    421  - 
    422  -def download_ftp_files(ftp_dir, *filenames):
    423  - """Helper function for download_wordlist(). Download the given files from
    424  - the ftp directory."""
    425  - 
    426  - print("\n[+] connecting...\n")
    427  - ftp = ftplib.FTP(FTP_CONFIG['url'], FTP_CONFIG['user'], FTP_CONFIG['password'])
    428  - #ftp.login(FTP_CONFIG['user'], FTP_CONFIG['password'])
    429  - ftp.cwd(FTP_CONFIG['path'])
    430  - ftp.cwd(ftp_dir)
    431  - dir_prefix = 'dictionaries/%s/' % ftp_dir
    432  - 
    433  - if not os.path.isdir(dir_prefix):
    434  - os.mkdir(dir_prefix)
    435  - 
    436  - def handle_download(target, block):
    437  - "Callback for retrbinary. Prints a progress bar as well."
    438  - target.write(block)
    439  - print('.', end=' ')
    440  - 
    441  - for filename in filenames:
    442  - with open(dir_prefix + filename, 'wb') as outfile:
    443  - print("\n[+] downloading %s..." % filename)
    444  - callback = functools.partial(handle_download, outfile)
    445  - ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, callback)
    446  - print(' done.')
    447  - 
    448  - print('[+] file(s) saved to %s' % dir_prefix)
    449  - ftp.quit()
    450  - 
    451  - 
    452  -def download_wordlist():
    453  - """Implementation of -l switch. Download wordlists from ftp repository as
    454  - defined in the configuration file."""
    455  - 
    456  - if not os.path.isdir('dictionaries'):
    457  - os.mkdir('dictionaries')
    458  - 
    459  - menu = """
    460  - 1 Moby 14 french 27 places
    461  - 2 afrikaans 15 german 28 polish
    462  - 3 american 16 hindi 39 random
    463  - 4 aussie 17 hungarian 30 religion
    464  - 5 chinese 18 italian 31 russian
    465  - 6 computer 19 japanese 32 science
    466  - 7 croatian 20 latin 33 spanish
    467  - 8 czech 21 literature 34 swahili
    468  - 9 danish 22 movieTV 35 swedish
    469  - 10 databases 23 music 36 turkish
    470  - 11 dictionaries 24 names 37 yiddish
    471  - 12 dutch 25 net 38 exit program
    472  - 13 finnish 26 norwegian
    473  - 
    474  - """
    475  - print("\n Choose the section you want to download:\n")
    476  - print(menu)
    477  - print("\n Files will be downloaded from %s repository" % FTP_CONFIG['name'])
    478  - print("\n Tip: After downloading wordlist, you can improve it with -w option\n")
    479  - 
    480  - option = input("Enter number: ")
    481  - while not option.isdigit() or int(option) > 38:
    482  - print("\n[-] Invalid choice.", file=sys.stderr)
    483  - option = input("Enter number: ")
    484  - 
    485  - option = int(option)
    486  - 
    487  - if option == 38:
    488  - print('[-] Leaving.', file=sys.stderr)
    489  - sys.exit()
    490  - 
    491  - # integer indexed dict to maintain consistency with the menu shown to the
    492  - # user. plus, easy to inadvertently unorder things up with lists
    493  - arguments = { # the first items of the tuples are the ftp directories.
    494  - # Do Not Change.
    495  - 1: ('Moby', 'mhyph.tar.gz', 'mlang.tar.gz', 'moby.tar.gz',
    496  - 'mpos.tar.gz', 'mpron.tar.gz', 'mthes.tar.gz', 'mwords.tar.gz'),
    497  - 2: ('afrikaans', ''),
    498  - 3: ('american', 'dic-0294.tar.gz'),
    499  - 4: ('aussie', 'oz.gz'),
    500  - 5: ('chinese', 'chinese.gz'),
    501  - 6: ('computer', 'Domains.gz', 'Dosref.gz', 'Ftpsites.gz', 'Jargon.gz',
    502  - 'common-passwords.txt.gz', 'etc-hosts.gz', 'foldoc.gz',
    503  - 'language-list.gz', 'unix.gz'),
    504  - 7: ('croatian', 'croatian.gz'),
    505  - 8: ('czech', 'czech-wordlist-ascii-cstug-novak.gz'),
    506  - 9: ('danish', 'danish.words.gz', ''),
    507  - 10: ('databases', 'acronyms.gz', 'att800.gz',
    508  - 'computer-companies.gz', 'world_heritage.gz'),
    509  - 11: ('dictionaries', 'Antworth.gz', 'CRL.words.gz', 'Roget.words.gz',
    510  - 'Unabr.dict.gz', 'Unix.dict.gz', 'englex-dict.gz',
    511  - 'knuth_britsh.gz', 'knuth_words.gz', 'pocket-dic.gz',
    512  - 'shakesp-glossary.gz', 'special.eng.gz', 'words-english.gz'),
    513  - 12: ('dutch', 'words.dutch.gz'),
    514  - 13: ('finnish', 'finnish.gz', 'firstnames.finnish.gz', 'words.finnish.FAQ.gz'),
    515  - 14: ('french', 'dico.gz'),
    516  - 15: ('german', 'deutsch.dic.gz', 'germanl.gz', 'words.german.gz'),
    517  - 16: ('hindi', 'hindu-names.gz'),
    518  - 17: ('hungarian', 'hungarian.gz'),
    519  - 18: ('italian', 'words.italian.gz'),
    520  - 19: ('japanese', 'words.japanese.gz'),
    521  - 20: ('latin', 'wordlist.aug.gz'),
    522  - 21: ('literature', 'LCarrol.gz', 'Paradise.Lost.gz', 'aeneid.gz',
    523  - 'arthur.gz', 'cartoon.gz', 'cartoons-olivier.gz', 'charlemagne.gz',
    524  - 'fable.gz', 'iliad.gz', 'myths-legends.gz', 'odyssey.gz', 'sf.gz',
    525  - 'shakespeare.gz', 'tolkien.words.gz'),
    526  - 22: ('movieTV', 'Movies.gz', 'Python.gz', 'Trek.gz'),
    527  - 23: ('music', 'music-classical.gz', 'music-country.gz', 'music-jazz.gz',
    528  - 'music-other.gz', 'music-rock.gz', 'music-shows.gz',
    529  - 'rock-groups.gz'),
    530  - 24: ('names', 'ASSurnames.gz' 'Congress.gz', 'Family-Names.gz',
    531  - 'Given-Names.gz', 'actor-givenname.gz', 'actor-surname.gz',
    532  - 'cis-givenname.gz', 'cis-surname.gz', 'crl-names.gz', 'famous.gz',
    533  - 'fast-names.gz', 'female-names-kantr.gz', 'female-names.gz',
    534  - 'givennames-ol.gz', 'male-names.gz', 'movie-characters.gz',
    535  - 'names.french.gz', 'names.hp.gz', 'other-names.gz',
    536  - 'shakesp-names.gz', 'surnames-ol.gz', 'surnames.finnish.gz',
    537  - 'usenet-names.gz'),
    538  - 25: ('net', 'hosts-txt.gz', 'inet-machines.gz', 'usenet-loginids.gz',
    539  - 'usenet-machines.gz', 'uunet-sites.gz'),
    540  - 26: ('norwegian', 'words.norwegian.gz'),
    541  - 27: ('places', 'Colleges.gz', 'US-counties.gz', 'World.factbook.gz',
    542  - 'Zipcodes.gz', 'places.gz'),
    543  - 28: ('polish', 'words.polish.gz'),
    544  - 29: ('random', 'Ethnologue.gz', 'abbr.gz', 'chars.gz', 'dogs.gz',
    545  - 'drugs.gz', 'junk.gz', 'numbers.gz', 'phrases.gz', 'sports.gz',
    546  - 'statistics.gz'),
    547  - 30: ('religion', 'Koran.gz', 'kjbible.gz', 'norse.gz'),
    548  - 31: ('russian', 'russian.lst.gz', 'russian_words.koi8.gz'),
    549  - 32: ('science', 'Acr-diagnosis.gz', 'Algae.gz', 'Bacteria.gz',
    550  - 'Fungi.gz', 'Microalgae.gz', 'Viruses.gz', 'asteroids.gz',
    551  - 'biology.gz', 'tech.gz'),
    552  - 33: ('spanish', 'words.spanish.gz'),
    553  - 34: ('swahili', 'swahili.gz'),
    554  - 35: ('swedish', 'words.swedish.gz'),
    555  - 36: ('turkish', 'turkish.dict.gz'),
    556  - 37: ('yiddish', 'yiddish.gz'),
    557  - }
    558  - 
    559  - download_ftp_files(*(arguments[option]))
    560  - 
    561  - 
    562  -def alectodb_download():
    563  - """Download csv from alectodb and save into local file as a list of
    564  - usernames and passwords"""
    565  - url = CONFIG['alectourl']
    566  - local_file_name = url.split('/')[-1]
    567  - 
    568  - print("\n[+] Checking if alectodb is not present...")
    569  - if not os.path.isfile('alectodb.csv.gz'):
    570  - print("[+] Downloading alectodb.csv.gz...")
    571  - web_file = urlopen(url)
    572  - local_file = open(local_file_name, 'w')
    573  - local_file.write(
    574  - web_file.close()
    575  - local_file.close()
    576  - 
    577  - f =, 'rb')
    578  - 
    579  - data = csv.reader(f)
    580  - 
    581  - usernames = []
    582  - passwords = []
    583  - for row in data:
    584  - usernames.append(row[5])
    585  - passwords.append(row[6])
    586  - gus = sorted(set(usernames))
    587  - gpa = sorted(set(passwords))
    588  - f.close()
    589  - 
    590  - print("\n[+] Exporting to alectodb-usernames.txt and alectodb-passwords.txt")
    591  - with open('alectodb-usernames.txt', 'w') as usernames_file:
    592  - usernames_file.write(os.linesep.join(gus))
    593  - 
    594  - with open('alectodb-passwords.txt', 'w') as passwords_file:
    595  - passwords_file.write(os.linesep.join(gpa))
    596  - print("[+] Done.")
    597  - 
    598  - 
    599  -def concats(seq, start, stop):
    600  - "Helper function for concatenations."
    601  - for s in seq:
    602  - for num in range(start, stop):
    603  - yield s + str(num)
    604  - 
    605  - 
    606  -def komb(seq, start):
    607  - "Helper function for sorting and making combinations."
    608  - for mystr in seq:
    609  - for mystr1 in start:
    610  - yield mystr + mystr1
    611  - 
    612  -def leet_replace(s):
    613  - """Replace all instances of a character in a string with their 1337
    614  - counterpart as defined in LEET_CONFIG"""
    615  - for c, n in LEET_CONFIG.items():
    616  - s = s.replace(c, n)
    617  - return s
    618  - 
    619  - 
    620  -def improve_dictionary(filename):
    621  - """Implementation of the -w option. Improve a dictionary by
    622  - interactively questioning the user."""
    623  - with open(filename) as fajl:
    624  - listic = fajl.readlines()
    625  - linije = len(listic)
    626  - 
    627  - listica = []
    628  - for x in listic:
    629  - listica.extend(x.split())
    630  - 
    631  - print()
    632  - print(" *************************************************")
    633  - print(" * \033[1;31mWARNING!!!\033[1;m *")
    634  - print(" * Using large wordlists in some *")
    635  - print(" * options bellow is NOT recommended! *")
    636  - print(" *************************************************\n")
    637  - 
    638  - prompt = "Do you want to concatenate all words from wordlist? Y/[N]: "
    639  - conts = input(prompt).lower().strip()
    640  - 
    641  - if conts == 'y' and linije > CONFIG['threshold']:
    642  - print("\n[-] Maximum number of words for concatenation is %i" % CONFIG['threshold'])
    643  - print("[-] Check configuration file for increasing this number.\n")
    644  - conts = input(prompt).lower().strip()
    645  - cont = []
    646  - if conts == 'y':
    647  - for cont1 in listica:
    648  - for cont2 in listica:
    649  - if listica.index(cont1) != listica.index(cont2):
    650  - cont.append(cont1+cont2)
    651  - 
    652  - spechars = []
    653  - prompt = "Do you want to add special chars at the end of words? Y/[N]: "
    654  - spechars1 = input(prompt).lower()
    655  - if spechars1 == "y":
    656  - for spec1 in CONFIG['chars']:
    657  - spechars.append(spec1)
    658  - for spec2 in CONFIG['chars']:
    659  - spechars.append(spec1+spec2)
    660  - for spec3 in CONFIG['chars']:
    661  - spechars.append(spec1+spec2+spec3)
    662  - 
    663  - prompt = "Do you want to add some random numbers at the end of words? Y/[N]: "
    664  - randnum = input(prompt).lower().strip()
    665  - leetmode = input("Leet mode? (i.e. leet = 1337) Y/[N]: ").lower().strip()
    666  - 
    667  - 
    668  - kombinacija1 = list(komb(listica, CONFIG['years']))
    669  - kombinacija2 = []
    670  - if conts == "y":
    671  - kombinacija2 = list(komb(cont, CONFIG['years']))
    672  - kombinacija3 = []
    673  - kombinacija4 = []
    674  - if spechars1 == "y":
    675  - kombinacija3 = list(komb(listica, spechars))
    676  - if conts == "y":
    677  - kombinacija4 = list(komb(cont, spechars))
    678  - kombinacija5 = []
    679  - kombinacija6 = []
    680  - if randnum == "y":
    681  - kombinacija5 = list(concats(listica, CONFIG['numfrom'], CONFIG['numto']))
    682  - if conts == "y":
    683  - kombinacija6 = list(concats(cont, CONFIG['numfrom'], CONFIG['numto']))
    684  - 
    685  - print("\n[+] Now making a dictionary...")
    686  - 
    687  - print("[+] Sorting list and removing duplicates...")
    688  - 
    689  - sets = [set(kombinacija1), set(kombinacija2), set(kombinacija3),
    690  - set(kombinacija4), set(kombinacija5), set(kombinacija6),
    691  - set(listica), set(cont)]
    692  - 
    693  - uniqset = set()
    694  - for s in sets:
    695  - uniqset.update(s)
    696  - 
    697  - unique_lista = sorted(uniqset)
    698  - unique_leet = []
    699  - if leetmode == "y":
    700  - for x in unique_lista:
    701  - unique_leet.append(leet_replace(x))
    702  - 
    703  - unique_list = unique_lista + unique_leet
    704  - 
    705  - unique_list_finished = [x for x in unique_list if CONFIG['wcfrom'] < len(x) < CONFIG['wcto']]
    706  - unique_list_finished.sort()
    707  - 
    708  - with open(filename+'.cupp.txt', 'w') as f:
    709  - f.write(os.linesep.join(unique_list_finished))
    710  - 
    711  - with open(filename+'.cupp.txt') as f:
    712  - lines = len(list(f))
    713  - 
    714  - message = ("[+] Saving dictionary to \033[1;31m%s.cupp.txt\033[1;m, counting"
    715  - " \033[1;31m%i words.\033[1;m")
    716  - print(message % (filename, lines))
    717  - message = ("[+] Now load your pistolero with \033[1;31m%s.cupp.txt\033[1;m"
    718  - " and shoot! Good luck!")
    719  - print(message % filename)
    720  - 
    721  - 
    722  -if __name__ == '__main__':
    723  - main()
    724  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -#!/usr/bin/env python3
    2  - 
    3  -import unittest
    4  -from cupp3 import *
    5  - 
    6  -class TestCupp3(unittest.TestCase):
    7  - def setUp(self):
    8  - read_config()
    9  - 
    10  - def test_ftp_download(self):
    11  - pass
    12  - 
    13  - def test_parser(self):
    14  - pass
    15  - 
    16  -if __name__ == '__main__':
    17  - unittest.main()
    18  - 
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