  • Bug fix: Filter failure detection notification was interfering with change-detection results, added test case (#786)

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  • dgtlmoon committed with GitHub 2 years ago
    1 parent cdeedaa6
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     1 +#!/usr/bin/python3
     2 + 
     3 +# https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/wa89kp/comment/ii3a4g7/?context=3
     4 +import os
     5 +import time
     6 +from flask import url_for
     7 +from .util import set_original_response, live_server_setup
     8 +from changedetectionio.model import App
     9 + 
     10 + 
     11 +def set_response_without_filter():
     12 + test_return_data = """<html>
     13 + <body>
     14 + Some initial text</br>
     15 + <p>Which is across multiple lines</p>
     16 + </br>
     17 + So let's see what happens. </br>
     18 + <div id="nope-doesnt-exist">Some text thats the same</div>
     19 + </body>
     20 + </html>
     21 + """
     22 + 
     23 + with open("test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt", "w") as f:
     24 + f.write(test_return_data)
     25 + return None
     26 + 
     27 + 
     28 +def set_response_with_filter():
     29 + test_return_data = """<html>
     30 + <body>
     31 + Some initial text</br>
     32 + <p>Which is across multiple lines</p>
     33 + </br>
     34 + So let's see what happens. </br>
     35 + <div class="ticket-available">Ticket now on sale!</div>
     36 + </body>
     37 + </html>
     38 + """
     39 + 
     40 + with open("test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt", "w") as f:
     41 + f.write(test_return_data)
     42 + return None
     43 + 
     44 +def test_filter_doesnt_exist_then_exists_should_get_notification(client, live_server):
     45 +# Filter knowingly doesn't exist, like someone setting up a known filter to see if some cinema tickets are on sale again
     46 +# And the page has that filter available
     47 +# Then I should get a notification
     48 + 
     49 + live_server_setup(live_server)
     50 + 
     51 + # Give the endpoint time to spin up
     52 + time.sleep(1)
     53 + set_response_without_filter()
     54 + 
     55 + # Add our URL to the import page
     56 + test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True)
     57 + res = client.post(
     58 + url_for("form_quick_watch_add"),
     59 + data={"url": test_url, "tag": 'cinema'},
     60 + follow_redirects=True
     61 + )
     62 + assert b"Watch added" in res.data
     63 + 
     64 + # Give the thread time to pick up the first version
     65 + time.sleep(3)
     66 + 
     67 + # Goto the edit page, add our ignore text
     68 + # Add our URL to the import page
     69 + url = url_for('test_notification_endpoint', _external=True)
     70 + notification_url = url.replace('http', 'json')
     71 + 
     72 + print(">>>> Notification URL: " + notification_url)
     73 + 
     74 + # Just a regular notification setting, this will be used by the special 'filter not found' notification
     75 + notification_form_data = {"notification_urls": notification_url,
     76 + "notification_title": "New ChangeDetection.io Notification - {watch_url}",
     77 + "notification_body": "BASE URL: {base_url}\n"
     78 + "Watch URL: {watch_url}\n"
     79 + "Watch UUID: {watch_uuid}\n"
     80 + "Watch title: {watch_title}\n"
     81 + "Watch tag: {watch_tag}\n"
     82 + "Preview: {preview_url}\n"
     83 + "Diff URL: {diff_url}\n"
     84 + "Snapshot: {current_snapshot}\n"
     85 + "Diff: {diff}\n"
     86 + "Diff Full: {diff_full}\n"
     87 + ":-)",
     88 + "notification_format": "Text"}
     89 + 
     90 + notification_form_data.update({
     91 + "url": test_url,
     92 + "tag": "my tag",
     93 + "title": "my title",
     94 + "headers": "",
     95 + "css_filter": '.ticket-available',
     96 + "fetch_backend": "html_requests"})
     97 + 
     98 + res = client.post(
     99 + url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"),
     100 + data=notification_form_data,
     101 + follow_redirects=True
     102 + )
     103 + assert b"Updated watch." in res.data
     104 + time.sleep(3)
     105 + 
     106 + # Shouldn't exist, shouldn't have fired
     107 + assert not os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt")
     108 + # Now the filter should exist
     109 + set_response_with_filter()
     110 + client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
     111 + time.sleep(3)
     112 + 
     113 + assert os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt")
     114 + 
     115 + with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", 'r') as f:
     116 + notification = f.read()
     117 + 
     118 + assert 'Ticket now on sale' in notification
     119 + os.unlink("test-datastore/notification.txt")
     120 + 
     121 + 
     122 + # Test that if it gets removed, then re-added, we get a notification
     123 + # Remove the target and re-add it, we should get a new notification
     124 + set_response_without_filter()
     125 + client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
     126 + time.sleep(3)
     127 + assert not os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt")
     128 + 
     129 + set_response_with_filter()
     130 + client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
     131 + time.sleep(3)
     132 + assert os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt")
     133 + 
     134 +# Also test that the filter was updated after the first one was requested
     135 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 25 lines
    26 26   
    27 27   # Give the endpoint time to spin up
    28 28   time.sleep(1)
     29 + # cleanup for the next
     30 + client.get(
     31 + url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"),
     32 + follow_redirects=True
     33 + )
     34 + if os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt"):
     35 + os.unlink("test-datastore/notification.txt")
    29 36   
    30 37   # Add our URL to the import page
    31 38   test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True)
    skipped 2 lines
    34 41   data={"url": test_url, "tag": ''},
    35 42   follow_redirects=True
    36 43   )
     44 + 
    37 45   assert b"Watch added" in res.data
    38 46   
    39 47   # Give the thread time to pick up the first version
    skipped 27 lines
    67 75   "tag": "my tag",
    68 76   "title": "my title",
    69 77   "headers": "",
     78 + "filter_failure_notification_send": 'y',
    70 79   "css_filter": content_filter,
    71 80   "fetch_backend": "html_requests"})
    72 81   
    skipped 13 lines
    86 95   time.sleep(3)
    87 96   
    88 97   # We should see something in the frontend
    89  - assert b'Did the page change its layout' in res.data
     98 + assert b'Warning, filter' in res.data
    90 99   
    91 100   # Now it should exist and contain our "filter not found" alert
    92 101   assert os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt")
    skipped 39 lines
    132 141   time.sleep(1)
    133 142   run_filter_test(client, '//*[@id="nope-doesnt-exist"]')
    134 143   
    135  - 
     144 +# Test that notification is never sent
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 64 lines
    65 65   if uuid in list(self.datastore.data['watching'].keys()):
    66 66   
    67 67   changed_detected = False
    68  - contents = ""
     68 + contents = b''
    69 69   screenshot = False
    70 70   update_obj= {}
    71 71   xpath_data = False
     72 + process_changedetection_results = True
     73 + 
    72 74   now = time.time()
    73 75   
    74 76   try:
    skipped 5 lines
    80 82   raise Exception("Error - returned data from the fetch handler SHOULD be bytes")
    81 83   except PermissionError as e:
    82 84   self.app.logger.error("File permission error updating", uuid, str(e))
     85 + process_changedetection_results = False
    83 86   except content_fetcher.ReplyWithContentButNoText as e:
    84 87   # Totally fine, it's by choice - just continue on, nothing more to care about
    85 88   # Page had elements/content but no renderable text
     89 + # Backend (not filters) gave zero output
    86 90   self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj={'last_error': "Got HTML content but no text found."})
     91 + process_changedetection_results = False
     92 + 
    87 93   except FilterNotFoundInResponse as e:
    88  - err_text = "Filter '{}' not found - Did the page change its layout?".format(str(e))
    89  - c = 0
    90  - if self.datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid, False):
     94 + err_text = "Warning, filter '{}' not found".format(str(e))
     95 + self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj={'last_error': err_text,
     96 + # So that we get a trigger when the content is added again
     97 + 'previous_md5': ''})
     98 + 
     99 + # Only when enabled, send the notification
     100 + if self.datastore.data['watching'][uuid].get('filter_failure_notification_send', False):
    91 101   c = self.datastore.data['watching'][uuid].get('consecutive_filter_failures', 5)
    92  - c += 1
     102 + c += 1
     103 + # Send notification if we reached the threshold?
     104 + threshold = self.datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('filter_failure_notification_threshold_attempts',
     105 + 0)
     106 + print("Filter for {} not found, consecutive_filter_failures: {}".format(uuid, c))
     107 + if threshold > 0 and c >= threshold:
     108 + self.send_filter_failure_notification(uuid)
     109 + c = 0
     110 + self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj={'consecutive_filter_failures': c})
    93 111   
    94  - # Send notification if we reached the threshold?
    95  - threshold = self.datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('filter_failure_notification_threshold_attempts', 0)
    96  - print("Filter for {} not found, consecutive_filter_failures: {}".format(uuid, c))
    97  - if threshold >0 and c >= threshold:
    98  - self.send_filter_failure_notification(uuid)
    99  - c = 0
     112 + process_changedetection_results = True
    100 113   
    101  - self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj={'last_error': err_text,
    102  - 'consecutive_filter_failures': c})
    103 114   except content_fetcher.EmptyReply as e:
    104 115   # Some kind of custom to-str handler in the exception handler that does this?
    105 116   err_text = "EmptyReply - try increasing 'Wait seconds before extracting text', Status Code {}".format(e.status_code)
    skipped 3 lines
    109 120   err_text = "Screenshot unavailable, page did not render fully in the expected time - try increasing 'Wait seconds before extracting text'"
    110 121   self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj={'last_error': err_text,
    111 122   'last_check_status': e.status_code})
     123 + process_changedetection_results = False
    112 124   except content_fetcher.PageUnloadable as e:
    113 125   err_text = "Page request from server didnt respond correctly"
    114 126   self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj={'last_error': err_text,
    skipped 1 lines
    116 128   except Exception as e:
    117 129   self.app.logger.error("Exception reached processing watch UUID: %s - %s", uuid, str(e))
    118 130   self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj={'last_error': str(e)})
     131 + # Other serious error
     132 + process_changedetection_results = False
     133 + else:
     134 + # Mark that we never had any failures
     135 + update_obj['consecutive_filter_failures'] = 0
    119 136   
    120  - else:
     137 + # Different exceptions mean that we may or may not want to bump the snapshot, trigger notifications etc
     138 + if process_changedetection_results:
    121 139   try:
    122 140   watch = self.datastore.data['watching'][uuid]
    123 141   fname = "" # Saved history text filename
    skipped 3 lines
    127 145   # A change was detected
    128 146   fname = watch.save_history_text(contents=contents, timestamp=str(round(time.time())))
    129 147   
    130  - # Generally update anything interesting returned
    131  - update_obj['consecutive_filter_failures'] = 0
    132 148   self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj=update_obj)
    133 149   
    134 150   # A change was detected
    skipped 59 lines
    194 210   self.app.logger.error("Exception reached processing watch UUID: %s - %s", uuid, str(e))
    195 211   self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj={'last_error': str(e)})
    196 212   
    197  - finally:
     213 + 
    198 214   # Always record that we atleast tried
    199 215   self.datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj={'fetch_time': round(time.time() - now, 3),
    200 216   'last_checked': round(time.time())})
    skipped 16 lines
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