  • changedetectionio/static/images/play.svg
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 75 lines
    76 76   {% if watch.uuid in queued_uuids %}queued{% endif %}">
    77 77   <td class="inline checkbox-uuid" ><input name="uuids" type="checkbox" value="{{ watch.uuid}} "/> <span>{{ loop.index }}</span></td>
    78 78   <td class="inline watch-controls">
    79  - <a class="state-{{'on' if watch.paused }}" href="{{url_for('index', op='pause', uuid=watch.uuid, tag=active_tag)}}"><img src="{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='pause.svg')}}" alt="Pause checks" title="Pause checks"/></a>
     79 + {% if not watch.paused %}
     80 + <a class="state-off" href="{{url_for('index', op='pause', uuid=watch.uuid, tag=active_tag)}}"><img src="{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='pause.svg')}}" alt="Pause checks" title="Pause checks"/></a>
     81 + {% else %}
     82 + <a class="state-on" href="{{url_for('index', op='pause', uuid=watch.uuid, tag=active_tag)}}"><img src="{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='play.svg')}}" alt="UnPause checks" title="UnPause checks"/></a>
     83 + {% endif %}
    80 84   <a class="state-{{'on' if watch.notification_muted}}" href="{{url_for('index', op='mute', uuid=watch.uuid, tag=active_tag)}}"><img src="{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='bell-off.svg')}}" alt="Mute notifications" title="Mute notifications"/></a>
    81 85   </td>
    82 86   <td class="title-col inline">{{watch.title if watch.title is not none and watch.title|length > 0 else watch.url}}
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