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cdebug - experimental container debugger (WIP)

A handy way to troubleshoot containers lacking a shell and/or debugging tools (e.g, scratch, slim, or distroless):

# Simple (busybox)
$ cdebug exec -it <target-container>

# Advanced (shell + ps + vim)
$ cdebug exec -it --image <target-container>

The cdebug exec command is some sort of crossbreeding of docker exec and kubectl debug commands. You point the tool at a running container, say what toolkit image to use, and it starts a debugging "sidecar" container that feels like a docker exec session into the target container:

  • The root filesystem of the debugger is the root filesystem of the target container.
  • The target container isn't recreated and/or restarted.
  • No extra volumes or copying of debugging tools is needed.
  • The debugging tools are available in the target container.

Currently supported toolkit images:

Supported runtimes:

  • Docker (via the socket file)
  • containerd (via the socket file) - coming soon
  • Kubernetes CRI (via the CRI gRPC API) - coming later
  • Kubernetes (via the API server) - coming later
  • runc or alike (via directly invoking the CLI) - coming later.

Demo 1: An interactive shell with busybox

First, a target container is needed. Let's use a distroless nodejs image for that:

docker run -d --rm \
  --name my-distroless \
  -e 'setTimeout(() => console.log("Done"), 99999999)'

Now, let's start an interactive shell (using busybox) into the above container:

cdebug exec -it my-distroless

Exploring the filesystem shows that it's a rootfs of the nodejs container:

/ $# ls -lah
total 60K
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Oct 17 23:49 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Oct 17 23:49 ..
👉 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root     root          18 Oct 17 23:49 .cdebug-c153d669 -> /proc/55/root/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           0 Oct 17 19:49 .dockerenv
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        4.0K Jan  1  1970 bin
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        4.0K Jan  1  1970 boot
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root         340 Oct 17 19:49 dev
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Oct 17 19:49 etc
drwxr-xr-x    3 nonroot  nonroot     4.0K Jan  1  1970 home
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Jan  1  1970 lib
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        4.0K Jan  1  1970 lib64
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root        4.0K Jan  1  1970 nodejs

Notice 👉 above - that's where the debugging tools live:

/ $# echo $PATH

The process tree of the debugger container is the process tree of the target:

/ # ps auxf
    1 root      0:00 /nodejs/bin/node -e setTimeout(() => console.log("Done"),
   13 root      0:00 sh -c  set -euo pipefail  sleep 999999999 & SANDBOX_PID=$!
   19 root      0:00 sleep 999999999
   21 root      0:00 sh
   28 root      0:00 [sleep]
   39 root      0:00 [sleep]
   45 root      0:00 ps auxf

Demo 2: An interactive shell with code editor

If the tools provided by busybox aren't enough, you can bring your own tools with a little huge help of the nixery project:

cdebug exec -it --image my-distroless

Demo 3: An interactive shell with tshark and other advanced tools

Even more powerful exammple:

cdebug exec -it --image my-distroless

How it works

The technique is based on the ideas from this blog post. Oversimplifying, the debugger container is started like:

docker run [-it] \
  --network container:<target> \
  --pid container:<target> \
  --uts container:<target> \
  sh -c <<EOF
ln -s /proc/$$/root/bin/ /proc/1/root/.cdebug

export PATH=$PATH:/.cdebug
chroot /proc/1/root sh

The secret sauce is the symlink + PATH modification + chroot-ing.


Q: Running cdebug exec fails with rm: cannot remove '/proc/1/root/nix': Permission denied or ln: /proc/1/root/.cdebug-XXXXXXXX: Permission denied.

Chances are your target container has been started with elevated permissions while you're trying to run a non-privileged debugger sidecar. Try cdebug exec --privileged instead.

Similar tools

  • docker-slim debug - a PoC debug command for DockerSlim (contributed by D4N)
  • debug-ctr - a debugger that creates a new container out of the original container with the toolkit mounted in a volume (by Felipe Cruz Martinez)
  • docker-opener - a multi-purpose tool that in particular can run a shell session into your container (and if there is no shell inside, it'll bring its own busybox).
  • cntr - is "a replacement for docker exec that brings all your developers tools with you" by mounting the file system from one container (or the host) into the target container and creating a nested container with the help of a FUSE filesystem. Supports a huge range of runtimes (docker, podman, LXC/LXD, rkt, systemd-nspawn, containerd) because it operates on the OS level.


  • Make exec accept (partial) container IDs (only names are supported at the moment)
  • Terminal resizing (example)
  • More exec flags (like in docker run): --cap-add, --cap-drop, --env, --volume, etc.
  • Helper command(s) suggesting nix(ery) packages
  • E2E Tests
  • Cross-platform builds + goreleaser
  • Non-docker runtimes (containerd, runc, k8s)


It's a pre-alpha with no sound design yet, so I may not be accepting all PRs. Sorry about that :)

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