Projects STRLCPY btcrecover Commits f774485f
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    29 29  # (all optional futures for 2.7)
    30 30  from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
    31 31   
    32  -__version__ = "0.17.6"
     32 +__version__ = "0.17.7"
    33 33  __ordering_version__ = b"0.6.4" # must be updated whenever password ordering changes
    34 34   
    35 35  import sys, argparse, itertools, string, re, multiprocessing, signal, os, cPickle, gc, \
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    4098 4098   global password_dups, token_combination_dups, passwordlist_warnings
    4099 4099   password_dups = token_combination_dups = None
    4100 4100   passwordlist_warnings = 0
     4101 + # (re)set the min_typos argument default values to 0
     4102 + capslock_typos_generator.func_defaults = (0,)
     4103 + swap_typos_generator .func_defaults = (0,)
     4104 + simple_typos_generator .func_defaults = (0,)
     4105 + insert_typos_generator .func_defaults = (0,)
    4101 4106  #
    4102 4107  def password_generator(chunksize = 1, only_yield_count = False):
    4103 4108   assert chunksize > 0, "password_generator: chunksize > 0"
    4104 4109   # Used to communicate between typo generators the number of typos that have been
    4105 4110   # created so far during each password generated so that later generators know how
    4106  - # many additional typos, at most, they are permitted to add
     4111 + # many additional typos, at most, they are permitted to add, and also if it is
     4112 + # the last typo generator that will run, how many, at least, it *must* add
    4107 4113   global typos_sofar
    4108 4114   typos_sofar = 0
    4109 4115   
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    4120 4126   
    4121 4127   # Copy a few globals into local for a small speed boost
    4122 4128   l_generator_product = generator_product
    4123  - l_args_min_typos = args.min_typos
    4124 4129   l_regex_only = regex_only
    4125 4130   l_regex_never = regex_never
    4126 4131   l_password_dups = password_dups
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    4138 4143   if args.typos_insert: modification_generators.append( insert_typos_generator )
    4139 4144   modification_generators_len = len(modification_generators)
    4140 4145   
     4146 + # Only the last typo generator needs to enforce a min-typos requirement
     4147 + if args.min_typos:
     4148 + assert modification_generators[-1] != expand_wildcards_generator
     4149 + # set the min_typos argument default value
     4150 + modification_generators[-1].func_defaults = (args.min_typos,)
     4151 + 
    4141 4152   # The base password generator is set in parse_arguments(); it's either an iterable
    4142 4153   # or a generator function (which returns an iterator) that produces base passwords
    4143 4154   # usually based on either a tokenlist file (as parsed above) or a passwordlist file.
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    4165 4176   modification_iterator = (password_base,)
    4166 4177   
    4167 4178   for password in modification_iterator:
    4168  - 
    4169  - if typos_sofar < l_args_min_typos: continue
    4170 4179   
    4171 4180   # Check the password against the --regex-only and --regex-never options
    4172 4181   if l_regex_only and not l_regex_only .search(password): continue
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    4809 4818  # capslock_typos_generator() is a generator function which tries swapping the case of
    4810 4819  # the entire password (producing just one variation of the password_base in addition
    4811 4820  # to the password_base itself)
    4812  -def capslock_typos_generator(password_base):
     4821 +def capslock_typos_generator(password_base, min_typos = 0):
    4813 4822   global typos_sofar
    4814 4823   
     4824 + min_typos -= typos_sofar
     4825 + if min_typos > 1: return # this generator can't ever generate more than 1 typo
     4826 + 
    4815 4827   # Start with the unmodified password itself, and end if there's nothing left to do
    4816  - yield password_base
     4828 + if min_typos <= 0: yield password_base
    4817 4829   if typos_sofar >= args.typos: return
    4818 4830   
    4819 4831   password_swapped = password_base.swapcase()
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    4827 4839  # of the password_base where zero or more pairs of adjacent characters are swapped. Even
    4828 4840  # when multiple swapping typos are requested, any single character is never swapped more
    4829 4841  # than once per generated password.
    4830  -def swap_typos_generator(password_base):
     4842 +def swap_typos_generator(password_base, min_typos = 0):
    4831 4843   global typos_sofar
    4832 4844   # Copy a few globals into local for a small speed boost
    4833 4845   l_xrange = xrange
    skipped 1 lines
    4835 4847   l_args_nodupchecks = args.no_dupchecks
    4836 4848   
    4837 4849   # Start with the unmodified password itself
    4838  - yield password_base
     4850 + min_typos -= typos_sofar
     4851 + if min_typos <= 0: yield password_base
    4839 4852   
    4840 4853   # First swap one pair of characters, then all combinations of 2 pairs, then of 3,
    4841 4854   # up to the max requested or up to the max number swappable (whichever's less). The
    4842 4855   # max number swappable is len // 2 because we never swap any single character twice.
    4843 4856   password_base_len = len(password_base)
    4844 4857   max_swaps = min(args.max_typos_swap, args.typos - typos_sofar, password_base_len // 2)
    4845  - for swap_count in l_xrange(1, max_swaps + 1):
     4858 + for swap_count in l_xrange(max(1, min_typos), max_swaps + 1):
    4846 4859   typos_sofar += swap_count
    4847 4860   
    4848 4861   # Generate all possible combinations of swapping exactly swap_count characters;
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    4896 4909  # itself isn't very simple... it's called "simple" because the functions in the Configurables
    4897 4910  # section which simple_typos_generator() calls are simple; they are collectively called
    4898 4911  # simple typo generators)
    4899  -def simple_typos_generator(password_base):
     4912 +def simple_typos_generator(password_base, min_typos = 0):
    4900 4913   global typos_sofar
    4901 4914   # Copy a few globals into local for a small speed boost
    4902 4915   l_xrange = xrange
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    4907 4920   assert len(enabled_simple_typos) > 0, "simple_typos_generator: at least one simple typo enabled"
    4908 4921   
    4909 4922   # Start with the unmodified password itself
    4910  - yield password_base
     4923 + min_typos -= typos_sofar
     4924 + if min_typos <= 0: yield password_base
    4911 4925   
    4912 4926   # First change all single characters, then all combinations of 2 characters, then of 3, etc.
    4913 4927   password_base_len = len(password_base)
    4914 4928   max_typos = min(sum_max_simple_typos, args.typos - typos_sofar, password_base_len)
    4915  - for typos_count in l_xrange(1, max_typos + 1):
     4929 + for typos_count in l_xrange(max(1, min_typos), max_typos + 1):
    4916 4930   typos_sofar += typos_count
    4917 4931   
    4918 4932   # Pre-calculate all possible permutations of the chosen simple_typos_choices
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    5003 5017  # insert_typos_generator() is a generator function which inserts one or more strings
    5004 5018  # from the typos_insert_expanded list between every pair of characters in password_base,
    5005 5019  # as well as at its beginning and its end.
    5006  -def insert_typos_generator(password_base):
     5020 +def insert_typos_generator(password_base, min_typos = 0):
    5007 5021   global typos_sofar
    5008 5022   # Copy a few globals into local for a small speed boost
    5009 5023   l_max_adjacent_inserts = args.max_adjacent_inserts
    skipped 1 lines
    5011 5025   l_itertools_product = itertools.product
    5012 5026   
    5013 5027   # Start with the unmodified password itself
    5014  - yield password_base
     5028 + min_typos -= typos_sofar
     5029 + if min_typos <= 0: yield password_base
    5015 5030   
    5016 5031   password_base_len = len(password_base)
    5017 5032   assert l_max_adjacent_inserts > 0
    skipped 7 lines
    5025 5040   max_inserts = min(args.max_typos_insert, args.typos - typos_sofar, password_base_len + 1)
    5026 5041   
    5027 5042   # First insert a single string, then all combinations of 2 strings, then of 3, etc.
    5028  - for inserts_count in l_xrange(1, max_inserts + 1):
     5043 + for inserts_count in l_xrange(max(1, min_typos), max_inserts + 1):
    5029 5044   typos_sofar += inserts_count
    5030 5045   
    5031 5046   # Select the indexes (some possibly the same) of exactly inserts_count characters
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    469 469   if tstr != unicode: self.skipTest("Unicode mode only")
    470 470   self.do_generator_test(["Один2Три"], ["Один2Три", "оДИН2тРИ"],
    471 471   "--typos-capslock --typos 2 -d", True)
     472 + def test_capslock_min_1(self):
     473 + self.do_generator_test(["One2Three"], ["oNE2tHREE"],
     474 + "--typos-capslock --typos 2 -d --min-typos 1", True)
     475 + def test_capslock_min_2(self):
     476 + self.do_generator_test(["One2Three"], [],
     477 + "--typos-capslock --typos 2 -d --min-typos 2", True)
    472 478   
    473 479   def test_swap(self):
    474 480   self.do_generator_test(["abcdd"], ["abcdd", "bacdd", "acbdd", "abdcd", "badcd"],
    skipped 1 lines
    476 482   def test_swap_max(self):
    477 483   self.do_generator_test(["abcdd"], ["abcdd", "bacdd", "acbdd", "abdcd"],
    478 484   "--typos-swap --max-typos-swap 1 --typos 2 -d", True)
     485 + def test_swap_min_1(self):
     486 + self.do_generator_test(["abcdd"], ["bacdd", "acbdd", "abdcd", "badcd"],
     487 + "--typos-swap --typos 2 -d --min-typos 1", True)
     488 + def test_swap_min_2(self):
     489 + self.do_generator_test(["abcdd"], ["badcd"],
     490 + "--typos-swap --typos 2 -d --min-typos 2", True)
     491 + def test_swap_min_3(self):
     492 + self.do_generator_test(["abcdd"], [],
     493 + "--typos-swap --typos 3 -d --min-typos 3", True)
    479 494   
    480 495   def test_repeat(self):
    481 496   self.do_generator_test(["abc"], ["abc", "aabc", "abbc", "abcc", "aabbc", "aabcc", "abbcc"],
    skipped 1 lines
    483 498   def test_repeat_max(self):
    484 499   self.do_generator_test(["abc"], ["abc", "aabc", "abbc", "abcc"],
    485 500   "--typos-repeat --max-typos-repeat 1 --typos 2 -d", True)
     501 + def test_repeat_min_1(self):
     502 + self.do_generator_test(["abc"], ["aabc", "abbc", "abcc", "aabbc", "aabcc", "abbcc"],
     503 + "--typos-repeat --typos 2 -d --min-typos 1", True)
     504 + def test_repeat_min_2(self):
     505 + self.do_generator_test(["abc"], ["aabbc", "aabcc", "abbcc"],
     506 + "--typos-repeat --typos 2 -d --min-typos 2", True)
     507 + def test_repeat_min_4(self):
     508 + self.do_generator_test(["abc"], [],
     509 + "--typos-repeat --typos 4 -d --min-typos 4", True)
    486 510   
    487 511   def test_delete(self):
    488 512   self.do_generator_test(["abc"], ["abc", "bc", "ac", "ab", "c", "b", "a"],
    skipped 27 lines
    516 540   self.do_generator_test(["abc"],
    517 541   ["abc", "Xabc", "aXbc", "abXc", "abcX"],
    518 542   "--typos-insert X --max-typos-insert 1 --typos 2 -d", True)
     543 + def test_insert_min_1(self):
     544 + self.do_generator_test(["abc"],
     545 + ["Xabc", "aXbc", "abXc", "abcX", "XaXbc", "XabXc", "XabcX", "aXbXc", "aXbcX", "abXcX"],
     546 + "--typos-insert X --typos 2 -d --min-typos 1", True)
     547 + def test_insert_min_2(self):
     548 + self.do_generator_test(["abc"],
     549 + ["XaXbc", "XabXc", "XabcX", "aXbXc", "aXbcX", "abXcX"],
     550 + "--typos-insert X --typos 2 -d --min-typos 2", True)
     551 + def test_insert_min_5(self):
     552 + self.do_generator_test(["abc"], [],
     553 + "--typos-insert X --typos 5 -d --min-typos 5", True)
    519 554   def test_insert_adjacent_1(self):
    520 555   self.do_generator_test(["ab"], ["ab", "Xab", "aXb", "abX", "XXab", "XaXb", "XabX", "aXXb", "aXbX", "abXX"],
    521 556   "--typos-insert X --typos 2 --max-adjacent-inserts 2 -d", True)
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